Im proud of her for posting. It took a lot of balls to read what she read and show up here. It means alot to me that she did that. Shes a tough girl.
Id like to talk a bit about the alcohol issue. Ive written a bit in the past. But to be honest, Ive tried to make my feelings come out for 6 iterations since I got home and none of them did what I need to do any justice.
Instead, Ill share something I wrote previously that has an abridged version, but also the whole shebang.
Our previous therapist interrupted me in the middle of me going around in circles about the cheating I knew about and the reasons why I thought there was more and so on to say that in all the time I had spoken, I hadnt once given Ww an actionable need. She made a point. That weekend, I deep dived my hurt And came up with this list.
The therapist wasnt impressed, we went over it, and she looked at Ww and said
"four words. Understanding, honesty, communication, engagement. Thats all his list needs to say"
What a bitch.
I disagree, this list captures the core injuries for me. It might not be comprehensive but its personal and real and I made myself into a filet-o-fish by writing it.
what I need.
1. I need a better understanding about the period of infidelity. If more things happened than I know about, I need to know them. I need you to want me to have that understanding, as you understand it, distinct from giving me the minimum additional information you have to admit to, distinct from rewriting the events and how you felt about them to minimize/downplay, distinct from selective remembering.
2. I need to feel respected, restoration of honor, dignity
3. Genuine remorse, distinct from self pity, distinct from grief to have been discovered,distinct from self hatred, not a quick checking off of a list of conditions to fulfill the requirements of reconciliation.
4. I need what I have gone through and lost as a result of the infidelity to be empathically understood, downstream consequences accounted for so I can process them.
5. I need answers for and relief from controlling and jealous behaviors that preceded the infidelity and still continue. The irony is extremely cruel in retrospect to the infidelity.
6. I need justice. Not retributive justice, not a punishment, but restorative justice. Behavior of your own initiative to do right by me, to repair our relationship, to make amends.
7. I need to feel secure that you have stopped and wont engage in secretive romantic or sexual arrangements.
8. I need to resolve/accept the discrepancy between the relationship I thought we had with the relationship that is true.
9. I need you to be a safe partner for me to communicate my needs, feelings, and thoughts to.
10. I need time to be able to come to accept the things that occurred.
11. I need to know why this happened.
12. I need to feel secure that I wasnt settled for because of my safety and devotion, that you didnt choose me to use me
13. I need to resolve feeling rejected for offering to bring men into our bedroom for you, which you did not desire, understand or like conceptually, yet the infidelity transpired.
14. I need your help to resolve hurt about alcohol use, tobacco use, control/limitation, didnt want to do with me, didnt want me to do, enjoyed freely with infidelity participants
15. I need your help to resolve anger and hurt about public humiliation, aided, made excuses for and protected people who insulted and demeaned me, misrepresented people you understood as my enemies to me as friends, performed sex acts with people who ridiculed me, conspired with them to have me live a lie. Shared my personal secrets and information given in trust and love with them.
16. I need to rebuild my self respect. Create/enforce/protect boundaries with others, take care of myself, create and pursue own goals.
17. I need to make myself a priority, to stop living for other people. Stop conceding my boundaries
18. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself
19. I need self reliance for my pain, discomfort, anger, and sadness.
20. I need to build behaviors and traits that strengthen and empower me