Hi 4 characters,
Today we spoke about a very important topic, the future. The future is something my wife has a very difficult time speaking about. Usually, the best I can get out of her about the future is, "I don’t know". I don’t know if we have a future together. I don’t know if you or I can give each other what we need or want. I don’t know if this will all work out. I don’t know, but I’m trying, is all she can say.
So if your join date is close to your dday this is normal for the ws. (doesn’t mean you have to accept it, so don’t take what I am saying as a directive towards your marriage, I am just telling you what I believe)
I didn’t know if I wanted my marriage either. I wanted to try for sure. But what happens to have an affair is we put together a narrative in our mind that justifies what we are doing. It’s not conscious lying, it’s more like hundreds of little justifications to keep feeling good. Also, I think women especially emotionally invest in their affairs. For the first 6 months I was withdrawing from all the hits of dopamine and adrenaline, which left me feeling flat and depressed.
I simply didn’t have it to give. I do think it’s good she is not lying to you or making up promises to keep you around. Realizing we have lied to ourselves is a slow unwinding process.
To manage that level of limbo for myself, I’ve developed a plan. I’ve told her I will wait until the end of this year and then I will reevaluate the situation.
I think that is a good plan, to put it on a dutute date. My husband did 6 months.
If the end of the year were today, I would go see a divorce lawyer. Everything we do together seems like it’s a chore or a homework assignment for her. It seems like, yes, she’s trying, but it’s a tax in her.
Yes that was definitely me too.
I do not feel this way about her. I’m challenged by things she says and does, but not by my want to be with her, to spend time with her.
Yes, but you have not been on the same trajectory as her.
I apologize I do not know your story. For me, I was having an existential crisis at the time of my affair. I was 41, my kids were about raised and I didn’t feel like I knew myself anymore. I felt like I had sacrificed so much for my family that I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted and I was full of resentment. It took a while to take accountability that my over sa drive was on me and that I had to own up to creating my own unhappiness and escaping by having an affair only caused longer pain and turmoil.
It feels like she cares and there’s love for me. But that she doesn’t love herself or the life she’s created for herself. It feels like I’m just a reminder of that for her.
Yes, it was like that for me too. I had escaped and numbed myself so much I really didn’t appreciate my husband even a fraction of what I should have. It took months to start moving away from that narrative.
One great example of that is family gatherings. Over the years, I have not gone to most gatherings. I find them to be stupid and wastes of time. My wife knew this, and using her people pleasing skills, just allowed me to opt out.
But eventually this began to create a lot of resentment in her, and now after 22 years of feeling like I "just didn’t give a shit" (spoiler, I cared deeply) about her. She says it’s now difficult for her to trust that she "will not have to worry about how you’re feeling", or if I’m "bored and want to leave early." Basically that she doesn’t want to have to deal with me and would rather go by herself to these things. Which was always a contributing factor as to why I didn’t go in the first place.
I think that a good sign is she is no longer willing to people please. Just know that learning to do that is awkward at first and we kind of go hard in the opposite direction. For me that leveled out again. Recognize that she is telling you the truth about where she is, her confusion over what she wants and trying to lead her life more authentically. How you factor into that should change over time if she is working on herself.
Even if you all end up divorcing I think someone who works on themselves will take greater accountability of where they landed over a period of time.
But since the revelation that my wife was "miserable for our entire marriage", I have been doing everything I can to show her that I will do the things that are important to her, including be by her side at family gatherings. So what I find odd is that this is not making her happy, at all. And instead it seems to be a real challenge for her to talk to me about future events as if I will even be invited.
The issue is with her and not with you.
She didn’t cheat on you because he has been miserable her entire marriage.
What happens is as someone starts to cheat they start justifying it. And over time they will re-write history and the marriage. I would not take these claims that seriously. Certainly if you want to be a better partner for her because there are opportunities for improvement that’s fine, but do not associate what she has done and how she has justified it to herself with truth.
Did I feel emotionally neglected at times? Yes. But there was a lot of happiness over the years of being married. But coming out of the affair I didn’t know what end was up.
Because of the affair, I also feel wary that perhaps this is a way for her to travel alone and find time for an AP. I don’t think this is likely, but the intrusive thoughts are still there.
That is valid, and whether or not it’s true she should be being transparent and reassuring.
Today was the first time she said that I was invited to the next event in May, and it was only after I explained to her that these gatherings were a "milestone" that I would be using to reevaluate our marriage at the first of the year.
Why is this a milestone for you?
I’m doing all the things, and it’s not enough. It’s been 5 months of this, and I’m not the one that had the affair, she is. What do you think is going on with her?
She is ambivalent because she is still working out who she authentically is and what she wants.
My guess is that she doesn’t want me near her family if she doesn’t think the marriage is going to last, but since she’s not sure, she’s begrudgingly going to allow me to go, while knowing that it’s likely not going to change anything, or actually cause her more stress in the long run.
I think it’s more this has been a point of contention and she sort of still wants to cling to the resentments so that she can hide from herself that she cheated because of herself, not because of you.
Moving her back isn’t going to help. I think you should be authentic to yourself and find boundaries in which you demonstrate self respect. Right now she sees she has every option under the sun but I think she doesn’t know yet what it feels like when your sun doesn’t shine on her. That’s going to be a process for you I think.
I guess what I’m saying is that I think my WW is running out of ways to blame me for everything, but isn’t close to doing the hard work examining the contributions her toxic people pleasing had on our marriage, and how both she and I made mistakes (both just me). I think the important thing is we either learn and grow from this or we just need to move on with our lives, but what isn’t helping anyone is living in the past. Did you experience anything similar to this with your husband? What were some of the key moments that made you change your mind and see your own decisions had contributed to where your marriage ended up?
I think you are right. She isn’t even living in the past she is living in her justifications for cheating.
Yes I experienced all of this. I was worse because I pined for the AP. It took a while to realize it wasn’t the ap at all but the flooding of dopamine and nothing to do with the AP.
I do not think there was one turning point but a series of epiphanies over time in which I became more self aware and engaged in being more curious with myself.
Your wife didn’t cheat on you because of you or your marriage. She cheated because she lost herself over time and the pain became greater than the attachment to her values.
What is she doing? I was in therapy, reading, and trying to awkwardly practice not people pleasing and trying to figure out what my new dreams are. This is crucial to her process. But you should not feel you have to sacrifice yourself in order to get her to come back. I think you should keep evaluating and asking for what you want.