Congrats coco .... that’s a big deal.
Well it’s official ladies....WBF has been change to exWBF.
I was sick yesterday. Fever chills, body aches. Just awful.
WBF calls me but only has literal 2 minutes to talk to me. I ask him to call me later...yup he will call me in couple of hours.
Did I get a call? Nope. Nothing.
You know...I’ve had it. This guy wants the relationship....but he can’t even follow thru with a phone call. Geeze just check up on me...even for 2 minutes would have made the world for me.
I call and ask what happened. He’s been so busy no time to call. But he’s been thinking of me all day. I ask how am I suppose to know he’s thinking of me when I hear nothing?
I’m told if I was patient ....he was going to text me at bedtime so I could wake up to a good morning feel better text. But since I’ve jumped the gun, I’m getting nothing.
I got told I’m too demonstrative....his wording. Yes, I need constant reassurance. I explained the A has changed things. I need consistent actions to start rebuilding trust.
If you say you’re going to call, please call me. You want to be my hero call me and ask how am I doing. I’m holding the A over his head. That I’m going manipulate him for forever. How many more times can he apologize? Blah know all the usual shit they say when they want us to rug sweep.
Told him I have a huge chuck of my heart missing and that phone call would have helped to heal a bit of it. He tells me ...what I’m describing is too big for him to take on.
Then he explains...I’m way too demonstrative for him. I’m looking for something he can never give.
In fact, when he thinks about ..... this is the reason he cheated. I apply too much pressure. I told him bullshit ....he chose and had took his free will to cheat. Yeah, that’s true BUT the affair was a symptom of this.
Wow...the story changes in two day.
Well, douchebag if it was a problem you never told me over the six months you had the affair. I was clueless
Just need to rant.....that fucking affair had nothing to do with me or our relationship. He was getting his dick and ego stroked.
I ask if he called MOW to stop no contact. Yes he did. I ask what was discussed. Told that’s none of my business.
He completely regrets what he has done but it’s obvious to him...I have no sympathy for him nor will I forgive him. I want to save this relationship....told me he’s done. We are finished. HE FEELS that he can’t ever make me happy. Well, fucker I was happy before A .... yeah not happy know. Plus, I’m supposed to forget everything and just go back to our relationship?
I know if he didn’t call me ....the strong part of me...would apply pressure (I’m not standing for old behavior) to see if he was full of shit.
Well as you ladies have warned me.....he’s full of shit.
I now know in my heart of heart....this guy is overwhelmed in his personal overwhelmed there’s absolutely no space to repair a relationship. He has no space in his fucked up head to have compassion.
This is for me to read...this is what I’m not loosing:
Cheat and an excellent liar.
About 130,000 in financial debt....had no idea how bad it was. He hid that from me until Sunday.
Never wants me to travel with him.....yup we know why.
Scattered. Always late. ALWAYS. sometimes up to 2 hours late.
Night owl...goes to bed at 1am to 3am. When I’m with him, I have to shift my sleep schedule.
His house is a mess - now to me - a reflection of who is inside. He hates my place too dusty and got cobwebs.
He’s always got an excuse...too busy, running behind, not in the mood, needs to care for mother, needs to travel, going places with friends. I’m really worn from that. I need to be a mans priority in his life. I’m not asking him to give up his life, but to see our relationship on the front burner unless something very urgent is happening. Maybe I’m dreaming.
It’s a dead duck.
Told him not to contact me. Ever.
Now he can fuck MOW without guilt.
Thanks for letting me ramble.