I get it. You want to save your family. You want to reconcile. From the story as told, you are not in the same world of absolute horror as so many others.
But the point I have been making for weeks now is you need to make your decision to reconcile with the actual truth! Or, as I predicted, you will be subject to the emotional abuse of trickle truth and you will find yourself with the same person who cheated on you, just with her acting contrite for a while.
1) Cheaters lie to protect themselves and/or to protect their affair partners. You should tell her to stop claiming she lied to protect you. She did not lie to protect you, full stop.
2) She told you about "Him grabbing her hand to put on his dick" because she was upset that another woman was pursuing you? And that was weeks after she told you that you knew everything, is that correct? I wonder what interesting information nugget you'll learn the next time she is mad, scared, hurt, or upset?
3) The way she has told you the car story is bullshit, you really need to look at it more carefully:
- Originally, she told you she went in the car, I guess with the intent that it was just going to be kissing like a pre-teen makeout session, but then, she left the car she willingly entered with him after he unexpectedly stuck his hand up her skirt.
- Now she is telling you she cut off the makeout session when he unexpectedly grabbed her hand and put it on his dick.
- This is a contradiction.
Her story makes it sound like he "forced" everything and she did nothing. Typical cheater bullshit where they are not responsible for all the things they did, it all just happened from external forces!
She told you she left the car because of the hand up the skirt and because of the hand on the dick.
Did these things happen simultaneously? He put his hands up her skirt AND grabbed her hand to put it on his dick at the same time? That's bullshit.
What kind of physical contortion has to happen for that to work? Either she was okay with one act then not the other, or, the way I lean, is the entire story (as told) is fiction and she is trying to tell it in a way that makes it palatable to you.
Further, I've put my hand up a skirt or two. Unless the skirt that she wore to work was a miniskirt, there is a process of lifting the skirt, which she probably has to help enable because they are sitting in a car and she is sitting on the skirt. Unless he is 7 feet tall and can reach under her skirt and then back up to her private area while it is down. Also, legs need to be spread apart.
My point is she was enabling whatever acts happened in that car. Grownups don't get in a car or some other private place together to kiss and put their hands on each other's hips. Nope.
They got in the car, his hands went anywhere they wanted to with her and she was just fine with it, and she rubbed and touched him in all the places to get him excited. When he tried to fuck her, she chickened out (maybe).
You're basing your beliefs and decisions on a few data points: Some text messages, your wife's words, and a couple of other things I don't recall.
What you should understand from your wife's "reveal" is there is a whole world of interactions and events that you have no idea about.
You should also understand that your wife does not intend to tell you the whole story of those interactions and events. And whatever she does tell you, she will color it to make herself look like she was passive and not an active partner in this betrayal activity.
If you're okay with this uncertainty, and are able to withstand the sure-to-come further trickle truth, then proceed as you have.
But again, you should make your decisions, especially to reconcile, based on as much truth as possible.
And MrFlibble, you're still viewing everything your wife tells you through husbandly love and trust-colored glasses.
Step away and analyze this as though it was your brother telling you all of this about his wife. You would not believe the story as she has told it.
Some people will probably attack me and say that I am burning the witch or some such bullshit. But I am simply telling you: Get the truth, make your decisions based on the truth.
This is to protect you from further and repeated damage to your heart.
[This message edited by faithfulman at 12:20 PM, February 28th (Sunday)]