Perhaps I’m one of those being hard on you, so let me say this:
My Dday was a long time ago, before the internet. Maybe there were books, but there was no way I was going to walk up to a cashier with "How to get your wife to stop fucking another man" in my hands. I’d rather have been shot. I didn’t think about the library.
So, if conventional wisdom (as expressed on this site and others) is the measure, my WW and I did everything wrong. Completely, absolutely, 180 degrees wrong. Would I, or she, have taken good advice? Hard to say. Maybe.
I have an engineering degree and a law degree, and have been reasonably successful with most of life.
But where my wife, and infidelity, is concerned, I was, and remain, an absolute idiot. No doubt about it.
But here’s the thing.
Conventional wisdom at the time would have had me leaving her, because she had already left me.
Would we have been better off if we had gone our separate ways, had better lives?
I don’t think so. We have had two wonderful children, and, by most measures, have had charmed lives. Are things perfect between wife and I? Hardly. Are things great? No. But things are pretty good. And if all we really are now is FWB, well, we are really good friends. And the benefits? Not bad, not bad at all.
But I have the benefit of hindsight. Things worked out for us. But we did everything wrong, so I guess we just got lucky.
If my son married and one day came to me with exactly my Dday, I would tell him to leave. Good advice? Who knows. Maybe he would get lucky, too.
But, what I have tried to say to you (good advice? Who knows.) is that your WH needs to fix whatever it is that is allowing him to hurt you. I don’t think you’re going to get lucky if he keeps hurting you.