It is a habitual thing from my past and a self-defense mechanism. I had to keep a lot of things quiet in my past because I didn't want people to know the shit that happened and then with my uncle he gave me the line "no one will believe you." So, I have always kept things. I became an expert at putting on a fake face to the world and acting like everything is peachy. I also didn't always want people's sympathy. I didn't want people to look down on me.
...suggests that for a lot of your life, you have talked to yourself, rather than to other people.
I want to tell you that you no longer have to do that, because you have a husband who loves you, and who will listen to you.
You and your husband can become a mutually supportive team if you open up and stop trying to get through life by putting on a show for an audience. Doing that is not healthy for you, because it casts you as an actress, rather than a human being.
Start living authentically. Just be you. No show, no performance, no card tricks.
As much as you have f'ed up, and as much as you have battered him emotionally, you have a human being in your life who loves you, and who wants to support you, but who has no faith that you feel the same way about him.
Some people spend their whole lives looking for another person who feels that way about them, and they do not find one.
You have one.
Think about that.
There are thousands - actually millions - of men who will sweet talk you and pay you every compliment possible to get sex from you. Most women would say that they know and understand that, and yet they have affairs thinking that their affair partners idolize them, rather than thinking they are just pleased to have found a convenient local source of cost-free sex.
However, how many men will come and visit you every day in hospital when you are getting over an operation, or struggling with cancer?
That is the true proof of what a man thinks of you.
And if you think about it for even a minute, I am sure that you will see that your husband would be there for you through thick and thin, whereas your affair partner would want you to give him a call when you are out of hospital and in a position to start providing the free sex again.
I can tell you that if you heard what men say to other men about married woman they are having affairs with, you would not have another affair for as long as you live. Their attitude is so callous, so cold, so exploitative.
Listening to the male affair partners I have met in real life has always made me feel deeply ashamed of being a man, because they really are total and utter pieces of Sh*t with no respect for any other human being.
You might think that you are sending photos and videos to only the man who has sweet-talked you into sending them, but I have actually been shown that kind of stuff by a couple of absolute scumbags, and it made me feel like humanity has no hope. I felt like crying because the women did that, and also because the guys saw nothing wrong in sharing the stuff and laughing about it.
LD, you know that your husband would be by your bedside if you were in hospital. Think about that. Value that. Treat that commitment with the respect that it deserves.
There are any number of men who will want to use you, but considerably less who will spoon-feed you if you are ill.
Think about what matters to you, and what is genuine, versus what is bullsh*t.
Love, praise, flattery, ego kibbles, sexual power, is not getting some random guy to screw you. It is being a woman that a man will visit in hospital, when he is not getting sex as a reward.
And for you, there is one man in the world who would do that for you.
So are you going to treat him with the value that he deserves, or go looking for compliments from guys who think you are a good place to deposit bodily fluids without a financial outlay?
Of all the men currently breathing on the planet, your husband loves you.
He is unique.
He is special.
He really, truly loves you.
Are you going to treat him with the respect that he deserves?
I hope that you will.
[This message edited by M1965 at 3:26 PM, September 22nd (Sunday)]