Newest Member: DCS72


Xww is engaged

XWW got engaged this past week. I honestly feel nothing. Maybe a little sadness (for her soon to be husband lol). He is not the OM in my story and seems to be a pretty nice guy. XWW and I have 2 young the whole Step Daddy thing worries me, as from the beginning my biggest fear is being replaced. I know that’s mostly on me and I shouldn’t think that way. I always make my DS and DD my #1 priority and always take my kids when their Mom flakes on her time (including a whole week while she went on vacation and apparently got engaged). I know I’m a good Dad. I know my kids love me. And I really really really hope she drops my last name and takes his! That’s the final piece that would put the biggest smile on my face!

18 comments posted: Monday, May 10th, 2021

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