Ladies, it's been too long, so I actually went back and took notes so I could properly respond!
Coco - Love the dress. Bummer about the initial class being cancelled but awesome about the possibility of a regular gig! As to your CH and his thinking you talk to him like an idiot? HE IS ONE! But I get you on the respect. TBH, no respect for a partner is not good. And I understand why you have lost it for your CH. Not sure what he can do to earn it back.
GMC - Sorry you had to miss out on girl time. BUT I don't think it was a CoD mom thing. You had told her you would give her a ride. It's not like she knew she'd get cut, and to be honest, you are supporting her in the best way. Driving her to work is NOT driving her to a friend's house or something not super important. That's loving mom stuff right there. I love the homemade booze idea! No one in my family drinks and I don't feel like making anything for my in-laws. Maybe my friends will get some of that this Christmas!
Ellie - Douche said no to a bedazzler? WTF? I'd send you mine if you really want one. I used to work for a craft company and have those hot fixx crystals. I haven't touched the thing in at least 6 years. Your potato soup good? Sometimes the best thing about living alone I think would be that I could make soup and no one would complain. I would think it was a lovely dinner. Potato sounds tasty. Your friends sound like AMAZING ones. Love the social media burn for both your douche ex and his AP. I'm in CO about twice a year. Love the cool nights in the summer but I hate the cold winter and snow. My in-laws live there so we usually visit them. Maybe next time I'll sneak away and come see you! We can bedazzle shit together!
20Years - Ugh on the tire. Glad you maneuvered out safely. That's scary! Good luck with EMDR. I didn't have great luck, but some people really do well with it. Perhaps it can make Halloween less scary for you...
HHADL - Thanks for sharing, I now know all kinds of things about bra tape. Wish we'd been friends years ago when my boobs were nice. After 2 kids they weren't great, but the infidelity diet TWICE with 20 and 15 lb weight losses did them in. They are squishy deflated balloons now.
No bandaids will help. I need surgery to inflate the tops again.
WHAT'S RIGHT - Hi! Thanks for popping in, come back anytime. We say ridiculous things and laugh a lot.
Iwasyoung - Amen to that disclaimer. I need a sign around my neck that says leave me the FUCK alone. Proper for the PTA meetings or church service?
Lostheart - Well, bonus on Peter not being crude. Glad he is a nice distraction. Just go slow and enjoy making that friend. I am jealous that you can have a Met membership. I can spend days in NY museums. And on the "depth" BS? I HATE that. YOU were capable of depth. "Depth" with an AP is entirely fictitious. Authenticity means NOT LYING and that's all an affair is. Stupid fucker.
SOS - You are an amazing fighter. After pancreatic cancer, you lived in limbo for so long. I love that your girls are so loving and supportive. Making friends is hard. Definitely look into phone groups (I did a SAnon phone meeting). It helps to know you aren't alone and that REAL people with voices and everything have issues too.
CHAOS - I LOVE that you passed DDay 3 anniversary and didn't even give it a second fucking thought. OR A FIRST ONE! Amazing. I purposefully don't know DDay 2's date. I know it was the end of the month of May, but don't know the day. Same for the days WH fucked his AP. I don't want to clog my memory with his BULLSHIT. Maybe all of the dates be forgotten and when remembered brushed away like dust.
DaisyAnne - Sounds like a lovely time this weekend. Beer and nachos sound like a perfect time to me. Funny enough, we did breweries this weekend too - sans nachos and kids though. Trying to continue the "dates". As for remembering what they did, it's totally normal. I do it all the time. Have a good time and the voice in my head yells "THIS IS THE SAME FUCKER WHO FUCKED SOMEONE ELSE! HE IS AN ASSHOLE!" Makes for a confusing time, but eh, if he didn't want to deal with it, he shouldn't have done it, or he can leave. I make sure to tell him when I think it. Can't suffer alone!
As for Texans and their sissiness in the snow? Yes, that is very true. We shut down when it's kinda cold and ice will bring us to our knees.But with global warming, we haven't had to deal with a good snow in quite a few years here in North Texas. :)
I'm on my downward swing again. This weekend both of our kids are gone, and WH and I are planning to go through the timeline again and the "fishbowl" of questions that I have. I'm also going to start CPT with a therapist in November. We'll see how that all goes. For now, I am kind of in a state of denial about everything. Just ignoring feelings and doing what needs to be done. Not good for the long run, but surviving.
Happy Fucking Monday!
[This message edited by TX1995 at 5:06 PM, October 28th (Monday)]