I re-read this whole thread, especially last few pages. And after this weekend and last night talk with my W I realized you are right and I am wrong. That whole separation is just BS. More on why I came to this conclusion later in this post
I wonder if what you are really seeking is a way to FORGIVE your wife. If you divorce her, the price will have been paid and you can move forward. You can call it justice or consequences but once it is done, she owes you nothing. If you travel this path, the reconcilliation will be your responsibility.
It is obvious you still are very much in love with your wife. Do what you need to do, but maybe you should start working on forgiveness. Wishing you and your family well.
I wonder a lot about almost everything I do nowadays to be honest. I second guess myself and try to stay away from any harsh decision I can make when I am angry. And I am angry, not as much as before, but still. When it comes to forgivness - I believe I am getting there. The divorce has nothing to do with forgivness. I can forgive her and divorce her, I don't see any connection between the two. You know what? I actually see it as the opposite - I am ready to forgive, so we can peacefully divorce and start over. If I wouldn't or couldn't forgive there wound be no R. Not now, not ever. Does that make sense? I hope so, but I know I have some trouble communicating this to my future exW (still sounds weird and out of place.. exW. Huh). Again, divorce is not a punishment. Not at all.
The healing in your ego and pulling yourself up are good developments. I mentioned earlier about your WW's possible fear of losing you due to divorce. By this I meant not another woman but this kind of developments. Once you realize that you are satisfied with this new life without a legal bond to her, you may not want to remarry her. But if you stayed married and tried to R, you wouldn't consider divorce. This is the basic fear of her i guess.
I am acually scared of this a little. I always thought I would be totally lost without my wife by my side. I would just aimlessly wonder around. This changed, a lot during last few weeks. I am now sure I would do just fine on my own. It is quite scary yet liberating feeling. I am glad I came to that place in my mind, it took off some pressure I felt I put on myself. My wife noticed this and I think it's taking it's toll on her. It's true I would do just fine without her. But do I want to? Absolutely not. I want to be with her, through good and bad. That's why I am still here. W asked me yesterday during our evening talk if I am still here because of kids. Yeah, partly I am. But they are not the only reason.
She told me yesterday a lot about how it all started, how she felt about me, about her place in all this. How she slowly started consiously looking for things I did wrong or said wrong so she could justify one more chat, one more lunch with that slimy loser. It explained many of our arguments and sore spots from before. It all makes sense now. She told me there were many days where she knew what she was doing was wrong, but I did this or that the other day so it's OK! I can go to a lunch with him, I can text him when my husband goes to bed. How she made herself believe he's the one who listens to her and "gets" her. How she felt the first time he kissed her. How she felt every time she deleted their messages. How she thought she deserves this because she put herself down while being home with kids. How she felt brand new when she went back to work. And how she told herself it's OK to lie to me so I don't burst her little bubble. How she felt shocked and hollow that day I stormed off with my bag, how scared she was this is the last time we spoke. How she tried to convince herself this is a minor bump, nothing really serious, and what went through her head when it started slowly sinking in that this has a real potentional to ruin our marriage. How it took her way too much time to realize how horrible and wrong it all was. How she hurt me, and how she hurt our kids. She recalled the feeling of stomach drop the moment she saw divorce papers in my hand, all signed and ready. Then we went to how we are now.
How disappointed in herself and depresed she's now yet how unspeakably lucky she feels I am still here after all she put me through. How she doesn't deserve any new chance but still hopes I can forgive her. Not now, but some time in a future.
I think she really gets it now. She knows how close we came to complete destruction of everything we had because she was stupid and entitled and selfish. Told me how it's hard for her to wake up everyday and put on a brave face while silently crying underneath.
She explained, in detail, her path from feeling sorry for herself to what I believe is true remorse. Then we talked (again) about our divorce. Not about logistics, but about how we feel it will change us and our relationship. The only bump was when she asked me if I see myself marrying her again. I was honest and told her it's way too soon for this kind of discussion. Maybe, I don't know and I don't want to give her a false hope. She will take anything I am ready to offer.
Then she told me about her IC, how angry she was during and after her first few sessions. How she hated those hard questions she asked. How she hasn't let her off the hook and evade everything. It took her a while, but now she understands how beneficial this is and embraces it wholeheartedly. She told me she plans to continue for at least next 6 months and she's looking for her first paycheck so she can pay me back for it. Weird, but I get it.
Later, while we lied next to each other in our bed, she reluclantly brought up our separation. I jumped right into it and told her that I think living separately would rob us of this moments so it would be probably for the best if we both stay here, under one roof, close to each other. She went silent and asked me after a moment if I am sure this is what I want or I say this because of her. That's what I did to her with my indecisiveness, I made her so confused that she doesn't believe anything I say now. It took me a while to assure her this is what I truly want. In no uncertain terms I told her I don't want any kind of separation, be it physical or emotional. Then we went to sleep completely exhausted
She's been like on speed since this morning, going 1000 mph like a kid on a suger rush. It's nice to see her being her old herself again, no matter how fleeting the moment is because as much as we want, this won't last forever. There will be days when we will be down, and we will fight about this and who knows what. But fight we will.
I think I will keep myself off this site, at least for now. Thank you all for your advice and support. You are truly amazing and I wish you all well.
MrFlibble out