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ff4152 (original poster member #55404) posted at 3:40 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
I’ve seen other threads asking this question but cannot locate them.
Are there any movies or shows that accurately depict infidelity and it’s impact? So many shows seem to have it and most treat it as if it’s no big deal.
Dorothy123 ( member #53116) posted at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
Ff, none that I know of.
All the types of movies I know of are the ones where the BS gets in the way of two star crossed lovers.
"I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!" Wicked Witch of the West.
lrpprl ( member #80538) posted at 4:21 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
"Black Mirror" on Netflix, Season 1, Episode 3. It is called, "The Entire History of You". It is the most honest one I have yet to see showing the hurt and trauma caused to the betrayed spouse.
Luna10 ( member #60888) posted at 4:27 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
I don’t know if it is available in the US but Anatomy of a Scandal on Netflix was pretty accurate.
Dday - 27th September 2017
Luna10 ( member #60888) posted at 4:32 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
Oh and Dirty John Season 2 (Betty Broderick) one is accurate especially when they call a psychologist and he describes the trauma she was experiencing. I’m not saying we should all kill our WHs though so no excuse for her murdering him, just saying it is really well portrayed.
We also had a British series in the UK called Doctor Foster if you find it in the US, it is all quite accurate including the effect on the kid.
Dday - 27th September 2017
mommabear1010 ( member #79915) posted at 5:25 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
Not including the killing part, I remember the Lifetime movie "Craigslist Killer" felt very accurate for finding out your spouse is living a complete double life and cheating with anonymous sex. Especially because by WH#1 was into Craigslist escorts I remember this one really giving me the feels.
Dday- 1/19/22
Trickle truth
Dday2- 2/8/22
Dday3- 3/10/22
whatisloveanyway ( member #66450) posted at 8:02 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
The series Virgin River on Netflix has an infidelity story line that really touched me. It’s only one story line among many but it depicts the long term devastation in a couple decades downstream and how long the hurt and damage can linger. I’m only on season two so I’m not sure how it turns out.
BW: 64 WH: 64 Both 57 on Dday, M 37 years, 2 grown kids. WH had 9 year A with MOW, 7 month false R, multiple DDays from 2017 - 2022, with five years of trickle truth and lies. I got rid of her with one email. Reconciling, or trying to.
Helena67 ( member #80506) posted at 8:19 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
I haven’t seen the film but I have heard that unfaithful with Richard Geere shows the devastation of an affair. Has anybody seen the film?
BS (me) 56 years. Divorced!!!
Helena67 ( member #80506) posted at 8:31 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
I haven’t seen the film but I have heard that unfaithful with Richard Gere shows the devastation of an affair. Has anybody seen the film?
BS (me) 56 years. Divorced!!!
Hopeful0729 ( new member #67614) posted at 11:42 PM on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
I don't know of any. Not sure if I would be able to watch honestly.
Luna, I follow a lot of true crime and I definitely remember Betty Broderick and she did elicit some sympathy because her husband and AP were so egregious and cruel. I think the 1st jury on her trial were deadlocked.
Me 44
WH 60
4 kids
D-day 8/27/18
WH had PA with former COW
waitedwaytoolong ( member #51519) posted at 12:15 AM on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
I thought "The Split" on Hulu was very good. Showed the devastation of an affair. It’s a series.
I also liked an old movie "A rage to live". In that the cheating wife had some Karma payback.
I am the cliched husband whose wife had an affair with the electrician
Greto ( member #80904) posted at 12:24 AM on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
The unfaithful movie is very intense. I like the movie always have and it is accurate in the devastation it causes and anger.
Marriage Story is a really good movie filled with so many emotions. Can't remember if infidelity is involved but it is still a great movie about the breaking of a marriage.
Never2late ( member #79079) posted at 2:45 AM on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
Spoiler alert! Not a good movie for any BS to watch!
Unfaithful was kinda brutal from a BS perspective. Gere (played BS) was a great father and husband with zero marriage issues indicated. Well acted and directed movie and I was conflicted because I am very fond of Diane Lane (plays WW). She came across an attractive younger guy that wanted some and he got it...plenty, and all kinds of ways. Like at a quickie at restaurant public restroom with her unknowing friends at the table waiting for her. Never comes clean to husband but a PI proves his suspicion. Gere doesn't confront her instead he pays the AP a visit and a confrontation leads to him accidentally killing AP. Gere covers his tracks and Lane puts two and two together during police inquires. AP obviously doesn't get away with it as it costs him his life, however, Lane mourns her lovers death but the end of the movie shows the married couple still together albeit understandably uncomfortable given the affair. The movie does not in fact focus on regret or remorse by WW...she in fact is shown to enjoying her memories of the affair, daydreaming about it on a train. She basically gets away with it the only real cost is the loss of her lover.
MalibuBayBreeze ( member #52124) posted at 2:55 AM on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
Actually there is a cost to be paid at the end of the film, Gere's character stops the car by a police station. He clearly decides to turn himself in, despite her offer to run away with him and their son who is sleeping in the car.
A man or woman telling the truth doesn't mind being questioned.
A liar does.
ff4152 (original poster member #55404) posted at 2:09 PM on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
I have a different recollection of the ending (I will admit that I haven’t seen the movie in years)
I seem to recall the cops zeroing in on Gere as the murderer and DL provides him a false alibi for the time of the murder. My last recollection of the movie was the two of them sitting in a car with looks of devastation on their faces. Gere for obvious reasons, not sure about DL.
I agree that Gere was the only one who had real consequences in the movie. think that’s why I can no longer watch it.
[This message edited by ff4152 at 2:10 PM, Wednesday, September 21st]
OneInTheSame ( member #49854) posted at 11:29 PM on Sunday, October 23rd, 2022
"The Split" was excellent.
"The Good Wife" is good. It helped my wife finally see how horrible she was to me, and how broken she was. It was another turning point for us.
(I edit to correct typos)
I am the BS in a lesbian marriage. My WW's ex-girlfriend was the AP.
D-day of the 6 mo A was 10/04/15
We are doing okay, but by now I wanted it to be better
hurtpartner73 ( new member #80985) posted at 12:06 AM on Monday, October 24th, 2022
There were two TV shows that had affair sub-plots that had some good portions.
aTypical - the Mom cheats on the Dad with a younger bartender.
Superman & Lois - season 2. Lana Lang's husband Kyle is outed for a past affair.
Both shows had episodes where the BS asks questions to the WS after being caught, and the WS answers honestly. I know that doesn't match my scenario, but I found it refreshing to see the honesty. Though watching any show with an affair is a trigger for me - the triggers are getting less severe.
Me: BH, 49; Her: WW, 47, bipolar/borderline DDAY 4/23/2022 - EA 2005-2009ish? PA? Not sure. TT M 17 years, Trying to R - it's bumpy
78monte ( member #72572) posted at 12:51 AM on Monday, October 24th, 2022
Temptation (confession of a marriage counselor)
Saw it on Netflix the other night, it didn't romanticize affairs, like too many movies do.
My wife showed real remorse, after watching it.
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