Newest Member: claire2000


Affair1: Dday 30/07/06 LTA: 5yrs ex-fiancee Affair2: Dday 04/09/20 9mths another XHSgf.Me/BS, still young. Him/WS, old. 4 grown boysHaving an affair because you are unhappy is like eating Ex-lax because you are hungry - unfound's mom

U.K Summer G.T.G - Who's up for it?

Miss Trust posted a few weeks ago for a get together. I’ve been on a few and they’re great! So, who’s ready and willing? Post your name and we’ll see what we can do. I guess if you can get to London or the home counties, that might be better. But only because there are more there than anywhere else.

Okay. I’m Derby/Notts/Staffs/S.Yorks so can do almost anywhere. London is fine (DS27 lives there), Birmingham is okay too. Nottingham, Derby, Manchester…….

I see earthangel could be up for it as could BrokenButTrying.

Three is enough, but the more the merrier! Might have to nudge a few who don't visit F&G. So send anyone here who might be interested.

Lunch at a tavern is the usual sort of venue, but anything could be considered. I could hold a house party, but I am a bit out on a limb……

17 comments posted: Saturday, February 20th, 2016

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