Newest Member: Hound77


Is there stories of WS choosing AP but still reconciliation later?

After a year of doing the pick me dance with my husband, and two false reconciliations that was not him trying at all & just running back to affair partner I have finally dropped the rope. He ghosted me after leaving again at the end of November and I finally am waving the white flag of defeat. He has tried to call me twice since he left (middle of night so I was asleep) and texted me once asking if I was home but when I responded he read the text & never responded to me again. I love my husband but the last year has been all about me trying to help him in his dysfunctions & addictions that the AP supports. I am ready to heal & start working on me. I am not ready to divorce, but with no contact I am becoming more & more accepting each day. My husband does not want me. He does not want our old life of 27 years. He doesn't want safety and stability. He wants the drama, he wants the alcohol, he wants the drugs. This isn't just an affair. This is addiction, this is trauma from his past rearing his head & I have no control over anything but me. I thought all these issues & problems were far in the past but somehow they have resurfaced after years of being dormant. Still.... at night when I am still crying myself to sleep I look for hope. Maybe after I heal more I will have different thoughts but I was wondering is there anyone here who's husband chose the affair partner after affair was revealed & later regretted and reconciliation did happen.

13 comments posted: Friday, January 24th, 2025

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