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SI Prayers/Mojo Request...Cancer


StillLivin ( member #40229) posted at 1:04 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

OMG. I'm so sorry. I've been praying for both of you. I can't find the words to express how sorry I am for your loss.

"Bitch please a good man can't be stolen." ROFLMAO - SBB: 7/2/2014

posts: 6178   ·   registered: Aug. 8th, 2013   ·   location: AZ
id 7738976

annb ( member #22386) posted at 1:04 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

No words. Heaven has gained an angel....DS blessed so many of us here just by keeping this site going for all these years.

My deepest condolences to MH.

I am so sorry.

posts: 12217   ·   registered: Jan. 10th, 2009   ·   location: Northeast
id 7738977

BlueIris ( member #47551) posted at 1:05 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

MH, I don't know that I have the right words to convey just how grateful I am to you and DS. I don't doubt that SI has been instrumental in saving my marriage, and also, that the many good people here kept me afloat when I was certain that I would sink.

I am heartbroken for you, and for your family and close friends, who love and will miss this beautiful, wonderful, dear woman - and for the rest of us who will carry a part of her legacy in our hearts forever. Peace and strength to you.

[This message edited by BlueIris at 7:06 PM, December 26th (Monday)]

BW | Dday 2-20-2015 + TT for several weeks

"The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off."

posts: 1711   ·   registered: Apr. 15th, 2015   ·   location: State of Disbelief
id 7738978

HoldingTogether ( member #29429) posted at 1:22 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

Words cannot express the loss, nor can they express the depth of my heartache for you MH. There was a time in my life, not too long ago, when I felt that I had cried all of the tears that could possibly have been contained within me. Today I once again find that I was wrong.

One of the remarkable things about DS was always her ability to instantly make someone feel welcomed into her life and loved. I don't know that I've ever met anyone who made me feel so comfortable and at home so quickly. I am humbled and honored to have known her and I will cherish and hold those memories close to me always.

I know that the world seems a little darker now but we should all take comfort in the knowledge the her light continues to shine in all of the countless hearts and lives that she has touched and enriched. That light will continue to shine and grow here on SI as long as we all strive to carry on and keep her legacy alive.

I will miss you DS, always.

[This message edited by HoldingTogether at 7:24 PM, December 26th (Monday)]

You keep waiting for the dust to settle, and then, one day you realize... This is it, that dust is your life going on around you.

posts: 10000   ·   registered: Aug. 25th, 2010   ·   location: New Life
id 7738995

waitedwaytoolong ( member #51519) posted at 1:26 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

So very sorry for you loss. The legacy you both created here is a testament to a great spirit

I am the cliched husband whose wife had an affair with the electrician


posts: 2217   ·   registered: Jan. 26th, 2016
id 7738997

SpecialK ( member #42372) posted at 1:54 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

My heart hurts. Praying that GOD cover you MH, and your family with peace and grace and help you heal.

And miles to go......

posts: 1906   ·   registered: Feb. 5th, 2014   ·   location: Southeastern USA
id 7739014

JustDone ( member #9742) posted at 2:00 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

I am so so sorry, sending my deepest condolences.


Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.

posts: 3058   ·   registered: Feb. 12th, 2006
id 7739021

JanaGreen ( member #29341) posted at 2:10 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

I'm so sorry for your loss MH. DS was a blessing to so many in our time of worst need. ((((((MH)))))

posts: 9505   ·   registered: Aug. 17th, 2010   ·   location: Southeast US
id 7739025

atalosss ( member #47882) posted at 2:12 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

MH and family, I'm just so sorry!

"You can't ride two horses with one ass" Channel66

posts: 1098   ·   registered: May. 14th, 2015   ·   location: canada
id 7739026

Catwoman ( member #1330) posted at 2:43 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

Words are inadequate to capture her spirit, her courage and most of all, her dedication to her beloved MH.

I was honored to meet her in person a few years ago in Boston. I will cherish the time we spent together.

She leaves a magnificent legacy in this site and all the people she has helped over so many years.

Godspeed, dear DS. Thank you for taking the time to say goodbye. I love you.


FBS: Married 20 years, 2 daughters 27 and 24. Divorced by the grace of GOD.
D-Days: 2/23/93; 10/11/97; 3/5/03
Ex & OW Broke up 12-10
"An erection does not count as personal growth."

posts: 33182   ·   registered: Apr. 5th, 2003   ·   location: Ohio
id 7739054

cjonesjag ( member #10617) posted at 3:55 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

I feel like I've lost a family member.

We all have shared so many of our darkest moments with this couple (along with some pretty funny times as well).

Of all the unfair things I've lived through/seen/heard, this seems like the unfairest of all.

Rest in peace, DS. Your soul shines brightest, I'm sure.

Me (BS):50
Him(WTFH):51 Married: 05/26/2002
DD#1: 09/2005 (EA) DD#2: 09/2006
Mini-DDays: Many. Mostly online
DIVORCED 10/20/10
It's not what you've got, it's what you give.
It ain't the life you choose, it's the life you live

posts: 6405   ·   registered: May. 7th, 2006   ·   location: Michigan
id 7739109

JellyGirl84 ( member #41717) posted at 4:02 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

I am so sorry to learn of her passing. She and I exchanged only two PMs since I joined this site in 2010, and they were recent. In one of them we briefly discussed how hard she was fighting to kick cancer's ass. She did not pass away complacently, without giving it her best fight.

Thank you both, for making something positive out of the most devastating thing to happen to marriage; so that you could help others. She leaves behind a legacy. You are in our thoughts and prayers, MH.

BW, 35
Dday in Nov. '13
Divorced in June '14

posts: 813   ·   registered: Dec. 19th, 2013   ·   location: Eastern USA
id 7739116

OwningItNow ( member #52288) posted at 4:20 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

I am so, so very sorry, MH.

Sending deeply heartfelt prayers to you and your family.

A terrible loss.

me: BS/WS h: WS/BS

Reject the rejector. Do not reject yourself.

posts: 5910   ·   registered: Mar. 16th, 2016   ·   location: Midwest
id 7739120

luvedmypbear ( member #25690) posted at 4:27 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016


I haven't visited SI in nearly a year but was drawn to thinking of coming here the past few days. My heart breaks to hear of DS' passing. This site saved my life and I am forever grateful.

I am so sorry. May her memory be eternal. My deepest sympathies.

luvedmypbear didn’t care what you thought. She knew she was a badass.

posts: 1140   ·   registered: Oct. 1st, 2009
id 7739124

nme1 ( member #44360) posted at 5:21 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

I wanted so badly to be able to write a fitting tribute to the woman who meant so much to so many, but looking around i realised that it wasn't needed. SI is the best tribute to DS, and stands as her legacy.

MH, we cannot know the depths of your despair. I hope you are surrounded by friends and family. It's hard to think of yourself when you've been caring for someone else, but now is the time to let others take care of you.


Me: BS
Him: WS
M 16 yrs 2 x DS
D-Day 6th March 2014

posts: 1361   ·   registered: Aug. 4th, 2014   ·   location: Australia
id 7739147

StillStanding1 ( member #40144) posted at 5:35 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

Heaven has gained an angel, but the loss here on earth is profound. DS and MH have left a legacy of hope, healing, and mercy in this hurting world and have impacted so many lives by their good work. MH, my deepest sympathy for your loss. I can't even imagine. Keeping you in my prayers.

Me: BS50s Him: WH50s
M 25 years - DD DS DS
LTA = 2+ yrs, Dday - 2/13, S for 1 year, now R

posts: 1632   ·   registered: Aug. 1st, 2013   ·   location: Midwest
id 7739153

Loukas ( member #47354) posted at 8:03 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

When I first came to SI, it was in complete despair. I had no future, no dreams, no hope. The support I've received here has saved my life. Something I'll forever be grateful for.

Months after joining SI I had the opportunity to fly halfway across this continent and meet MH and DS at a Dallas G2G. More than anything else on that trip, I wanted to thank you both for this site and all you've done for so many.

Well I got my opportunity, except it was DS thanking me!

That's the kindness and compassion that poured from her. I'm honoured to have had the opportunity to meet such an amazing person.

I'm so sorry for your loss, MH. You're both in my thoughts and prayers.

posts: 1862   ·   registered: Mar. 29th, 2015   ·   location: The school of hard knocks
id 7739199

Lovedyoumore ( member #35593) posted at 8:28 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

This site has saved me on numerous occaisons with the awesome group that you guys assembled here. Thank you really is not enough for the leadership you show that keeps the thing from falling apart. The emotions and grief could damn us all into a hole so deep that we could not recover, yet the example and guidance the admin has shown somehow makes it work.

Peace be with you.

Me 50's
WH 50's
Married 30+ years
2 young adult children
OW single 20 years younger
Together trying to R

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose

posts: 3626   ·   registered: May. 15th, 2012   ·   location: Southern, bless your heart
id 7739204

annanew ( member #43693) posted at 8:55 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

It happened so fast. I'm so sorry MH. Thank you DS for helping so many people, Rest In Peace.

Single mom to a sweet girl.

posts: 2500   ·   registered: Jun. 11th, 2014   ·   location: California
id 7739207

UKgirl ( member #17062) posted at 9:28 AM on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

I'm so sorry. As others have said, there are no words at a time like this. I feel DS was there for all. I've been coming here for nine years and for once I am speechless. My heart goes out to MH and all family and friends.

Sending my love. UKgirl

Affair1: Dday 30/07/06 LTA: 5yrs ex-fiancee Affair2: Dday 04/09/20 9mths another XHSgf.Me/BS, still young. Him/WS, old. 4 grown boysHaving an affair because you are unhappy is like eating Ex-lax because you are hungry - unfound's mom

posts: 4046   ·   registered: Nov. 17th, 2007   ·   location: UK
id 7739216
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