A few more thoughts.
If your husband is reading anything, if he is talking to anybody, if he is thinking, or sensing; most of the feedback he is getting is that you have one foot out the door. So along with a bunch of other negative feelings, he is scared. Really, really scared.
Every time he comes home, his heart is in his throat until, Yes!, your car is in the driveway. Every time you go anywhere, his heart is in his throat; how long does it really take to go to the grocery store, or the salon. You’re going out with girlfriends? Really?
It’s a shitty way to live. Is he angry at you, resentful that you have done this to him? I suppose so.
Why does he get mad, and mean, sometimes and not others? Who knows. Maybe you were gone five minutes longer than he expected, and he panicked in those five minutes.
I live in the US, in what is known as a community property state (9 out of our 50 states). The idea in community property states is that when two people get married, they cease to be two people and become a single community. There is no longer "me and you", there is only "us."
It’s a holdover from Catholic Spain, and the states are mostly in the southwest, which Spain once controlled.
I like the concept very much.
Infidelity shatters "us." It wasn’t "us" in bed with the other man, it was only you. "Us" didn’t want this, plan it, agree to it. It was only you.
I suspect your husband is feeling the loss of "us" very much.
So, how do you help with his fear and the loss of "us"?
I wish I knew. My WW did nothing, and I can assure that is not the right answer.
Keep doing what you’re doing. But if you haven’t yet, focus on the future.
Are there holidays, or family events, coming up? Make plans for them now. Text everyone that "us" is coming.
Do what you can to show husband that he is in your future, that when you think about the future, it’s not "me and you"; it’s "us."