Again, you sound like you are I a very different place than before. It is the dividentvof having done the work as a BS. It's shitty work, but it can make one stronger in the end.
You're in a very different place than I was at Dday 2 as you've had years to process. For me, th shit met the fan and 6ish months later, I told my WW we were done. There's a lot of debate on human nature, and the mind is what it is. For me, people are who they are and few really change their core behaviour, at least in my experience.
What I wanted to tell you is that you are going to be just fine. The end of your M is not the end of things. Yes, there will be pain and scars, but you've already experienced those and survived. Judging from your post, you've thrived.
You will mourn and grieve for a time, and then you will begin to move forward and heal. Then you will grow.
Looking back, I oscillated between different emotions right after I decided to D. There were days I wept, moments I raged, but there were also times I felt genuine excitement and hope for the future, my future.
My kids were younger than yours, 12 and 14 I think, so that came with its own challenges. I had to parent and process simultaneously. It was not fun. Butvitvalso helped pull me out of being fully in despair.
It's been 6ish years now, so according to conventional wisdom, I'm healed. I'd agree with that, though my buddy is skeptical, but he is often wrong 😉. Do I feel healed? I'd say yes,though the pain and trauma will always be a part of me. I still, to a small degree, mourn the life I had, or more accurately, was under the impression I had. Save winning the lottery, I'll never fully rebuild. I've lost that sense of family, with its core and radiating arms. But family comes in all forms and close friends have filled voids.
I once thought that I was burdened by blessing. I had a wife, house, kids, career, purpose... then things fell apart. It forced me to reevaluate my life, and I looked at my M with fresh eyes, finally seeing what my friends had tried to tell me. I was slowly dying and didn't realize it. I was the frog and my M was the post of water. Now that I'm out, I have eyes that can finally see.
What I have now, after this whole process is peace and contentment, both of which gave been hard earned. I'm tying this on my phone while having my morning coffee in bed and staring out the window at a cold, wintery day... it's a guilty pleasure. I'm alone, but fully at peace. Where once the source of my greatest misery laid, now rest a couple of extra pillows. Having removed the thorn, I've now healed.
Don't get me wrong, I still have my blue days. Hell, sometimes I have no idea what the trigger is, but I k ow that the feeling is transitory and soon I'll be back to contentment. I lave learned to sit in those moments and learn from them rather than fight them. How does it go? We must look at them as unwanted guests but allow them to stay until we have learned from them...
Normally I don't post much anymore. I usually write and then delete, but I had some time this morning. I hope you find your own peace and contentment. As for me, I'm off to fix another coffee and crawl back into bed...