papoula ( member #39079) posted at 11:04 PM on Sunday, March 6th, 2022
I don't believe in karma or in what goes around comes back around but I do believe that people lives have up and downs, high and lows and I hope yours have lots of lows and downs. I can't wait to see you suffering and pay for all you did to me and I will laugh so hard.
You won't never be happy because you can't be truthful. All you do is deceive people and lie and no one can be happy like this.
I'm hurting so bad but I will move forward. I will get better. It will take a lot of time and work to heal all this trauma you caused but I will heal.
papoula ( member #39079) posted at 4:34 AM on Tuesday, March 15th, 2022
I wanted to talk to you tonight but I didn't. And I won't tomorrow too. Go to hell. You and you whore.
crazyblindsided ( member #35215) posted at 7:32 PM on Tuesday, March 15th, 2022
How the hell can you say we were such a happy family when you were barely a participant in it
pffffft go F yourself all the way off to the corner.
fBS/fWS(me):51 Mad-hattered after DD (2008)
XWS:53 Serial Cheater, Diagnosed NPD
DD(21) DS(18)
XWS cheated the entire M spanning 19 years
Discovered D-Days 2006,2008,2012, False R 2014
Divorced 8/8/24
Trust55 ( member #60672) posted at 2:32 AM on Thursday, March 17th, 2022
Liar liar liar liar liar. The general population can figure you out. So can your daughters and grandkids.
Me - BS - D Day 03.19.2017 ( 2 days before our 31 wedding anniversary)False R Divorce in progress FILED JUNE 2017,
TRIAL JUNE 2022! It’s pretty sad married to a LIAR and CHEATER.
Tallgirl ( member #64088) posted at 3:34 AM on Thursday, March 17th, 2022
I hug myself to sleep every night, because of you. At least the tears are done.
Yep over 4000 nights now.
For 3500 of those we were married.
May your dick shrivel and stay on as a nice reminder.
Riverz ( member #79713) posted at 9:29 PM on Thursday, March 17th, 2022
I fucking hate you for what you’ve done to me. You are an unbelievable CRUEL BASTARD who deserves a slow and painful death. You deceived me for so many years, pretending to love and care for me...pretending to be a good man, faithful and with morals. But you were and are anything but that! You are an EVIL piece of shit, lying cheating pig.
While I’m dealing with the immense trauma from your horrific betrayals, you continue to live your disgusting pathetic selfish vile life with people who are scumbags like you! You have completely abandoned me. You have no soul, no heart, no conscience!
I grieve for the 15 years that I wasted on you...15 years that I will never get back. Fuck you, you pathetic loser piece of dog shit. I hope you rot...I hope you get an incurable STI, and your dick falls deserve every evil that will come your way...and it will get what you deserve. And you never deserved me, you fucking loser!
Tallgirl ( member #64088) posted at 3:54 PM on Saturday, March 19th, 2022
Why do you call me when you have trouble.. . Why do I care.
It really is not fair.
TheWorldYouWant ( member #78447) posted at 6:58 PM on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022
(I'm in-house separated so it's not possible to have no contact, but it is possible to have low contact and for it to be drama-free contact about essential matters only, so that is what I'm holding myself to.)
I miss you so much today. It's a gorgeous sunny day and we should be drinking our coffee together and enjoying the beauty of the day. We should be planning our weekend, joking around, enjoying life. But we're not, because you are unrepentant and have decided that you cannot/will not change your brain and your patterns. I'm really sad. But I am not reaching out, I am not comforting you, I'm not finding out how you are, I'm not telling you that I miss you, I'm not revealing my emotions. I see that you're about to have your 4th coffee for the morning and that's a lot and it kind of worries me! But I am not saying anything or reacting in any way.
Keeping it LC, LC, LC, LC, LC. I hate this. But I didn't do it, you did. And now I have to focus only on my own healing and creating the life that I want and need for myself, which doesn't include a liar/cheater who won't change.
hcsv ( member #51813) posted at 7:24 AM on Saturday, March 26th, 2022
My mom passed away tonight. You didnt even know she was sick, you didnt know that Ive spent the last two months away from home and work to care for her.
You two had so much fun together in the 40 years we were together. She adored you......until you broke that too. It was all just collateral damage to you, wasnt it?
After 40 years, ex turned into someone I didnt know and couldnt trust anymore. Divorced. 1/17
BraveinAdversity ( new member #79863) posted at 2:19 PM on Saturday, March 26th, 2022
You are a sick and twisted, despicable human being; broken beyond all repair. You don't even want to spend Mothers day with your son, why? Because you prefer to spend it with him. It makes me feel so bloody angry that you put your own selfish needs above a your own child.
Dig deep, this shit is hard, but you got this!
LonelyHolidays ( member #79775) posted at 10:06 PM on Saturday, March 26th, 2022
I saw the stbxw this morning. I’m watching her dog while she drinks wine in Napa today with her AP and friend. I’m drinking alone and hate she’s abruptly messed up my life and my kids’ lives. I need her to go away and not text, call or contact me. It’s rough.
Tired of her games. BH. Married 20 years. 2 sons 16 and 20. Going through divorce since September, 2021.
crazyblindsided ( member #35215) posted at 11:23 PM on Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
fBS/fWS(me):51 Mad-hattered after DD (2008)
XWS:53 Serial Cheater, Diagnosed NPD
DD(21) DS(18)
XWS cheated the entire M spanning 19 years
Discovered D-Days 2006,2008,2012, False R 2014
Divorced 8/8/24
leafields ( Guide #63517) posted at 3:23 PM on Thursday, April 21st, 2022
You are such an emotionally draining jerk. I think it's hilarious that your sons don't want to see you and they aren't going to your wedding. You're never going to change and I'm so glad I no longer have to put up with your sorry a$$.
BW M 34years, Dday 1: March 2018, Dday 2: August 2019, D final 2/25/21
Trust55 ( member #60672) posted at 9:44 PM on Monday, April 25th, 2022
It is so hard to see WH true colors until 5 weeks before the trial
Me - BS - D Day 03.19.2017 ( 2 days before our 31 wedding anniversary)False R Divorce in progress FILED JUNE 2017,
TRIAL JUNE 2022! It’s pretty sad married to a LIAR and CHEATER.
LostandBroken900 ( member #80201) posted at 10:28 PM on Monday, April 25th, 2022
Why did you text me all those pictures yesterday? What was your real motivation? I want to know. Have you realized what you’re about to lose? Do you miss me? I see your snap(chat) score climbing. I know you’re still talking to her. Were you trying to see if I would give in? This isn’t a game. I am LEAVING you.
[This message edited by LostandBroken900 at 10:31 PM, Monday, April 25th]
D-Day 3/4/22-3/6/22 - Ongoing
Me: 40F WS: 36M Married 2012 - Currently separated, working on divorce.
FuturewasStolen ( member #74119) posted at 12:00 AM on Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
Do you think the daily FaceTime calls are for you?? They’re not!! They are for your boys!!! You are gone all week long and those phone calls are the only contact they get from you. Yes, they are little and they suck at FaceTime. They get distracted and don’t want to talk. That’s not the point!!! The point is then hearing from your mouth that you love them!! How hard is that?!? You literally take 5 minutes out of your day to remind them that you love them. It’s not about you!!!! You see it as they don’t want to talk to you so you’re not gonna bother with it. You are so self absorbed and selfish!!!!! And by the way, don’t think I don’t know you are calling from your slut’s house!! You just always happen yo. All while you’re in your truck, uhhh ok. And let’s talk about that! You call them when you can’t even pay attention to them!! Little Ben is calling your name over and over again and you’re not even paying attention!! You selfish asshole!! It takes 5 minutes and you can’t even give them that. You are a narcissist. I’m disgusted with you. It’s embarrassing that I was married to you.
LostandBroken900 ( member #80201) posted at 1:49 AM on Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
What are you up to tonight? Are you with her?
D-Day 3/4/22-3/6/22 - Ongoing
Me: 40F WS: 36M Married 2012 - Currently separated, working on divorce.
GiveTimeTime ( member #45868) posted at 12:05 AM on Thursday, April 28th, 2022
Hey, Whore Fucker.
Remember that amazing Caribbean resort we used to go to all the time? It was our happy place. Our home.
I don’t imagine you’ll ever be going there again. Too many people there know what you did and are grossed out by you. Plus, I took mostly everything in our divorce, so I don’t imagine you could even afford a plane ticket anyway.
Anyway, turns out, I’ve been sleeping with the owner of the resort for a few years now, so I go whenever I want for free. I just returned from nearly 3 weeks there. It was absolutely amazing. All inclusive, all the food and drink I could want Lots of swimming in the Caribbean Sea. Saw old friends, made new friends, had sex with whoever I felt like having sex with.
Last I heard you moved back to North Jersey. Heard it’s cold and rainy there today. That must suck. Do you still have to pay girls to fuck you? I imagine you do.
Anyway, enjoy that New Jersey transit commute in the cold rain and snow. I’ll be heading back down to the Caribbean in June. And October. 🖕
Me: 50 Him: 59Married 14 years, together 19.D-day: 3/6/14Me; loving, devoted, faithful wifeHim: lying, cheating, wh0re fu€king john6/4/15 - Divorced. Done. I wasn't kidding, asshole.
Elle2 ( member #64338) posted at 1:28 AM on Thursday, April 28th, 2022
The lies. I can't handle the lies. The half truths and omissions. What hurts more is people I considered friends, people that were at OUR WEDDING see you with a new girl. Not even 3 weeks from me finding out about the last girl. 3 weeks since you left. You have plans with her. But you have been waxing poetic to me about trying to get together. I hate you for making me think I deserve this type of "love". I hate you for doing this to our children. You will always blame me, and I'm ok with that. I know the truth. And you may go and tell anyone who wants to listen your "truth" and that's ok too. Because the people that matter will know who you really are. They've seen flashes of your anger and rage. Of your sharp tongue. They now know who you really are.
Me: BW. WH had multiple EAs. DDay 1 June 25 2018,-DDay2 4/9/2022. I’d had a hunch for a few weeks. Kicked him out and he found a new friend which was the start of EA3. DDay 4 EA 5/7/2024
LonelyHolidays ( member #79775) posted at 3:33 PM on Friday, April 29th, 2022
Your AP gets the version of you I wanted. You said it wasn’t "working" with us. I was willing to work on our relationship and myself. You wouldn’t ever work on yourself or us. You are open to him physically and emotionally in a way you weren’t to me. Even the fact that he has a beard is unfair. You wouldn’t even kiss me if I hadn’t shaved. You said "my skin is sensitive!" "Marry someone else if that’s a problem!" Somehow he must have magically soft facial hair because you accept him and criticized me until you finally just left me like garbage. I was never an equal in your eyes. I was less than you physically and emotionally in your mind. Someone paid attention to you and you threw away twenty years and not only me who loved you but my extended family and our kids were not as important as your desire to have excitement we couldn’t provide.
[This message edited by LonelyHolidays at 3:50 PM, Friday, April 29th]
Tired of her games. BH. Married 20 years. 2 sons 16 and 20. Going through divorce since September, 2021.