HFSSC ( member #33338) posted at 12:27 PM on Thursday, July 10th, 2014
Pull the plug on that Hoover!!!
Holy crap - I can smell the smokin' motor overheating from here.
Sounds like maybe Unicorn Fart land is having a run of the shits, so he's testing the waters with you again.
Absolute gold from nekorb in General.
Me, 56
Him, 48 (JMSSC)
Married 26 years. Reconciled.
nowiknow23 ( member #33226) posted at 5:30 PM on Thursday, July 10th, 2014
I'm not Noah, nor the daughter of Noah, but I suppose if it walks like an ass and acts like an ass then there's no point in trying to pair it up with a human.
nomoreblueskies in D/S
You can call me NIK
And never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be.
― Sarah McMane
gonnabe2016 ( member #34823) posted at 3:52 PM on Monday, July 14th, 2014
StillGoing -- from the "What if my M really was shitty" in General:
I'm sure divorce is difficult. That doesn't make being a complete fucking asshole suddenly somehow acceptable. Math is hard, too. NASA doesn't just say fuck it, crack a 40 and shoot rockets in the air in random directions hoping they land some dude on a cool rock.
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." - Sir Walter Scott
In my effort to be *concise*, I often come off as blunt and harsh. Sorry, don't mean to be offensive.
nowiknow23 ( member #33226) posted at 9:55 PM on Monday, July 14th, 2014
I just want to know if the self-esteem thing is as big a steaming pile of baloney as I assume it is
That is a baloney sandwich with extra baloney, using baloney as bread and a tangy baloney spread for some zing.
RyeBread calling it as he sees it on the Ask The Menz thread.
You can call me NIK
And never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be.
― Sarah McMane
homewrecked2011 ( member #34678) posted at 11:49 AM on Tuesday, July 15th, 2014
Lonely Husband explaining to Numb2014 about being replaced in JFO...
If you throw away the steak on your plate and put some dog shit on there instead, you have "replaced" the steak. Doesn't mean it's a good idea, doesn't mean the steak should blame itself. The steak is still a steak. Unique, perfect. The dog shit is still dog shit. He may have "replaced" you but sooner or later he's going to ask himself why his life stinks and why everything tastes suspiciously like shit.
Everyone is "replaceable". His loss, your gain. Congratulations, your life now has one less loser in it. All that's happened is that the dog shit has been scraped from your plate. One day you'll wake up and realise that the air is a little fresher in your world. Once you have your life back on the rails you may find a new steak yourself.
Sometimes He calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage, but calms His child. Dday 12/19/11I went to an attorney and had him served. Shocked the hell out of him, with D papers, I'm proud to say!D final10/30/2012Me-55
soveryweary ( member #32265) posted at 1:21 PM on Wednesday, July 16th, 2014
Pass in a Topic Thread:
Fuck me gently.....she's an idiot.
Made me LOL and still does to this day. :0)
Divorced 1/3/14 after 31 years of marriage.
DefiledRage ( member #39292) posted at 6:04 PM on Friday, July 18th, 2014
Don't pet the drama llama buddy.
JJCT's simple response (in menz) to HurtingandLost's
"stbx throwing a pity party with some added mind fuckery"
Dday 1 EA 7/8/2010
Dday 2 PA 3/1/2013 same OMM for 4yrs
Mister rabbit says, "A moment of realization is worth a thousand prayers."
Pass ( member #38122) posted at 1:17 PM on Saturday, July 19th, 2014
However, Disney does not do happily ever stories about cheaters, only Facebook does.
Wontdefineme in the General forum, responding to ShyGirl07's XH getting engaged.
Divorced the cheater and living my best life now.
The best thing about hitting rock bottom is that everything after that looks fucking fabulous.
sisoon ( Moderator #31240) posted at 12:45 AM on Thursday, July 24th, 2014
I would call bullshit on this one, but am afraid that I would offend true bullshitters who take more pride in their craft than that.
Sal1995 on page 39 of the Ask the Menz thread in General, responding to the comment:
WH (and I know I have to remember this came from a waywards perspective) told me that 'Every man wants to to try something (someone) new at least once so they can then appreciate what they have at home.
[This message edited by sisoon at 6:46 PM, July 23rd (Wednesday)]
fBH (me) - on d-day: 66, Married 43, together 45, same sex apDDay - 12/22/2010Recover'd and R'edYou don't have to like your boundaries. You just have to set and enforce them.
foundoutlater ( member #32900) posted at 5:28 AM on Thursday, July 24th, 2014
as my Old Man used to say whenever I "wished" out loud for something to be true: wish in one hand and piss in the other and see which fills up first.
Sal1995 on the Betrayed Menz thread (page 28) talking about there is no use in wishing things were different. I'll be using this one as part of my internal dialog whenever I do down the "I wish" road.
Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behavior does.
Sal1995 ( member #39099) posted at 4:52 PM on Friday, July 25th, 2014
Thanks gents, I'm honored.
Gemini71 ( member #40115) posted at 1:32 AM on Saturday, July 26th, 2014
Tearsoflove in D/S
I think I'm going to punch the next person in the face who says "I deserve to be happy" and then tell them punching them in the face made me happy so I deserved to do it. You think that will fly?
DSs 21, 16, 12
About my Ex:
Double Betrayal D-Day 7/26/2013
Divorced 11/18/2014
gahurts ( member #33699) posted at 2:50 PM on Saturday, August 2nd, 2014
From Stillgoing in BetrayedMenz thread of ICR:
I came for the pain and stuck around for the good company? Mostly I stuck around because I didn't get kicked out.
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indominable will" - Mahatma Gandi
"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." - Aubrie
confetticheck ( new member #38676) posted at 5:14 PM on Saturday, August 2nd, 2014
Because the truth is the only thing offering me a way back into this marriage. The lies are the door I left through in the first place.
From theseseatsRtaken in Wayward.
Me - WH
Her - BW
Married 20 yrs, 3 kids
DDay - 17 Nov '12 (5 month PA)
Life's tough, it's tougher when your stupid.
MovingUpward ( member #14866) posted at 1:31 PM on Wednesday, August 6th, 2014
Asking for polyamory after having an affair is a lot like trying to call your truck a boat after driving into a lake.
Quote from Bigger
Amazonia ( member #32810) posted at 3:30 AM on Friday, August 8th, 2014
People are forgetting in this age of instant gratification that friendships and relationships take the most hated word on SI - time. We all just want the crap through which we've been wading to be over already, and to move on and feel awesome and have a billion friends and al the rest of it but, fuck it, guys - that's just not even close to being realistic. Any new beginning, whether with a set of friends or a move or a job or a new SO or a house or whatever is going to take some time. Not only do we have to walk before we can run, we - given our particularly crappy circumstances - have to learn to crawl all over again before we can even contemplate walking. And we learn to crawl by learning to be our own best friend.
Forged1 on the art of moving on.
"You yourself deserve your love and affection as much as anybody in the universe." -Buddha
"Let's face it, life is a crap shoot." -Sad in AZ
caregiver9000 ( member #28622) posted at 11:18 PM on Friday, August 8th, 2014
BtraydWife making it sound so simple...
What??? Denial isn't happiness. If you have to shut off a part of you to be happy, that's not real happiness. That's make believe.
I could have used that wisdom many times when I was younger.
Me: fortysomething, independent, happy,
XH "Stretch" (and Skew!) ;)
two kids, teens. Old enough I am truly NO CONTACT w/ NPD zebraduck
S 5/2010
D 12/2012
jjct ( member #17484) posted at 1:57 PM on Sunday, August 10th, 2014
SBB - giving advice on how to interact with the OW:
I treat it as I would a visit to a public toilet - as quick as possible and with as little contact with the festy surrounds as is possible.
Maybe try imaging yourself trying to wee on her without whilst balancing yourself so you don't actually touch her?
HFSSC ( member #33338) posted at 2:57 PM on Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
Wow, Hurtingandlost. How COULD you post on an anonymous board about an anonymous person who now shaves her hooha?
Bahahahaha! Made me spit my coffee this morning.
edited to attribute hardtimesinlife for this quote!
[This message edited by HFSSC at 8:57 AM, August 13th (Wednesday)]
Me, 56
Him, 48 (JMSSC)
Married 26 years. Reconciled.
Holly-Isis ( member #13447) posted at 3:58 PM on Thursday, August 14th, 2014
Sometimes it's hard not to carried away, I mean it's tough to get things symmetrical, and then a little more and a little more, then it looks like a Hitler Vag, then the whole shebang has to come off......
Tushnurse re: personal grooming in the "Cat's out of the bag" thread.
"Being in love" first moved them to promise fidelity: this quieter love enables them to keep the promise. *CS Lewis*