Hi Faithhopelove!
First off, sorry you had reason to come here, but you will find great support!
You may want to copy and paste the text you just posted, and create a new post in the Just Found Out forum. It's ok that you haven't literally just found out, it's just that this is a protected forum so that WS (wayward spouses) aren't allowed to post there. You'll get a lot of responses from various people there, and you'll even have the option to be sent an email notification when people reply.
If you're willing and feel comfortable getting responses from former waywards, you could post this same post in General instead.
No matter where you post, a lot of people will probably start asking you questions to get a broader picture of what you're dealing with. I'll start you off with a few that maybe you could answer in your initial post over there.
1. How many kids and what ages? Many people will say that this doesn't matter, but I know divorce weighs on those of us with kids heavily, especially when they are younger. Also, do the kids know/suspect anything?
2. Have you consulted a lawyer re: what divorce might look like for you? Consulting a lawyer doesn't mean you have to go through with a divorce, but it will give you a clearer picture on what to expect, what type of support you might get, if it would be feasible to stay in the house, etc. Best to consult several so you can get multiple opinions and points of view, with the bonus that any lawyer you consult with won't be able to take your husband's case due to conflict of interest. Knowledge is power!
3. Other than lip service, what has your husband been doing to prove that he is a safe and trustworthy partner to you? He has proven to be a liar, so it's understandable that you wouldn't trust any words coming out of his mouth right now. Actions over words!
Has he offered up transparency of all communication? This would look like allowing you to see all emails, social media, computer search histories etc. as well as go through his phone to see any and all messages, search histories, app usage etc. If he has deleted anything, there is phone recovery software you can download to try to recover some of it, however I know members here have used it to varying degrees of success, there are no guarantees.
Has he provided you with a timeline of all affairs, all forms of stepping out on your marriage? This should include dates to the best of his ability, which partner, which sex acts (if that is information you want to know, you can't put the toothpaste back into the tube on that one), as well as any types of communication. Were they texting on such and such day? What did they text each other? Did they used secretive apps meant for hiding communications? If so, which ones, and on what days. Many, many cheaters try to minimize and deny, many of them will hit you with TT (trickle truth), so getting them to write down as detailed of a timeline as they can is paramount. The further out you get from the infidelity, the more difficult it might be to remember the details, but it shouldn't matter, they should be doing everything they can to try to piece it together for you!
Has he gotten into IC (individual counseling, otherwise known as therapy) to work out why he chose to do this? Bisexual people are not less capable of commitment, so his attraction to men is simply not a real factor here. There are plenty of bisexual people in loving, committed relationships who do not cheat. It is on him to figure out why he chose cheating over talking to you, or even asking for a divorce.
Has he sent a NC (no contact) letter to any/all of his APs (affair partners)?
Has he offered to take a polygraph test?
4. Have you gotten yourself into IC? I know it's hard during this pandemic, but it would be really helpful for you to have support in processing this trauma. That's what all of this is, Trauma!
Waiting for the other shoe to drop is very common. You likely have symptoms of PTSD (many of us do, it's fairly common among BS (betrayed spouses)). All the more reason to seek professional help so you don't have to attempt to process this alone.
5. This is more advice, less of a question: Do NOT show your husband this site! After a long time of proving himself to you, it may be helpful for him to come here and work his own shit out over on Wayward Side, but we advise all newcomers to keep this as their safe space. Reason being that a WS could potentially read here and find him/herself a "playbook" of all the right things to say to convince you that they are truly remorseful and safe, only to further traumatize you because they have only learned to mimic remorse rather than truly embody it.
If there are helpful posts you would like him to read (many suggest some of the articles from the Healing Library), print them out and make sure to cut off any parts where the website is notated (like at the tops or bottom of pages). You can also copy and paste a post into a word document.
Please take a peek over at the Healing Library (on the left hand side of any page on this site). Helpful hint, if you click the tab at the top that says Abbreviations, you'll get a list of all of the abbreviations we typically use here that might help you decipher a lot. There is also a ton of good information for you as the BS.
I'm sorry if I just threw a lot at you, so process all of that at your own pace. Make sure to take care of yourself, it sounds like you have had numerous DDays, and those take a physical and emotional toll!