I think there’s a scenario where this affair is a crazy fluke in her life. I’m hopeful for that
Have you read any of the long threads about hopium? It's the number one most abused substance by betrayed spouses. My friend, my strongest advice to you is to stay off the hopium pipe. Point a boat away from her and row as hard as you can. Don't "hope" she'll teach herself how to swim so she can catch up. Either she will, or she won't, but the proof will be when you see her swimming next to you.
My impression of this scenario is that you are at least reasonably well-to-do, if not a "1%" individual from a socioeconomic perspective. You met around age 19, in 2004 (though you describe a brief hook-up in Italy with an Italian woman in 2005). You proposed to her around 2010, around age 25 in Rome, and then took her to Positano. Not very many 25-year old young men have the wherewithal to propose in Rome and then visit Positano, unless they have inherited wealth. If memory serves, you have a prenup in place? You have the means and independence to spend 10 or so days traveling around Italy with your mother.
You're both 37. Met in 2004, when you were both 19? Still in college? The difficulty with getting together at such a young age is that both of you will change, a lot, between ages 19 and 30. In some marriages, couples manage to change together. In some, they grow apart. It's a bit of a craps shoot. However, a young woman in her late teens/early 20's, being lavished with luxurious travel and gifts by a nice young man from a wealthy family, she can get swept up in that without first considering whether she actually likes or loves him at a fundamental level.
I think this is a dynamic in your case. I'm still struck by some of the basic facts:
The extreme and highly pointed degree to which she disparaged you in texts with her own mother. Daughters share their hearts with their mothers. I think you should place a high degree of faith in the veracity and heartfelt roots of those texts.
She spent thousands on lingerie. Who does that other than somebody who is utterly frivolous and self-indulgent?
You "made her" repay that with "her own money". What does that even mean? It seems like a largely meaningless token gesture.
She drinks too much. That's a habit that grows over time, usually by somebody trying to anesthetize herself to a reality she doesn't enjoy.
She dresses in revealing, inappropriate ways for PTA meetings. A woman literally screaming for attention from people other than her husband.
Bottom line: clearly, she's unhappy with her life. She chose to act on her unhappiness in a horribly destructive way, but that's a symptom, not a cause. Multiple trips to Italy, and lavish gifts of jewelry, that won't change her fundamental unhappiness. That's just masking the stench.
People here are accusing you of doing the "pick me dance" because the subtle subtext of your thread is that you're trying to "make her happy" with her life -- the same life that she has so clearly been unhappy with -- and you are so fixated on this you are grasping at strands of hopium to filter your perception of your reality.
My friend, your WW would still be blowing Deputy Dawg in the parking garage had you not caught them. When a person shows you, with her actions, who she truly is, you believe her. I agree with all of the posters here on the point that, so far, everything you've shown us about her suggests she's sorry she got caught and may lose her pampered lifestyle, not that she's actually remorseful. Remorse is grounded in empathy. What scintilla of act-based evidence do you have that your WW has any empathy for what you're going through?
Me, I'm still a stan for the OBW. She was clever enough to get close to your WW to suss out what hanky-panky she was up to. She was bold enough to flatly proposition you. Your description of your WW paints her as shallow, materialistic, self-indulgent, unobservant, cowardly, solipsistic. The OBW comes off as the diametric opposite: whip smart, perceptive, probably highly empathetic, bold, courageous.
If you really love your WW, set her free to find the happiness she so clearly thinks is out there for her. If she eventually realizes her happiness is with you, she'll come back. Over and over it is said here that if you want to find out whether there is a chance to save your marriage, you have to let it go. Fundamentally, this is the thing you're doing diametrically wrong here. A BH does not "fight" for a marriage broken by a WW. There isn't anything to "fight" for. Marriage rests on the desire of each party to be committed to the other. Your WW's desire is pointed in another direction at present. Let go of the reins. Give her the freedom to pursue what she thinks is her happiness.
In the meantime, use the freedom to seek your own.
[This message edited by Butforthegrace at 3:33 PM, Tuesday, April 12th]