Some posters are so certain a WS can never make amends or change so no matter what your WW would do it would be all part of an evil master-plan for world-domination…
I think your wife is doing her best.
I understand and admire your empathy and willingness to give people second chances - especially when it comes to the betrayal of trust.
I do understand as none of us are perfect or even close.
After getting caught, A1’s WW is showing some sense of remorse and compassion towards him - far more so than my XWW who was the epitome of denial, contempt, blameshifting, trickle-truth, and continued lying.
But, when exactly did this effort on A1 WW’s part begin - and more importantly, what was it within her that started this effort?
Did it begin when her internal struggle with keeping this deep betrayal a secret become too much and too painful to keep from him and their children?
Did it begin when she realized the value and absolute necessity of honesty, truth, and trust with her family?
Did it begin when her guilt during the affair became too much and she needed to end it and confess to her husband and children?
What was the great epiphany, the great realization, the “come-to-Jesus” moment that had her come to the one man, the one person she specifically vowed to never betray and bestow the truth?
Her also-married adultery-partner died - that is what ended the affair.
Not her conscience, not her moral compass, not her guilt, nor her compassion for her husband, her children, her adultery-partners wife, nor their children.
They all died - and with a horrific lie they never knew.
Was it then, after such a horrific tragedy, that she came forth with the truth to make effort at bringing truth to A1, her children, and their family as a whole so they could begin healing?
Nine years later did she confess after the guilt tortured her at keeping such a grotesque secret from her husband and family?
She got caught.
There has been no effort on her part because she has been lying for 18 years.
Has she been making an effort since the very recent D-day?
Yes, I agree with you there.
But to surmise that since the affair-ending death of her adultery-partner she has been making an “effort”, in my opinion, is false.
Effort begins only when there is truth - and truth did not originate from any acquired wisdom, morality, courage, or compassion within her.
After nine years, it’s extremely doubtful she was ever planning on telling the truth.
A1 got the truth because of his efforts alone.
I’m not attempting to convince A1 to divorce, but will share with him my experience of dealing with some one who lied profoundly and for long periods of time.
That is precisely what this forum is for - to share our experiences.
I, and many others, truly admire your input and experience here.
In this particular case though, based on my experience, if A1 decides on divorce then I’ll certainly support him with whatever relevant experience I have had in my decision to divorce.
If he decides to reconcile, I’ll support him but also tell him to proceed with great caution - based on what I have written above regarding his WW.
Apologies for the thread jack, A1.
[This message edited by keptmyword at 9:39 AM, December 26th (Tuesday)]