Hi Mr Fibble,
Excuse my approximative english, I'm french and english is not my main language :)
Several things make me react about your story :
- Sure, there are signs that your wife and her AP had sex. The main one is that she went to his place, and that's probably not to watch TV..
But... there are also signs that your wife DID NOT have sex. The main one is that you didn't notice any change in her sexual behaviour with you during the affair. I have some friends whose partners had an affair, and all of them mentionned an evolution in their sexuality before DDAY (either a raise or a diminution of sexual acts, either new positions, new sollicitations, etc.). This does not appear in your 40 pages thread, so I think this might be the truth. Your guts can give you the answer before the lie detector, just ask yourself if you noticed an evolution of your sexual habits before DDAY.
- If you need to be absolutly sure about this point, then I think you could meet the AP. Usually I do not advice to ask anything to the AP. But in your case I see one reason to do so.
The reason for meeting him is that this guy has photos of your wife. I think it would be a good idea to meet him and make him delete these photos in front of you and be sure he understands he will get problems if those pictures are found somewhere else. Ok, that's not pics of you so you could basically say I don't care, but I think (either you stay with your wife or not at long term) that it would be a good thing not to have the threat of these pictures being shared in public.
At the same occasion, you can just ask "was having sex with my wife worth your current complicated situation, as you lost your job and your girlfriend?". What he says might be true or not, but..that's still information.
- One of my friend has a wife who had an affair during about a year (physical, emotionnal, the complete package...). Truth came piece by piece, and that was a torture. There were many lies too.
But there's some kind of pattern he noticed.
When his wife was lying, she was not that combative to make sure he believed her lies. But when she said something true that he did not believe, she was VERY combative for that truth to be accepted.
Maybe did you notice there are subjects about which your wife is not very affirmative, and other subjects you noticed your wife is VERY combative?
- Her father:
I'm a father too. And I think there's a big sign when her father asks you to take care of her daughter.
The day my daughter meets a man, I will be very vigilant about if he's a good person or no.
So, here is a person, near the end of his life, who comes to meet you and demands you to take care of his daughter and of MIL.
I've read somewhere in your thread that you do not know if you will be able to pardon your wife for what she's done. And currently that's right : you're in the roller coasters and need time to decide if R is possible or not.
What I see is that your FIL seems to believe in you, and that his daughter and you might be a great couple. I think this is a big sign. His daughter is in her early 30s (so she has a lot of time to be in a nice relationship), and your FIL places his bet on you at this time of his life. I think that is a big sign, and maybe he sees in you a strength that you do not see yet.
- Many here say that lies can destroy a couple. What I think is that lies are not what destroy the couple, but the reasons that led to those lies.
Examples : a person who lies because she's selfish and wants to keep the affair on the road; vs a person who lies because she feels that if she says the truth then the relation is over.
In your case, you said that a prerequisite for your future relationship is trust, and that all the truth is revealed about the affair. But in the same time there is some sort of "if all the truth is revealed then the relationship is over". So objectively your wife was stuck : I guess she did not see any option in which she could say all the truth and be sure that there would be a chance of R.
I think, in this case, even if you cannot excuse those lies, it's possible to understand them and the reason that led to those lies. So there are two problems : your trust to her (is she able to tell the truth?); AND her trust to you ("will you leave her if she says the truth?").
Once again sorry for my imperfect english.
Take care of you and yours,