Wanted to post an update sooner, but kids are sick and acting up and house is a mess and whatnot. And I wanted to process everything before coming here. You understand I am sure.
I will try to keep this as short as possible, sorry if I am rambling again but I find it therapeutic to get it all out here.
First of all, we filed yesterday. Yes, I am sad and it hurts as hell, but it needs to be done. Last few days has been very emotional for both of us but I think we will be ok. No more limbo, at least.
Originaly, the plan was to sign an agreement on division of marital assets (house mainly) and kids (shared custody), but as the day was closing in I felt more and more off about postponing the inevitable. I guess my wife felt it and initiated multiple conversation on my expectations of not so distant future and to her credit started to prone on my reasons of why this is important to me instead of figting me and putting her walls up like she did before.
As I know now, her perception of why I want to divorce her was that I needed to punish her and make her pay for her affair. That's absolutely not true and I was surprised that she felt that way (but probably shoudn't be, right?). I had some troubles to get my point across, which is that by not divorcing her I feel like I am condoning her affair and basicaly saying I am OK with it while I am absolutely not. I should had told her a long time ago, I feel like I did, but we both were probably too shaken to get what the other is saying. Even now, it took her some time to process this but next morning she came to me and told me that she understands where I am coming from and if this is what I really want so be it.
So we went to our attorney, went through everything again to make sure we fully understand what this means and signed everything. I expected some kind of breakdown but my wife was just very quiet during all this and said maybe 20 words total. We then went to pick up lunch and I asked her to tell me how she feels about all this. "Like her closest person died in a car crash and she was driving." I told her we both feel the same.
We tried to keep up the facade in front of girls but I know she hides from time to time in different rooms around the house to cry and it really breaks my heart. I asked her sister to come here for a few days to help her with all of this. We still talk, hug and touch but nothing sexual.
I also thought that those 10 days when I will be gone on excersise (which means asbsolutely NC between us) will do us good but unfortunately that had been called off indefinitely (Covid) so we are locked here at least for now, everyday. She's working from home now too, which means we spent even more time together since we both use our office now. She asked me if I want her to go somewhere else but I told her no. We will see how it goes.
So that's one setback, the other is her living arrangements. I apparently picked up a shitty realtor, the guy is really useless. We had already picked an appartment few minutes from our house, nice 3br for a decent price. We were in a middle of a mortgage process and he let it sell right under our nose so we are back to square one. We are looking for a rental now which probably makes more sense in a short term. We will use my bonus to pay a deposit and rent for 6 months. Bills are on her.
I haven't got a new IC yet. One looked promising, but he is apparently realy good so the earliest they could squeez me in was in late March. Will keep looking. My wife keeps the one she has now since she's happy with her.
Wife is still affectionate when I give her signals I welcome it, if I tell her NO she keeps her distance and doesn't push it. Told me yesterday at lunch if she can write me letters because she feels like she's better at sounding her feelings and what's generally on her mind in a written form. I am actually looking forward to it.
The only problem or dilema I have now is this - originaly the plan was to do real separation, which means living separately, keeping LC and basicaly just coparent. I read CT's posts and now I feel like if we want to have a chance this might be the last nail in a coffin. Any ideas on that?
Again, sorry for a long post and your sound advice. I will read it all when kids are put to bed.