Some serious "Damsel in Distress" rationalizing and trying to guilt a betrayed man going on above!
Let's clear something up folks:
- Holding cheating women accountable for their cheating and lying is not "burn the witch"
- A betrayed man who has boundaries and doesn't want to let his wife walk all over them is not "burn the witch"
- People advising a betrayed man that he should to get to the truth before deciding to reconcile is not "burn the witch"
- People who express distaste for continuous lies and manipulation of a loyal husband from a female cheater is not "burn the witch"
You have done nothing wrong. You have behaved admirably. You have been more than fair to your wife, far more than she has earned.
Your wife has betrayed, lied, and manipulated you. She continues to do so.
I have noticed that when you recount her stories here, in many ways it sounds like you believe her: "She put the brakes on" and so forth.
One thing you can be pretty sure of, is that cheaters lie, and then they lie some more. Even team "Damsel in Distress" acknowledges that.
Cheaters lying is completely normal! I've been telling you that from the jump.
But that doesn't mean you have to accept it.
Some of the posts not far above have it completely wrong:
Empathy can flow both ways. Maybe the Golden Rule applies here?
You've been plenty empathetic. Overly so if you ask me.
But understand this. "The Golden Rule" is not to eat shit and smile.
The Golden Rule is: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
I think you have met that bar and surpassed it tremendously.
What is it that YOU truly want?
That is not the question. You know what you want: A wife who is loyal and does not cheat on you, who does not lie to you, who can be trusted.
That is not what you have, I am sorry to say.
The real question is: What can you live with?
Do the polygraph, and make the decision, according to your principles and boundaries.
Not my principles and boundaries, not the principles and boundaries of other betrayed men who may be a little salty, and certainly not people who show up on thread after thread defending cheating women and try to convince betrayed men to stay with them no matter how shitty they treat their husband.
Good luck to you.
[This message edited by faithfulman at 7:34 PM, March 15th (Monday)]