I have to be honest. Reading this thread has given me a panic attack.
I completely understand. Veterans here can come on strong. We call it "giving a 2x4" (as in, hitting you over the head with a board). We do it because most newly minted BH's come here acting like a deer in the headlights. It's common. We were all you at one time. We're friends to you. Anonymous strangers who share in common the fact that we were cheated on. We come to you from a place of brotherhood. Many of use made the same beginner errors you are making. No, correct that. Almost all of us made those mistakes. Our goal is to guide you so you don't make as many mistakes as we did.
No matter what we say or you do, I guarantee you that you will one day look back and wish you had done at least some things differently. Mostly, what BH's rue is that we were not more decisive in our actions.
I don't doubt you all mean well and I don't doubt that my relationship may well be doomed, but I'm not at the point where I'm willing to give up on it yet.
I certainly do not believe your relationship is doomed. Yet. I do think that the steps you are taking (engaging in MC, starting with the rug-sweeping and the pick-me dance, trying to manipulate the process to "force" R as the outcome) are increasing the likelihood of failure. You are stepping in the wrong direction. Your actions will diminish your chances of R.
R, if it occurs, must initiate with your WW. It must initiate in the context of her asking you for R, and of her injecting energy to drive the process. It is said over and over that we betrayed spouses cannot control the outcome and should not try. Do not use gambits or strategy with hopes you'll drive R. Don't ever back down and swallow your pride to avoid scaring her or pissing her off. She was woman enough to decide to fuck a man in a hotel, blow him and swallow and then kiss you, vilify you to her family. She's woman enough to face the true measure of your trauma, your rage, your emasculation and humiliation. Frankly, R only works if she wants it. You only know that if you start walking away and see if she chases. If she doesn't chase, R was never on your menu in any event. Wouldn't you like to learn that sooner rather than later?
Bottom line is that if you actually want to find out whether there is a chance of R, then the best thing you can do is practice radical honesty with her, and ask the same from her. "You blew him raw, swallowed, and them came home and kissed me. How fucking dare you!?! Not only is it disgusting and emasculating, but you could literally have killed me. He could have any manner of herpes, crabs, gonorrhea, whatever, and you would be passing that directly into my mouth. What the fuck? Was giving this man a blowjob in a parking garage worth risking my life? What about the fact that I provide for our children? What were you planning on telling them if I were put in the hospital with an oral STD that you passed along to me?"
The best outcome for my children is if we can become a happy couple again. I can't do that with one foot out the door.
Actually, that is the ONLY way you can do it. This is the fundamental paradox of being cheated. To save the marriage, you must be willing and ready to give it up.
By the way, the best outcome for your children is if DrStrangelove is happy in life. Your goal is to find your inner truth and seek your personal happiness. For yourself and for your children. I don't think being married to a non-remorseful cheater would make you happy. It's possible that with an investment of 3-5 years, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, your WW may become remorseful, find empathy, act courageously, help you heal. Do you think she's a long-distance runner, a champion, a leader? What is the likelihood? Do you want to invest the next 5 years of your life figuring that out? Imagine the Dr. Strangelove of 5 years hence staring you down in the bathroom mirror in the morning. Will he be happy with who you have become?
As for telling the other woman, this is among the hardest decisions I've ever made in my life. I cannot just pick up the phone and call her right now.
I'm not sure why this is hard. As I said, if the shoe were on the other foot, I think you'd be grateful if she were to call you. It is the moral, right thing to do. Consider what might happen if you don't tell her but in a year, or five years, she finds out, learns that you knew, and confronts you: "Why didn't you tell me? I've been the brunt of your private joke with my husband and your wife for the last ___ years." How would you feel if that were you, realizing that, the whole time, three other people knew this giant fact that impacted your life and your literal health, but all three conspired to keep it secret from you?
I'm not aware of any thread where a BH called the OBS and it turned into a shitshow where the OBS blew up everybody's world. Usually the "fatal attraction" stuff is from the AP, not the OBS. In the vast majority of circumstances, the call ends up being a time where you share sorrow and empathy, offer mutual support and information, and conspire to keep eyes on the cheaters. ]
[This message edited by Butforthegrace at 2:40 AM, Thursday, March 24th]