First of all, Superesse I am so sorry for the loss of your uncle. Hugs and prayers are headed your way.
Second, I was posting while tired and angry so may have been unclear. Also the situation is just so ridiculous it’s hard to explain.
My sister in law is not selling drugs as far as I know. She’s a consumer for sure. Her house (okay, it’s a double wide trailer and that is so cliche’) is where my niece and her boyfriend were living. My SIL was living there with niece and the boyfriend until about 6 weeks ago when she bought the camper.
Niece is 26 and BF is 33. And as much as I wish there were some explanation or mitigating factors, she is no wide eyed maiden led astray. She has been getting in trouble since middle school and my SIL and in laws always blamed someone else. She brought a hunting knife to school and was going to get expelled. Zero tolerance and all. Somehow that went away and she stayed in school. She got her phone confiscated for using it in class and my SIL was all over Facebook blasting the school and saying she paid for the phone and school had no right to take HER personal property. I’ll admit I got a little snarky and commented something like "Oh, no! Did she not know that using the phone in class was against the rules?"
That went over like a turd in a punchbowl.
I can’t remember if I put this in my previous post but the weekend after my MIL died, niece was busted twice in the same night by the same cop with drugs in the car. The second time was at 0430 and she had her baby in the car. (This is the now 4 year old). They let her go with a ticket both times. That’s when I called social services because as a mandatory reporter I didn’t think I could hold off on that. They opened a case on her. The baby tested positive for weed but since my SIL signed taking responsibility, they left him in the home. Niece promptly took off for another state and stayed for 6 months. DSS closed the case (since she wasn’t their problem anymore?) and nothing ever happened to her.
So it was SIL, niece, grand-nephew (who I’ll call C) living in the home. SIL has a serious issue with rescuing dogs. I can’t remember the name of the disorder but she definitely has it. There were 7 or 8 dogs in the house at one point. And not little dogs. Labs and pitts and those size dogs. When he was about 3, C was attacked by one of the dogs and bitten in the face. Animal control took the dog that bit him and then returned it after quarantine. (As I’m writing this I just realize how fucked up this whole thing is). And again, nothing happened.
Boyfriend and current baby daddy, let’s call him asshole (AH) from this point, "lives" about a mile away on the paved road. At that property he breeds super expensive designer bully breed dogs and sells meth and weed. Now I’m no FBI agent, but I have watched Ozark and Justified a whole bunch of times, and that sure sounds like a great way to launder drug money. He and my niece were selling from my SIL’s house until about a year ago when JM and my FIL had words with him and told him to keep that shit off our property. So since then, if two lying drug traffickers and an enabling drug using mother can be believed, the house on our property was only used for storage and all of the the business was conducted at the other house. Like that matters to the DEA and ATF.
Asshole is the one caught on tape selling 2 days after getting bailed out. Niece was not selling (being 9 months pregnant finally slowed her down I guess) but was recorded on wiretaps discussing the business and being definitely involved quite voluntarily. Asshole also went on facebook, TAGGED the Sheriff’s Department saying how they weren’t gonna ever take his dogs.
So in the raid yesterday, 19 dogs were seized.
I’m sorry. I know it’s not funny. None of it is. But apparently everybody isn’t cut out for a life of crime.
They have a court appointed attorney. Asshole has 2 prior felonies so he’ll be getting life assuming the PD isn’t some super-lawyer working for the PD office because of truth, justice and the American Way. In addition to the prior charges for distribution of meth and weed and illegal firearms, he now has trafficking charges and resisting arrest. Niece, in addition to her previous charges of distribution and child endangerment also has trafficking and resisting arrest.
I know it sounds like I don’t love her. And that couldn’t be further from the truth. Our kids grew up together and my younger son has always felt they were siblings more than cousins. I am convinced she was sexually abused at some point but she has adamantly refused to get any sort of counseling. As much as I don’t like the idea of her going to prison, I don’t believe she is going to ever stop her self destruction voluntarily. Maybe this is the only chance to save her life. There’s a saying in recovery circles that there are only 3 ways out of addiction: locked up, sobered up, or covered up.
So… I don’t want her to have an inept lawyer but I also just want her to get her constitutional right to a defense. For her children’s sake, I’m sick and tired of her just getting away with everything and continuing to literally endanger their lives.
I had a long talk with her older sister, Niece#1 last night. Niece1 has her shit together. She is a single mom whose daughter just turned 5, and works her butt off to send her little one to a private school. She has nothing to do with her sister and little contact with their mom because she doesn’t want Cl (her daughter) around all the stuff. She would possibly be willing to take custody of the newborn but is rightfully concerned about her and Cl’s safety should someone in asshole’s family or drug connections decide to do something stupid. She’s also clear that if she takes custody she wants it to be permanent and she is concerned about her sister getting out of prison and deciding to take him back.
God, it’s just such a mess.