Pride is also good.
Pride can keep you from letting someone shit on you over and over again, from gaslighting you, from continuously disloyal behavior.
So you can live your life able to look in the mirror. So you can have mental health and not have to worry what the one you're supposed to trust the most is doing.
So you're not experiencing mind-movies, haunted by the lies and obvious gaps in her "story."
But you told me once that you had every intention of honoring your commitment to R, that it wasn't a "maybe someday".
You've got the onus all backwards Chamomile Tea. The onus is on his wife to be "truly repentant" and honor her word the way he has been honoring his word.
THERE IS NOTHING to suggest Mrs. F is "truly repentant"
Mr. F was honoring his commitment to reconciliation - it was his wife who was in no way honoring hers.
At no point has Mr F's cheating wife been honoring her commitments: not as a wife (by cheating) nor afterwards as a candidate for reconciliation. She has broken every promise, told every lie, protected herself at all costs - to him. And yes, it is standard cheater stuff - so what?
But here you are trying to hold him to a standard he never agreed to. He agreed to maybe try and reconcile with his wife contingent upon 1) a divorce, and 2) her having told the full truth so he can decide if reconciliation is even feasible.
She has not met the standards she agreed to, in order to "attempt to reconcile". Reconciliation is not a promise or a guarantee.
You've said more than once that you love your WW. But here you are, not even interested in finding out whether she's telling you the truth about whether the EA became sexual or not.
You're actually questioning whether or not her cheating became sexual?!?! Are you being for real?!??
Sexting, risky photos, hookups in cars, hookups at the sleazebag's house, burner phones.
We're still asking about "if it was sexual"?! Someone needs to "look at the context" and use common sense. The only question is "how sexual was it?"
Mr. F only finds out through interrogation and the threat of a possible polygraph, that her level of deception and betrayal is far worse than she admitted.
I think he should have her do the polygraph. For his own peace of mind.
But you know what? If what he knows now is enough for him to divorce and walk away, he is being perfectly reasonable.
It demands empathy. It insists on connection. It requires that we bend rather than break.
Mr F hasn't shown tons of empathy? Is that what you're saying? He hasn't been flexible? He needs to "bend" (over) more for his wife in your view? What does "bend rather than break" even mean than absorb shitloads of abuse?
If he reached his breaking point it is perfectly reasonable. In fact, it was reasonable months ago!
Here is my idea: Maybe we should be focusing a bit more on what is to be demanded of the cheater rather than the betrayed spouse?
Let's talk about the person who had all the planned hookups, burner phones, sexting etc. and what should be demanded of them!
You know, how she should respect for his wishes for the possible reconciliation process and telling the truth.
Or, I guess we can just put the blame and the burden on the person who was betrayed. That's much easier. Therapist style!
And if you can't do that, if your pride is of more value to you than the woman you claimed to love, she's better off without you.
Yes. The cheater is better off without him because he won't be a fucking doormat for her.
As usual, your concern is for the female, whether she is the cheater or the cheated.
Mr F has been loyal, honorable, supported his family through thick and thin. he has been far to accommodating of her despicable behavior.
Any suggestion that she is better off without him because he won't meet some standard is ludicrous.
Nothing was taken out of context. You're just telling him what he needs to do to be worthy of getting back together with her.
[This message edited by faithfulman at 6:22 PM, March 16th (Tuesday)]