As you have surmised, my wife is high strung, emotional, sensitive. She didnt pass the polygraph by activating her sociopath powers.
A few theories;
Either she believed she wasnt lying, the polygrapher is bunk, or there is some exotic compartmentalization/dissociation at play.
I cant even ascribe probabilities to which is most likely.
The return of the long expired condoms to the box instead of the trash is a mystery. The morning after discussions and her admissions, I asked why not trash them? She threw her arms up in the air in frustration and called herself stupid as if shed never considered it.
She wasnt thinking clearly. I think it was divine intervention. A god thing.
The email addresses bother me. In 2020, she was made supervisory at the club, responsible for scheduling employees and inventory. In 2022, she was the food and beverage director, responsible for hiring as well. She claims these emails were used to create throwaway social media profiles to check on her subordinates for when they called out sick without tipping them off, among other things.
She admits the earliest ones may have been used for infidelity but cant confirm. She cleaned her regular email out in 2014 when I discovered the texts, thats probably when she started using a throwaway.
She neglected one in her regular email; a memo she sent herself in june, obvious discussions with J by context. Stuff about liking her for more than her body, calling her sexy, one more day on and then a fun day off, him saying she isnt allowed to be off when he has to be at work, hire him to keep the boys off of her, why arent you here cuddling, etc.
The only secret emails I could access were totally cleaned out, so something is wrong there. But its dust, so…..
I do see the point about it being abusive to come to celebrate learning the next destructive tidbit. Felt a little of myself there for sure
I also see the dilemma of drawing a line punishing getting the full truth. It sucks. Too many binds.
Im gonna develop a plan with this therapist, she seems to have an idea. Im hoping its not deep breaths.
Im aware Im not the first, and Im aware of the risk of self delusion on the front, back, and middle.
Just gonna take things day by day in a calm, measured, data dependent manner with an open mind towards better than expected outcomes.
[This message edited by 5bluedrops at 5:33 PM, Wednesday, March 26th]