Hi Jim-
We did not stop having sex but the frequency/quality was diminished.
I think genders often have things one is often more good at than the other. It’s scientifically proven women are great at multi-tasking. And I think what a lot of women are bad at is compartmentalization of feelings in the affair. That part is my own speculation based on reading here for so many years but of course I do not think that over generalization is true in every case.
I think if your wife ceased intimacy or intimacy declined significantly, it’s because she was deeply involved with the emotional aspects of the affair. This was true for me. It’s not something silly like I didn’t want to cheat on the AP. It’s more emotional engagement and desire for me are deeply connected.
So for me, and maybe your wife- you should definitely ask her if you haven’t- the emotional investment in one relationship over the other dictates where the desire went.
And honestly this has nothing to do with sexual prowess of the ap. It has to do with where the emotional investment was. The emotional stuff started before the physical and so that drop off happened before I even had any of that knowledge.
I cheated in part seeking for emotional connection/intimacy. However, the reason I didn’t have it is because I didn’t know that I had been putting up obstacles from it. In essence, the thing I wanted most I didn’t know how to foster. I wanted to be romanced, but my picture of that was him romancing me. The reality is romance comes from being your authentic self with someone, being vulnerable with them, making them a safe space for you.
The ap wasn’t that either. He wasn’t safe by any stretch of the imagination. He was emotionally unavailable same as me. We didn’t foster a connection, we played out that immature version of romance that I had in my head. I was very stupid not to see my husband, the one who helped me when I was sick, watched me grow and give birth to our child, worked tirelessly for me and our family, loved me on my bad days, etc.
But the crux of my answer is I am unable to be so emotionally invested in two people at once. Some people are good at that. I think females are worse at compartmentalization of emotion. And I tend to think more females cheat for emotional stuff than sex, but of course that is not a rule for all.
I think what made my husband overcome that is how our intimacy is now. How I show him true desire. And also how I tell him when I feel like we are letting our emotional connection slip and need to get out and do some things together or sit and talk a bit more or maybe that I need more affection through the day. Everything in a marriage is connected to the other parts and I think he now knows that we can’t ignore each other and expect to have carefree sex. He sees the results of emotional investment and it’s clearer to him that I work differently than he does.
[This message edited by hikingout at 7:19 PM, Tuesday, February 4th]