As you said, I am one of those "lucky" ones.
I don't think we know that yet.
Yes, there is some TT, but nothing big and major was revealed since she told me the "whole" story at the beginning in November. Every new bits I have learned in last 2 or 3 months was something minor, some new detail of what I already knew. I honestly believe if she was setting grounds for something big I would already know. Or maybe that's just my wishful thinking. I like your voice of reason on this.
Trickle Truth is not always some huge lie. It's often "death by a thousand cuts".
That doesn't mean there aren't bigger cuts lurking out there. Get the truth or face more cuts. Maybe some smaller, maybe some larger.
She lied at first to keep the A going (remember how she dismissed my concerns and called me controlling), then she lied to cover her ass and manipulate, then to keep me from divorcing her out of fear, then to minimalize and damage control. That she admits now. But I believe her now, and I guess I get why she didn't tell me then. She knows it would not end up well
The part I bolded above misses the point. Yes, "she had a reason" for not telling you: Because you would be mad/upset.
This is literally the same reasoning for lying of every cheater who exists. It's the same reason children lie, and the same reason shoplifters lie. They knew they did something wrong and are trying to avoid trouble.
Maybe it's hard to tell tone from forum posts, but you seem to be accepting of this.
Maybe you can help me figure out these two things you wrote:
No, she told me because she knows how much of a dealbreaker keeping things from each other really is. So she told me in order to be open and honest. It has nothing to do with me being pursued by some other woman. I don't know what else she keeps from me, but I don't think it's something huge like actually having sex or any kind of sexual act besides that car encounter.
But I know why she told me now, it's because of the stalker.
Again, both of these things cannot be true at the same time.
Moving along:
As for that car story.. yeah it makes me sick.
The story as told by her was this
SH offered her car ride home, she accepted, he made his move on her, they kissed for a few minutes, some touching obviously above waist, he slide his hand under her skirt, she put his hand away and he tried to put it on his dick. She had "wtf am I doing" moment and swiftly left.
That narrative that she was a victim of a predator.. I didn't buy at all. Yes, he is a sleazbag who know how to play this but she was very willing participant. I wish I could post some of their messages here, they explain a lot of their dynamics.
yeah, that's a bullshit story. I guess the way she told it to you: "He did this..." and "He did that..."
Let me re-iterate, your wife is not a rag doll. His hand can't get up her skirt unless she is providing access. He cannot just "put her hand on this dick".
I am not sure you are not breaking this down into step-by-step reality. Why don't you just try re-enacting it? Get in a car and see what it takes to slide your hand up her skirt, etc.?
You'll see that the story - as recounted here - is not true.
That is only partialy true. It took her a while, but she understands how important is to be upfront about this. I anything kills our relationship
But she is still dropping trickle-truth bombs on you.
Trust me, all that is gone. I doubt everything she tells me. I just put it in perspective of what I know about her character and what I have (texts, truthful confessions). Those glasses fell off sometime last autmn
I'm sorry, but I disagree. You're not getting truthful confessions. You're getting partial confessions, that she is spinning.
By the way, all that is standard cheater behavior. But why do you seem so accepting of it, at least on this forum?
If my brother was telling me this, I would absolutely tell him she is lying and that she had been screwing him all the time. I know, I know.. But again. The texts. Does any of you believe that if they had been screwing for months they would not discuss it? Ther is NOTHING to support that in those texts, nothing. Most of it is honestly just boring chitchat
Maybe or maybe not. I wouldn't live and die by her text messages. That's one data point.
You don't know what you don't know. For example, she knew that something happened with his dick in the car, but somehow left that out of her "truthful confession".
Good luck. I still think you need to hold her completely accountable, but I feel she is able to pull your heart strings, and you do it to yourself as well. Your wants overrule your logic. It happened to basically all of us!
By the way, I was active on the LifeDestroyer thread. It was very similar. I told her that what she was saying simply could not be true. It made no sense, that's not how adults who are cheating behave. It went on for weeks and weeks. LOt's of people trying to defend her and shut down team "tell the whole truth."
You know what finally pried the truth out of her? A polygraph.