Things are well for the Ohfor family
While life is different, it honestly can’t be said to be bad or even just worse than our recollection of what we remember it to have been. There are moments of sadness for each one of the trio, but there are more moments of joy. We are making new discoveries as well as new memories.
One of the discoveries is rather startling. It is of a “Men in Black” magnitude.
I am not sure how many of you are students of physics, but those that are will be aware of the debate about the multiverse. The theory that we live in one of many parallel universes. Some of the most respected thinkers of our time are proponents of the theory including Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Max Tegmark, and Alan Guth, plus many more. Well, I now have conclusive proof that there is a parallel universe to the one that I had been living in for the past 20 plus years. One that I was never even allowed to catch a glimpse of. It seems that it is kept strictly off limits for faithful husbands. I hope that I am not sharing a secret that should be restricted only to the New Beginnings forum. Maybe I should ask each of you for a secret password before I share this. Mabey I need to organise for each of you to be blitzed with the Men in Black wand when you are done reading this.
Parallel to the universe in which I lived as a faithful husband, in which we shopped, socialised, worked and parented, there is a universe of hundreds of attractive, single women!. All previously invisible to me. Once the “Keepers of the Secret” determined that the faithful husband role has been ripped from me they clearly decided that I could now be allowed into that universe.
I am sure that you will agree that there is still no communication mechanism more effective than the urban grapevine. In less than a week from telling the kids, the neighbourhood knows that Ohfor is “Soon to be Single”. I am curious to know if the soon to be single BWs experience anything like this, or what the opposite gender equivalent of what I am experiencing might be? We literally, now need to buy a 2nd refrigerator. The kitchen counter is lined with home cooked meals (most cooked by the maids mind you) that have streamed in daily.
Their intelligence gathering abilities are astounding. Cherry pie is my favourite. Who outside of the family would know that? Over the weekend 2 freshly baked cherry pies arrived.
I am receiving invitations to all manner of things. A cheese and wine for a new home showing, the opening function for a new women’s fashion boutique, to join different bridge clubs and even an invitation to join a women’s only book club(I hope they know I am not gay). A slew of invitations to join various golf, 4 balls, where I am fairly confident that I would be the only player not wearing pink and white. (Although I am a member of 2 clubs I am terrible at the game and hardly ever play. Would just embarrass myself. For me I just love the therapy of being alone on the driving range very early in the morning).
We went shopping as a family today. It took over 3 times longer than we had anticipated. Everyone in the store stopped to chat. They all knew me and the kids by name. I didn’t recognise one of them. Each would commiserate then compliment. “So sorry for what you are going through. Just know how much I respect you for XYZ”.
It was just so sweet to see DD operate. Clearly her woman’s radar was on full alert. She would sense an approaching trolley before I even saw it on the horizon, and depending on her assessment of the merit of allowing the contact, she would manoeuvre herself, trolley and DS so as either to allow comfortable access to me or keep the new arrival well at bay. Already making sure that she protects Father’s heart. I felt a little flustered all the way through and realised again just how poor I am at making casual conversation. Only once we were nearly done did I realise that it didn’t matter in the least. I have no interest in any sort of new relationship other than with my kids. It might actually help me in that cause if I come across as a boring, social incompetent.
I am worried about WW. I think she is on the highway to hell. 2BF tell me that she is spending every evening in the hotel bar as a bar flirt. WW called me last week, saying that she was excruciatingly lonely and could she join us for Friday supper. I said absolutely not. To my mind that is one of the family treasures that she sacrificed when she made her decisions. She asked if the kids could spend Saturday with her and that I was happy with, as long as she did not touch alcohol at all while they were with her. DD did not want to go but DS spent the day with his mom and said it was ok.
Atr tells me that WW has been lawyer shopping. She has consulted with all 3 of the names we gave her and at least 2 others. She is getting the same message back from all of them but clearly does not like what she is hearing. I really hope that she gives me something on this soon. If for nothing else but to give the kids some certainty.