I don’t want to be scared any more. I want to move forward with confidence albeit with caution and no naivety.
For me, that work doesn't mean I have to stay or go (from the marriage), but it did free me from more of the anxiety and irrational fear (as opposed to the very rational caution).
You are a badass to be able to do things that you know will cause fear. You could run way. Or never love again. But instead you are being brave. A good role model for everyone.
THIS is why I LOVE this place
Webbit...your feelings are perfectly NORMAL for where you are in your recovery right now. I wish I could make those scared feelings go away for you...but honestly...you are doing EXACTLY what you need to do to combat it
One thing that helped me was when I read that our THOUGHTS dictate our FEELINGS. You seem to be doing really well in this...so keep up what you are doing
! When your thoughts start to bring you to those irrationally scared feelings...move them to the more positive thoughts that are tangible...like you are seeing in his actions. This will help to evoke positive feelings
As someone who has been through some of these myself...I can write what helped ME:
Scared you’ll be hurt all over again...I made a "Plan B". I got a checking account in my name only with enough money to live off of in case I needed to leave quickly. I got a newer vehicle in my name only. I got a credit card in my name only. Once I had a PLAN to be able to LEAVE in case my H did this to me again...I was able to relax and focus on what I could do in order to be able to STAY
At this point...I knew I had a CHOICE. That was a very freeing position!
scared you are giving a second chance to someone who maybe just does not deserve it...this one was a no brainer for me because I already knew my H did NOT deserve a second chance. EVERY A is a dealbreaker. PERIOD. What I COULD do though...was give my H MERCY
. It was up to HIM to decide to be grateful or to take it for granted. What he did with my mercy would be very telling. He was EXTREMELY grateful! After a little while we decided on a new deal...and we are very happily ENJOYING our Mv2.0 as we like to call it
scared you’ve made the wrong decision...I heard a quote from Maya Angelou once..."I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." There are no right or wrong decisions Dear Lady...just decisions we make because of what we KNOW at the time
. If we could all look into the future...we could all make PERFECT decisions! But for now...you are doing just fine
scared to be vulnerable and let that person (who was meant to love you but smashed your heart into pieces) be the one you confide in and let hold you...this one is a HARD one (((HUGS))). It was probably about 5 years into R before I could be completely vulnerable with my H. I didn't want to be in an M without this though...so I either had to D my H and try with someone else...or R with him and try with him. I CHOSE HIM
. I knew that I could always change my mind...but until I did...I was going to at least TRY.
The thing is...there is NOTHING that is guaranteed. I don't know what the future holds. But I do know that I am going to LIVE it with all LOVE that I can...because that is what brings me PEACE...and that brings me HAPPINESS
. As we say here in Cajun Country...NEAUX FEAR
You are just starting out...and it IS scary (((HUGS))). Your body is TENSE...your nerves are still RAW...you may even still be having the SHAKES. Oh gosh...I HATED that when my body just started trembling like that
!! But you WILL get better...I PROMISE you that
. Every day will get a little better...and then a whole year will have passed and you will see that you actually SURVIVED every day!! You ARE that strong kick arse woman...just by reaching out like this
!! That's pretty cool if you ask me
!! One day at a time...one hour at a time...heck...one minute at a time Dear Lady...but ONE DAY...you won't be scared anymore
. Then it will be your turn to SHINE
A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.
With God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
I AM happy again...It CAN happen!!!
From respect comes great love...sassylee