There was something that bothered me about this from the other day:
My WW Mom sent me a text today saying that my WW cried for 2 hours confessing of what she had done & that she is terrified she is going to lose me & how ashamed she is.
I am sure your MIL told you that to try and indicate that your WW is sorry for what she did, but it seems more like she was crying because she is sorry for herself. Feeling ashamed is all about her, and so is worrying about losing her marriage.
The evidence of a significant shift out of that self-centered thinking will be when she cries for two hours about what she did to you, what you are going through, and the impact a divorce might have on the kids, not the way she feels or what she may lose.
The WW said she would do anything to save the marriage but was not sure I would forgive her to move forward to R.
Given that she is reading "How to Help Your Spouse Heal", has she actually come up with any suggestions or a plan for what she is going to do or change to save the marriage? It was only recently she was blaming the marriage for her unhappiness and need to cheat, but now she says she is desperate to save it.
It is easy for anyone to say, "I would do anything", it makes them sound good, but unless she is suggesting actual changes and actions, and demonstrating changes in her thinking, the statement is just words.
If she is so keen to save the marriage, how bad can it have been? Again, this blows her statements about the marriage being the cause of her cheating out of the water.
Whether or not she felt bored or unhappy, there are dozens of things she could have done about that. Her decision to cheat was totally separate and unrelated. Trying to connect them is an attempt by her to play the victim in a situation where she was very much a perpetrator and active participant.
There is also some blame-shifting and putting the onus on you in saying she was prepared to do anything BUT YOU might not forgive her. That makes you responsible for whether or not the marriage can be saved, which she believes requires you forgiving her. She had the affair, but what will destroy the marriage is you not forgiving her.
The way she frames it makes you the bad guy, and suggests she is not prepared to do the required work until after you forgive her, which is almost a form of bargaining.
I am sad about that, because she has got it the wrong way round.
What she should be doing is actively demonstrating and suggesting changes and actions to make you feel more secure, which could make you more confident to consider reconciliation, and perhaps eventual forgiveness.
She seems to want reconciliation and forgiveness before she does anything. Like she wants a guarantee of a prize before she competes. Life does not work that way.
Perhaps at some point you could ask her to list she is going to change, and what she is going to do, if she thinks there is any future for the marriage. That will call her bluff if she did not mean it about doing anything to save the marriage, and encourage her to make a positive start if she really meant it.
I don't like her shrink as they really never talked about infidelity just that I need to forgive & forget.
That is atrocious advice for any counselor or psychiatrist to be giving to anyone. You do not tell a victim of abuse to forgive and forget, because it invalidates their feelings, and makes them the bad guy. Would the shrink say that to a female victim of sexual assault?
Beyond its inappropriateness, it is totally counter-productive when it comes to motivating your wife to take ownership of what she did to cause your pain, and to investigate why she thought it was fine to do that.
It sounds like the shrink is just going to stroke your wife's ego and blame you, which is great for your wife, but useless in terms of healing the marriage or fixing the reasons your wife cheated.
The shrink also said I had no right to go to her parents and that was personal thing between us. My wife did defend me & say that I am really close to her parents so she kind of understood why I did that.
Another terrible and erroneous opinion from the shrink, once again making you the villain of the peace. However, what is interesting is that this is the second example of your wife not taking issue with what you did. She has no right to, but both her friend and this sorry excuse for a counselor suggested you were in the wrong, and she said you were not. That is at least a sign that she is not totally in lala-land about everything.
I am very, very tired and am trying to get into my Dr. to get something to help me sleep. That is wreaking more havoc on my mental & physical health right now.
That is very wise. Your well-being has to be your primary concern, and if you can see this affecting you badly, please do explain everything to your doctor.
Take it a day at a time, CM70, and please be good to yourself.