I don’t see anybody begging you reconcile MrFibble, but I do see posts demanding you divorce.
It’s totally your call.
Do I think your marriage can be saved? Yes – if that’s what you want.
Do I think you should divorce? Yes – if that’s what you want. Your last posts say you want this so let’s go along with that.
The mind movies, insecurity, loss of trust to others and all that – you have to deal with them no matter what. Be it in this marriage or in your next relationship or just in general in life. If you were to commit to D, I would be suggesting IC to help with coping, and my last post to you when you let us know 12-18 months from now on the Divorce forum that it’s over… would be to suggest you seek IC for PTSD issues. Despite separating and removing myself from the infidelity I was rife with PTSD.
I can share that I think I did a near perfect separation after d-day and have since moved from the city I was living in at the time. I still visit, and some years ago I realized I avoided driving past the building we were living in because it was a trigger… This 20 years after the fact. Once I realized this, I could deal with it using the tools I got from my IC regarding PTSD. The affair can still come into my mind when I drive past, but doesn’t impact me negatively.
But maybe I’m only projecting my situation on yours…
If you were to R then my advice would be focused on getting you to understand that R is only partially about recovering from the infidelity. Granted it’s the main focus for the first year or so, but then it goes into working on the relationship in general. It’s maybe best compared to going to the gym: You might need intense daily dietary and work-out advice in the beginning when dealing with deadly obesity (d-day) but maybe 3-4 years down the road you have learned healthier habits and maybe a nice enjoyable 5 mile jog twice a week is enough.
I for one have never understood the “you can always get a new woman” logic some offer. It makes marriage and the choice of partners so disposable. It’s like telling a grieving parent they can always get a new child. Divorce or reconcile you need to deal with either trauma internally. Infidelity definitely is a major life trauma but divorce is so too.
People will always be projecting their own situations onto you’re, viewing it through their own lens, and even trying to backwards rationalize their decisions vicariously through you.
That is true, and I think it applies to nearly all (if not all) that share here.
One thing I constantly hammer on: Make the affair reality. Cut the drama.
If you want a divorce, then start the process. Forget all ideas about her signing over the house or divorcing to start dating again or whatever. Divorce is a dime-a-dozen thing and there are rather direct and clear laws regarding how it goes through. The main contention tends to be custody but even that has some guidelines that generally apply. You don’t discuss the divorce with her, you discuss it with the legal representative be it a mediator or you own attorney. You want it to be friendly and amicable? Then stick to the laws – they ensure it’s as fair as it gets. Will still feel like unfair and total crap, but it IS as fair as it get’s.
There is an inevitability in divorce. For one the actual signing of the final decree is a formality. It’s the end of a process. You don’t have to keep the D a secret from others, live in the same house or whatever until the judge stamps the paper. If you are committed to D then start behaving as if this is real.
Talk to an attorney and find out how you two can separate physically without any limitations on possible rights regarding the home or custody
(Like if you were to move to your friends garage it wouldn’t impact your right to future residence in the marital home or limit your rights to prime custody. Same if she moved out).
Get him to list what info he needs. If meditation is possible in your state and what the rules are for divorce.
Start the practical financial division. Once again if you are the prime earner then ask the attorney what obligations you have. You cant cut off your wife completely because while married all assets (wages included) are joint. That might change if you file.
Prepare for telling the kids and let them know. It’s THEIR family, they have a right. Let other stakeholders know. It’s inevitable. If you are determined to divorce then 30 days from now you two don’t need to be living together.
Define your interactions during this process. What is expected? Who sleeps where? Is there an expectancy of cooperation? Like does she still cook your meals and you do the dishes?
If the above sound hard or harsh… Then think long and hard what you want.
The above is divorce. It’s reality. It’s not in any way an easy path, not any more than R. But R OR D beat the most often chosen path of wallowing in infidelity by a boatload!