So. Here I am again ready to write another post. Its update time.
Some of you have followed my story. Synopsis is premarriage period of infidelity spanning at least 9 months in 2014, probably longer. 2 regular APs, a handful of one time sexual encounters, an encounter involving two one time partners in the backseat of the primary Aps car while he drove, allegedly not participating. Total denial of any PIV with this cast of colorful characters.
Now 11 years of trickle truth. Ww passed a polygraph in 2024. Subsequent discoveries however, cast doubt(more like discredited) polygraph result.
One of my discoveries was an audit of our old condoms that were lying around the house. This is my initial ledger of my findings.
" December 1, 2024
Telegram app
(Aps name) number in contacts not blocked, hidden contact by putting space in front of no name.
Multiple Secret emails going back to at least when working bev cart all the way to now.
A condom I never recall having an example of the brand(Crown), dont think i had ever seen, cannot buy in store locally, under a sex toy box from 2018 in her bedside drawer. Expired 2015.
Expired 2014 condoms, (trojan spermicidal) only 7 in box. Did not like, used others, usually did not use any. Two 36 count boxes of(trojan magnum) condoms in my bedside drawer. Condoms bought 2019, expiring 2024. Near always left condom wrappers in drawer. Rarely used condoms. boxes from 2019. 37 used condom wrappers in drawer, 16 unopened. 19 condoms unaccounted for. Sometimes used to cover toys, definitely not 19 times. Only one trip since 2019. Did not use any on trip.
Possible some wrappers left on floor and thrown away. Doubtful all accountable that way.
Any of this worthwhile?"
And heres my update;
March 9, 2025.
A little while after my condom audit back in December, one morning I woke up hearing Ww rustling around in her bedside drawer. She informed me she was cleaning up and putting the condom box of 7 condoms inside of the 2018 sex toy box. I didnt think anything of it at the time. I reaudited the condoms today. The number of expired condoms in that box has increased. Previous count was 7. Now there are 10. One of the ten is a trojan magnum expired 2019, not from the set of condoms at bedside drawer. Was from previous box(preceding the ones that expired 2024 in my bedside nightstand) of trojan magnums purchased 2014. Foil wrapper is crinkled, worn and was clearly stored in a wallet or clothing. The other two are trojan spermicidal from this box, now returned but were not present on dec 1, 2024 when I did first audit. (Ww) obviously had them somewhere ready to go from back then(circa 2014-2015), knew where, got them and put them in the box that morning so I wouldnt find.
Conclusion; still covering up, lying, hiding. Considering this checkmate for PIV.
An overnight bag in master closet has 8 trojan magnums expiring 2019 in it. A travel bag has one. These condoms were from the 2014 purchased box. They clearly are not where the three returned condoms came from and are probably from vacations between 2014-2019. But why so many in the overnight bag? Overnight bag also has mouthwash, shampoo, lotion, bodywash, contact case. Maybe nothing to learn here.
Post dinner update:
Confronted Ww about returned condoms on way to dinner this evening. Total Denial. Says one of us is going crazy. Says she is afraid she is doing things and not knowing it. Light accusal of me doing it, same as when jonathans number was not blocked, and individual texts found deleted from our text thread during our review of 2014 texts between us. Admits she might have carried condoms around, but did not use any. She said, "i feel gaslit". Yeah, me too."
We had a later conversation after I wrote this update. It was chock full of the same denials and tapdancing. But I took her upstairs and showed her the condoms. Upon seeing the crinkled magnum, she said, "maybe its from this purse I have in my car that has the perfect pocket to fit condoms". She produced the purse, and indeed, it has perfect zippered pockets to hold condoms. Hmm. She admitted to carrying condoms, but not using them. Says she returned them so I wouldnt find them in the purse because it would "look bad". But doesnt remember actually putting them back.
She began to narrativize that she was carrying the condoms for use with me. I countered that she has never produced a condom for us to use when we were about to have sex, and she admitted she might have been carrying them to use with other people if things got to far, but that they never did. Im so frustrated I could shit.
We just started with a new therapist, a betrayal specialist, a few days after this discovery. First meeting was ok. I have trepidation. Specialist wants to attribute memory problems to alcohol use back during 2014. I think thats bullshit but will see where it goes.
One of the things that has me scratching my head about all this is, why return the ancient expired condoms to the fucking box?
If she threw them out Id have never known. If I had good housekeeping, Id have never known. If I hadnt looked at everything in my world under a microscope, I wouldnt have caught it.
But now I fucking know.
[This message edited by 5bluedrops at 1:02 AM, Thursday, March 13th]