Newest Member: CapitalSix


When things go wrong, don’t go with them. Elvis

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6 comments posted: Thursday, October 19th, 2023

A true story

Always Yours, Bee is a memoir of what happened to a happy family in SF. The husband was hit and run over. The ER thought he had a mild concussion. It was a serious brain injury. He turned into an unlovable, and unloving, man. For months and months his wife and three small children lived with the turmoil this caused. Where this book meets our stories is when he embarks on an affair that nearly killed his wife. It is a true story, and gut wrenching. She became mentally ill. If it sounds too much to read then don’t. For the rest it is a perfect book for a WS to read. I have never read anything near this gripping, and honest, about what an affair does to the BS. There is a good ending but it was so close to not being one.
It’s a five star for me.

0 comment posted: Tuesday, December 28th, 2021

Michael Lewis

He wrote Liars Poker and The Big Short about what goes so wrong on Wall Street.

For those of us trying to find deals at the grocery store, or for medicine, or new tires etc these books explain a lot of why we are where we are.

4 comments posted: Friday, September 18th, 2020

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