I take it you don't belive I have the full picture of happened
Yes, that is correct, I don't believe you have the full picture. Caveat: You will never get the complete picture, but you need the full picture.
It appears you have certain boundaries that once crossed - game over. Fucking someone outside your marriage being one of them, but my guess there are acts and behavior short of that that are also dealbreakers.
You need to know what is being held back.
Why do you think that? Because of what I wrote about all this or from your experience be it personal or from various infidelity sites?
All of the above:
- My own personal experience in my life
- My own personal experience observing infidelity in others.
- Reading countless stories on infidelity forums and seeing that cheaters resort to the same tactics over and over.
- And finally, somethings about the story you wrote doesn't add up (As it pertains to your wife) Sorry, I can't go back through your epic posts right now, but maybe you can pull out "the story" your wife has told + the facts you now a tad more succinctly and I can tell you what sounds fishy.
One red flag was the getting in the car with him. Nobody gets in a car with the person they are cheating on to hold hands and smooch. Maybe they didn't go all the way in the car, but lots of things can happen in a car.
And I bet she had more opportunities to share time with him in his car.
Also, lots of things can happen in lots of places. I don't think you have that full picture. Whatever it is, your wife will take the full picture to her grave if you allow it.
The question is: Can you continue with her, while not knowing what you don't know?
Counseling: I would bet that your wife is feeding the therapist a load of horseshit and the therapist is nodding his/her head and validating her rationaLIESing her behavior with "I can see why you felt that way" and "Have your husband's behaviors improved since this incident?" and "He should not accuse you of fucking this man! Don't accept that from him." (And then she calls you and asshole for expressing your feelings.)
Therapist very rarely hold people truly accountable, let alone cheaters. They all too often provide cover for cheater's and do not advise rigorous honesty. And no-quarter-given accountability is what cheaters have to face to truly improve themselves.
Let me say something, and it is offensive, but please accept my apologies up front.
Your wife is common. Cheaters are nothing but common liars. They do the same shit over and over. That's why so many of us can predict the sequence of events, from the denial, to the deleting, to the minimizing, to the pussy bombing, to the pushback on your expressing your hurt, to her not keeping her word.
You remember "The Rollercoaster"? Well this is the "Cheater's Playbook". They pull the plays from it chapter and verse.
And the number one play from the cheater's playbook is to lie, minimize, and omit.
Maybe what she is holding back is minor and stupid. Maybe it is probably a dealbreaker (I lean this direction)
But hold back she will. Because that is what cheaters do, and by definition, cheaters do not have the character to do the uncommon thing: show courage, come clean, face the consequences.
Your wife may not be cheating anymore but she is still a cheater. She cannot even adhere to the deal she agreed to. She can't help herself from fighting with you even though she has no leg to stand on.
If it were me, I would stay in counseling for myself to keep my self esteem up and let out my feelings (Some therapists actually do this well) and get her out of counseling because she is guaranteed to not be utilizing it to really help herself and you don't want a snake in your garden.
Make her to read all the books: Not Just friends, cheating in a nutshell, how to help your spouse heal from the affair.
Make her write everything down again, in excruciating detail, and tell her she better not leave anything out because this is going to be polygraphed. (Even if you aren't even though you should)
See what else shakes loose. See what else contradicts her earlier statements. Cheaters can't keep their lies straight.
And if you ever do take her to the polygraph examiner, be ready for more truth to come out the night before and on the way.
And I hope I am wrong about everything I just wrote.
[This message edited by faithfulman at 1:24 AM, January 28th (Thursday)]