Mrs. Walloped- I hope you don’t mind me posting.
I see a lot of similarities in how you post and what you described as my ex wife.
No intention to threadjack, Maybe some backstory. It’s come to my attention that maybe, in fact I belong here. You see, in effective terms I have to accept that I am also a WS. But I was a BS first. I feel guilt for hurting my ex wife, and I can even understand your statement about divorcing your H if he cheated on you now. I don’t think you mean to say you don’t deserve repercussions for your actions, or that your husband wouldn’t deserve better if he so chooses to move on with someone else, but rather that if he does it, it shows you truly what you have become to him, knowing how it feels to be a BS means it would be out of maliciousness. I get it because I have been down that road
WS section is wierd for me. Admitting I am one has been tough for me, because I’m large part I identify as a BS, and honestly harbor some resent for cheating wives as I was a victim of one, sometimes I proeject and I don’t even mean to. But how I chose to respond was far from your husband. After discovering her infidelity I took it so hard I became an MH and ended up divorcing (my choice)
Maybe it’s because we were young, and had no kids. But I became a WS not exclusively to punish my wife (believe it or not, I deeply regret the hurt it caused her now), but rather to hurt the OM as best I know how. I know it sounds petty, but as a man, and I’m sure as a woman does too, I felt so humiliated and defeated by her actions and this other guy that I wanted him to burn literally and metaphorically. And to some extent I didn’t want to take out all the anger on my wife, as much as she deserved it because I wanted divert the rage bc I did love her. So I slept with the OMs wife and made her rub his nose in it. I wanted him to hurt, to reclaim territory and establish dominance. I wanted to fight back, I didn’t do it to hurt my ex, but I also didn’t care. And honestly, I feel no guilt for hurting him to this day, only my ex.
Years out, I am coming to really recognize that my treatment of my wife wasn’t right despite what she did. I doubt I’ll ever feel as if I am as guilty or bad as her level of deceit, but I am recognizing how I was wrong because of my feelings of guilt. And because your story triggered my memory of my ex wife. See, I knew she still loved me, and that deep down she wasn’t a bad person. She was truest remorseful and put up with hell from me after dday.
Maybe, if she had cheated at my current stage of life, I’d had really attempted R. But at that time I was blinded by revenge and humiliation, the feeling of emasculation, or losing to another man.
Sorry for the ramble but I am going somewhere with all this. I see true remorse in your post and your answers. I do wish you well, because I see so much my ex in how you are and your affair. Maybe you would be kind enough to give me some insight into your mind that I chose to ignore when my exw was trying to tell me after her dday.
One of my biggest sticking points was the physical display of intimacy and the sex. I couldn’t accept the fact that she was doing things with AP that we hadn’t explored too much. I was never rejected prior, but was nonetheless angry that someone got to explore what was mine to explore more when WE wanted. Did you do anything sexually with OM that you hadn’t Done for your H? If so how did he find peace with it? And as part of R have you made to a point to show H that going forward he is the man that will have experienced the deepest level of sexual adoration and intimacy with you? That nothing that was available to the OM is off the table for your H? That’s you now go out of your way to ensure that you’re husband feels sexually desired By you? I know it’s a tough set of questions, but unfortunately aloneness that many a BH grapple with. My ex offfered me anything sexually to get me to stay, including threesomes, but I think this is what driven the nail in the coffin for me, and I never Forgave.
As for your OM, does your husband ever have the desire to punish him? I know you mentioned that he was divorced by his wife as a consequence, and while that’s a positive for your H, did your husband ever desire hurting your AP? Or seeking vengeance? It was such a driver for me that I have To imagine in order to reconcile with you, he had To find a Way to move beyond feelings of wanting to kill your AP literally and figuratively. Maybe I was young, but I know those feelings were strong for me, and I couldn’t see past them at the time.
Finally, money. At the time of her affair, we weren’t wealthy but just starting our careers. One big obstacles for me for R was then fear of financial ruin. I couldn’t stomach the idea that conceivably if this happened at the age it did for you, if she was a sahm, that isn’t have to give her a dollar of money I worked for, as a reward for fucking another guy, or worse, end up paying for his lifestyle by extension. I’d rather have burned my money and moved overseas. Have you given your husband any peace of mind financially? If he were to divorce you tomorrow how would you handle henfinacial aspect? Would you expect alimony? Would you divide assets in husband favor? Have you given him a post nup? What have you done To show him he won’t be financially punished for your choices?
I recognize that my presence here is unusual. I am certainly no saint and am really coming to terms with what I did as an MH, which is often clouded with my feelings as a BH. But please know that your answers are helpful to me. Maybe I can get some insight into what my exw was thinking, and start working through I felt so compelled to act how I did, despite her remorse. You seem to have Done a lot right, and I would genuinely appreciate your candid responses to the questions i never reallly had to resolve with my ex since I divorced her .
Thank you
[This message edited by nicenomore at 10:58 PM, February 7th (Wednesday)]