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Newest Member: GettingThere08

Just Found Out :
Husband cheated and died shorty after

Topic is Sleeping.

Hurtmyheart ( member #63008) posted at 6:32 AM on Sunday, November 26th, 2023

I understand that your trauma and wh death is still very fresh, but maybe in time when you are feeling more emotionally stable, you also can come back to SI and share your story with others. SI has been a lifeline for me during some of my darkest hours.

I have found reading others posts, sharing and posting responses have been very therapeutic. During those early days after my wh death, I used this site as one of my lifelines to help to pull me out of the depths of my dispair and grief. Maybe you can also find some comfort and relief and understanding here. I hope so for you. I feel this is very complicated grief and the more support you can find the better it will be for you.

posts: 911   ·   registered: Mar. 12th, 2018
id 8816307

 Ebz40 (original poster member #80392) posted at 3:02 AM on Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

@hurtmyheart thank you for all your support. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on here.

I’m doing ok. It’s been a 1.5yrs since my WH passed. I’m in a better place mentally and spiritually. Nevertheless I still have my struggles but definitely doing a bit better by the Grace of God.

I’ve kept my isolated and focused on life (kids/work/family)

I’m truly grateful to you and everyone else on SI for the support. I truly mean it. It was one of the most devastating and darkest time in my life.

Having a good support system, going to therapy and truly understanding what I experienced has helped me tremendously. I still have a lot of work to do. Nevertheless, I’m grateful to God for giving me a second chance in life.

Hope all is well with you

posts: 69   ·   registered: Jun. 24th, 2022   ·   location: None
id 8817318
Topic is Sleeping.
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