Bigger, and others
Ive seen people state out loud that me feeling the need to audit the condoms says enough to be self explanatory a few times. I agree.
Agonizing over purchase times and expiration dates serves two purposes; organization and determining when in the last decade which condoms were likely in play, or if they were at all. Im using every piece of available information to learn as much as I can about a cold case in which I was deeply mislead.
I understand its extreme, bonkers, and not something I ever want my marriage reduced to. I need you to understand, that having my gut make me keep an eye on it lead to a key finding; which is important when you are dealing with someone who is clinging to denial.
Clearing the air; sometime after december 1, of last year, my wife returned 3 condoms to the box in the nightstand after a discussion where I showed her a mystery condom from that same drawer. 2 of them had a 2014 expiration, one had a 2019 expiration, but all of em that returned were around in 2014 when the affairs were in play by her telling. She didnt know about my psychotic accounting.
in our discussion of those condoms prior to her returning them, she denied carrying any during the affair period.
I find it weird that the purse she carried them in from 2014 was living in her car in 2025, with the crusty old condoms still in it. Its the second car shes had since then, to boot. When I was a single guy, I only ever carried one condom at a time, usually only on dates when I expected to get laid. But I suppose its possible to need to carry 3 condoms, just in case.
She is claiming that when she got a new purse from her mom for christmas, she cleaned that one out, returned the condoms to the box, pushed it to the back of the drawer and started storing her bras in there. I dont believe that a month after she was tipped off to me looking into condom math, that those changes suddenly needed to be made when that drawer hasnt been a been a bra caddy for a decade till now.
Id like everyone to know that as dense as I am, I do indeed understand what condoms are used for.
Regarding timescales, you are right, 11 years is much time.
My initial discoveries in 2014 lacked context. I had no idea what I was looking at. I was angry and suspicious, but my anger was directed at the horny dudes. Ww had me thinking she was being harassed and pursued one sidedly. I was suspicious and concerned there was more. My father, with whom I worked, saw it as paranoia and accused me of being "just like your fucking brother" who has been suspicious in his marriage since it started. So I let it go.
Time mounted against me, truth trickled, and in early 2024 we had a true D-day when admissions made it clear I was dealing with multiple affairs.
So its really like Ive only given myself permission to process this for a year, but Ive accrued 11 of trauma. In retrospect, the new context changes each thing I previously misunderstood, which is so many things and so complex I get quite lost.
I need to understand my past.
Im doing my best. Im trying to be brave and also hold my ground. Im not ready to give up.