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Newest Member: GettingThere08

I Can Relate :
Betrayed Womenz Thread - Part 3

Topic is Sleeping.

Lostheart8 ( member #71607) posted at 4:47 PM on Monday, November 25th, 2019

Thanks daisy and coco. ♥️

Yeah, those shitty things pop up on IG. I hate it too. So triggering.

Oh joy another day. At least the sun is out here. Happy Monday ladies.

posts: 162   ·   registered: Sep. 17th, 2019
id 8472810

Chaos ( member #61031) posted at 7:08 PM on Monday, November 25th, 2019

My favorite quote of the day [I added the word FUCK because...womenz thread]


BS-me/WH-4.5yrLTA Married 2+ decades - Children (1 still at home) Multiple DDays w/same AP until I told OBS 2018 Cease & Desist sent spring 2021"Hello–My name is Chaos–You f***ed my husband-Prepare to Die!"

posts: 3803   ·   registered: Oct. 13th, 2017   ·   location: East coast
id 8472877

EllieKMAS ( member #68900) posted at 6:44 AM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

Dipping anything in glitter makes it better

I really don't miss xshitbag. But we got 16" of snow and shoveling SUCKS. So that was my day - shoveling that shit and getting SI christmas cards done. My hands are killing me...

What's everyone doing for thanksgiving?

"No, it's you mothafucka, here's a list of reasons why." – Iliza Schlesinger

"The love that you lost isn't worth what it cost and in time you'll be glad that it's gone." – Linkin Park

posts: 3901   ·   registered: Nov. 22nd, 2018   ·   location: Louisiana
id 8473700

cocoplus5nuts ( member #45796) posted at 1:40 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

What's everyone doing for thanksgiving?


My 15yo wants to volunteer at the local homeless shelter. I have tasked my fch with dropping off food for delivery to people in need.

I'm going to make some desserts today, classic pecan pie and a Reese's peanut butter cup brownie chocolate peanut butter cheesecake.

Me(BW): 1970
WH(caveman): 1970
Married June, 2000
DDay#1 June 8, 2014 EA
DDay#2 12/05/14 confessed to sex before polygraph
Status: just living my life

posts: 6900   ·   registered: Dec. 1st, 2014   ·   location: Virginia
id 8473771

Chaos ( member #61031) posted at 2:06 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

We go to my mom's. She's in her 80s. So while we all go to her house as tradition - we also do all the cooking. She just preheats the oven, sets the table and gets a bottle of wine.

Our adult child is working [healthcare professional], our teen is splitting the day between us and her BFs family.

I've been baking up a storm the past 3 nights. Pumpkin pies, apple pies, apple cake, pumpkin bread, chocolate covered pretzles, etc. Stuffing prepped and ready.

WH and I are supposed to go out tonight with another couple to see a band and dance a little.

BS-me/WH-4.5yrLTA Married 2+ decades - Children (1 still at home) Multiple DDays w/same AP until I told OBS 2018 Cease & Desist sent spring 2021"Hello–My name is Chaos–You f***ed my husband-Prepare to Die!"

posts: 3803   ·   registered: Oct. 13th, 2017   ·   location: East coast
id 8473787

DaisyAnne ( member #71434) posted at 2:34 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

We always host Thanksgiving. I make the turkey, sweet potatoes and appetizers. Everyone else brings at least one item.

Chaos, have fun tonight!

Me: BW - early 40's
Him: WH - late 40's
Married: 18 years, together 24
2 teenage children
Dday: 5/23/19

posts: 241   ·   registered: Aug. 29th, 2019
id 8473802

likeapinball ( member #50073) posted at 2:59 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

Our Thanksgiving is done and done! It was pretty quiet, my Mom came for a few days so it was nice. H took one of the kids to his moms to visit one day, even nicer that I didn't have to go! Not that I really go anymore anyway. I used to feel like I had to go - not so much any more!

Just wanna share a little story that makes me chuckle every time I remember it. I used to run with a group of ladies, we were running the weekend just before Thanksgiving, all talking about what we were doing for Thanksgiving. We'd all shared when someone asked "Sue" what she was making, her response, without missing a beat...."making reservations". I miss my running ladies!

Happy Thanksgiving to all who have yet to celebrate it!

BS,DD: Sep 26, 2015. Married 16 years at DD. WH had a LTA with MOW. Three kiddos 15, 13 and 11 at the time. In R

posts: 226   ·   registered: Oct. 26th, 2015   ·   location: Canada
id 8473824

Lostheart8 ( member #71607) posted at 3:42 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

Happy Wednesday ladies.

Had a great day yesterday. Went to NYC and we walked around. Just fabulous. A break from the same old same old here in the burbs.

I’m lucky to have great friends. I’m going to their house for thanksgiving.

I’m really not into any of this. Feel sort of lost. Oh well, I’ll just come here and wander around .... bump into one of your ladies.

posts: 162   ·   registered: Sep. 17th, 2019
id 8473861

EllieKMAS ( member #68900) posted at 3:57 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

My mom is making chicken fried steak and I can't wait to nom it!!

Kinda looking forward to it actually. Last year, thanksgiving was less than 3 weeks from DDay. So looking forward to reclaiming this holiday a bit. Plus, knowing that I am going to have delicious southern cooking and xshitbag is stuck with his family's truly crap cooking makes it taste even better

"No, it's you mothafucka, here's a list of reasons why." – Iliza Schlesinger

"The love that you lost isn't worth what it cost and in time you'll be glad that it's gone." – Linkin Park

posts: 3901   ·   registered: Nov. 22nd, 2018   ·   location: Louisiana
id 8473874

Chili ( member #35503) posted at 4:14 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

Haven't posted over here for a bit, but just wanted to pop on and say Happy Thanksgiving Bitches!

You are all the epitome of fabulousness!

2012 pretty much sucked.
Things no longer suck.
Took off flying solo with the co-pilot chili dog.
"Life teaches you how to live it if you live long enough" - Tony Bennett

posts: 2235   ·   registered: May. 2nd, 2012   ·   location: Reality
id 8473881

WhyAgainWhyHer ( member #63795) posted at 4:16 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

We're going to his family. Mine aren't included, the 2 sides have never bonded.

I hate it.

posts: 233   ·   registered: May. 16th, 2018
id 8473882

20yrsagoBS ( member #55272) posted at 12:40 AM on Thursday, November 28th, 2019

My home is hosting Thanksgiving this year. Son and I baked pies all day today, daughter driving in tomorrow, and my parents will be here

Enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone.

BW, 54 WH 53 When you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas

posts: 2199   ·   registered: Sep. 21st, 2016   ·   location: Tampa Bay Area, Florida
id 8474144

Tallgirl ( member #64088) posted at 2:23 AM on Thursday, November 28th, 2019

Ok. I just got a thrill from Chilli calling us bitches. High moment of the day!

Standing tall

posts: 2227   ·   registered: Jun. 11th, 2018
id 8474176

cocoplus5nuts ( member #45796) posted at 2:13 PM on Thursday, November 28th, 2019

Anyone heard from Scooby lately?

Me(BW): 1970
WH(caveman): 1970
Married June, 2000
DDay#1 June 8, 2014 EA
DDay#2 12/05/14 confessed to sex before polygraph
Status: just living my life

posts: 6900   ·   registered: Dec. 1st, 2014   ·   location: Virginia
id 8474311

likeapinball ( member #50073) posted at 3:44 PM on Thursday, November 28th, 2019

Coco - I've seen some thread titles in the Investigative Tips forum "Update on Scooby". I haven't read them, I don't have premium access(?).

BS,DD: Sep 26, 2015. Married 16 years at DD. WH had a LTA with MOW. Three kiddos 15, 13 and 11 at the time. In R

posts: 226   ·   registered: Oct. 26th, 2015   ·   location: Canada
id 8474342

Lostheart8 ( member #71607) posted at 4:20 PM on Thursday, November 28th, 2019

Happy glitter thanksgiving ladies!

Enjoy your day. ❤️

posts: 162   ·   registered: Sep. 17th, 2019
id 8474359

hardtomove ( member #68757) posted at 6:23 PM on Thursday, November 28th, 2019

I fear I will never truly get over his 10 year LTA. He has done everything expected I am 6 years out but still I think about the betrayal daily. What should I do.

posts: 177   ·   registered: Nov. 5th, 2018
id 8474406

cocoplus5nuts ( member #45796) posted at 9:45 PM on Thursday, November 28th, 2019

Pinball, thanks. I got an update on another thread. Someone else was asking.

Hardtomove, what do you want to do? It's ok to decide it's a dealbreaker, even years later. I imagine a LTA is very difficult to get past. Are you, or have you, been in IC?

Me(BW): 1970
WH(caveman): 1970
Married June, 2000
DDay#1 June 8, 2014 EA
DDay#2 12/05/14 confessed to sex before polygraph
Status: just living my life

posts: 6900   ·   registered: Dec. 1st, 2014   ·   location: Virginia
id 8474457

Glashalffull ( member #69085) posted at 1:57 AM on Friday, November 29th, 2019

I just saw a post on jfo, that scooby is living a hectic, drama free life, doing great and the divorce is moving along nicely.

posts: 80   ·   registered: Dec. 10th, 2018
id 8474506

cocoplus5nuts ( member #45796) posted at 4:45 PM on Friday, November 29th, 2019

How was everyone's Thanksgiving (who celebrates)?

Mine was good. My sister came to eat with us. She's a mess! I was missing my oldest boy, but was glad he was able to have a meal with friends. I was worried he'd be alone.

My husband cooked almost everything. My 15yo sone made homemade rolls and mac & cheese from scratch. Well, he didn't make the pasta from scratch. We donated a ham, pumpkin pie, and water for delivery to local homeless people. We have a large population of homeless people who live in woods around here. I want to see if I can get active in that on a more regular basis. I can make hats, gloves, socks, scarves, blankets, etc.

I ate all the things, including a piece of brownie peanut butter cheesecake and pecan pie (that I accidentally left the butter out of 🤣, and still managed to stick to my nutrition plan. M pretty proud of that. The struggle bow will be to not binge on all the leftover desserts.

Me(BW): 1970
WH(caveman): 1970
Married June, 2000
DDay#1 June 8, 2014 EA
DDay#2 12/05/14 confessed to sex before polygraph
Status: just living my life

posts: 6900   ·   registered: Dec. 1st, 2014   ·   location: Virginia
id 8474678
Topic is Sleeping.
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