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SI Prayers/Mojo Request...Cancer


MissesJai ( member #24849) posted at 4:32 PM on Friday, April 29th, 2016

so much place like SI...


Happily divorcing..
My Life is Mine!!!!
Don't settle for no fuck shit....

posts: 7497   ·   registered: Jul. 17th, 2009   ·   location: So Cal.....
id 7542671

GabyBaby ( member #26928) posted at 4:45 PM on Friday, April 29th, 2016

DS you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!

Fuck cancer indeed!!

Me - late 40s
DD(27), DS(24, PDD-NOS)

WH#2 (SorryinSac)- Killed himself (May 2015) in our home 6 days after being served divorce docs.
XWH #1 - legally married 18yrs. 12+ OW (that I know of).

I edit often for clarity/typos.

posts: 10094   ·   registered: Dec. 26th, 2009   ·   location: Here and There
id 7542685

dotterofTheKing ( member #45223) posted at 5:41 PM on Friday, April 29th, 2016

(((DS))) I am just seeing this post and am so sorry you must endure this. I will be rooting for you and praying!!!

I was BW (48), He was WH (47) at D-day
Together 27 years, married for 24
D-day was August 4, 2014
We have 3 beautiful children. (Two sons 19 and 20, one daughter 14.)
Affair with HS sweetheart.
Divorced January 26, 2016

posts: 605   ·   registered: Oct. 14th, 2014
id 7542758

stroppy_wanadoo ( member #11224) posted at 5:59 PM on Friday, April 29th, 2016

Many, MANY prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way! You are beautiful inside and out, and cancer stands ZERO chance!!!

((((DS & MH))))

posts: 1175   ·   registered: Jul. 7th, 2006
id 7542775

minusone ( member #50175) posted at 4:00 PM on Saturday, April 30th, 2016

Thinking of you today…(((DS)))

"I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better". Maya Angelou

posts: 8372   ·   registered: Nov. 2nd, 2015   ·   location: USA
id 7543548

atalosss ( member #47882) posted at 5:09 PM on Saturday, April 30th, 2016

Hi DS,

Just wanted to send you a {{{hug}}}. Yes, fuck cancer! I am so sorry that you are going through this.

Your friend is right, you do have to go to war with it. The best advice my FIL got when he was sick is to delagate work to others. Everyone has to become a soldier and you're the general.

I mentioned in another thread that Seabands are a natural way to help with the nausea, here we can get them at the pharmacy and through Amazon. Also vitamin C shots also helped FIL with his energy and immune system. Beef bone broth is also good if you get any of the mouth sores. It's packed with iron and other nutrients.

Hang in there, you will eventually get stronger.

"You can't ride two horses with one ass" Channel66

posts: 1098   ·   registered: May. 14th, 2015   ·   location: canada
id 7543597

PricklePatch ( member #34041) posted at 5:22 PM on Saturday, April 30th, 2016

You look like a strong beautiful woman. Keep your bitch shoes on.

BS Fwh

posts: 3267   ·   registered: Nov. 28th, 2011
id 7543608

Briseis ( member #47825) posted at 8:04 PM on Saturday, April 30th, 2016

I neeeeevvvveeerrrrr come into Off Topic, so just saw this today.

WOW. Unbelievable.

First---the wig is on point. You look fabulous. I see cancer patients all the time, and the wigs can be not-so-good. Yours looks legit real. I love it.

Second--that port is your new BFF. Saves so much wear and tear on your arms and poor veins. My patients that have them are grateful to not be pincushioned at every appointment.

Third--A new roller coaster for you. Ups, downs, in betweens. Sometimes, the cancer cheerleading section gets to be too much, and you need to have down day. Or a pity party. You can totally do that. Cancer sucks so bad. It's ok to not be in "kick-ass" mode at all times. It doesn't mean you're giving up or not fighting hard<--you probably know all that, but just reiterating.

Thanks for this wonderful community. SI has seriously gotten me through the first year. IDK where I would have been without the resources and information I was able to find and use. We're here for you now.

[This message edited by Briseis at 2:09 PM, April 30th (Saturday)]

BW/MH (me): b 1979
WH: b 1976
Married 2001
1 DS

posts: 1047   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2015   ·   location: USA
id 7543724

Mama_of_3_Kids ( member #26651) posted at 9:50 PM on Saturday, April 30th, 2016


I am sorry to hear this. Healing prayers!

Me: BW/33 The kidlets: DS16, DS12, and DD10 The hounds: Three Shih Tzu's The felines: Two short haired kitteh's

posts: 11775   ·   registered: Dec. 15th, 2009
id 7543799

NaiveAgain ( member #20849) posted at 10:08 PM on Saturday, April 30th, 2016

Aaww...DS, I LOVE the hair! It looks so cute on you!!!

Original WS D-Day July 10, 2008. Kept lying, he is gone.
New WS (2 EA's, no PA) 12-3-13
If you don't like where you are, then change it. You are not a tree.

posts: 16236   ·   registered: Aug. 31st, 2008   ·   location: Ohio
id 7543817

looking forward ( member #25238) posted at 10:22 PM on Saturday, April 30th, 2016

Hi DS,,

I'm so very sorry to hear this news.

I read through all the posts, and, as everyone says, you can beat this! You are a strong woman.


Adding you and your family to my prayers,



You have taught me that faith as small as a mustard seed can grow into an amazing tree.

Today I give you my little seed of faith. I place it firmly in the ground of your word. I water it with truth. The warmth of your love will make it grow.

Today I ask by faith that you would bring healing from this cancer to DS. I place my trust in you. May this seed sow healing into every area where the cancer has emerged. May it grow into a strong work, redeeming and restoring with great strength and power.


[This message edited by looking forward at 4:28 PM, April 30th (Saturday)]

Together 57 years, Married 52 years. Sober since 2009. "You've always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself." (The Wizard of Oz)

posts: 3616   ·   registered: Aug. 20th, 2009   ·   location: Where a river runs through it
id 7543826

Furious1 ( member #42970) posted at 5:15 PM on Sunday, May 1st, 2016

((((((DS & MH)))))))

BW (me): 46
2 adult kids
D-day: 10/4/13.

posts: 7036   ·   registered: Apr. 2nd, 2014   ·   location: United States
id 7544271

Skan ( member #35812) posted at 12:07 AM on Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Checking in from the Sofia Hotel, on a stay-cation. But I needed to know how you were doing! (((hugs)))

Imagine a ship trying to set sail while towing an anchor. Cutting free is not a gift to the anchor. You must release that burden, not because the anchor is worthy, but because the ship is.

D-Day, June 10, 2012

posts: 11513   ·   registered: Jun. 11th, 2012   ·   location: So California
id 7544472

 Deeply Scared (original poster administrator #2) posted at 12:23 AM on Monday, May 2nd, 2016


Thank you so much for the continued is deeply appreciated and welcomed.

I made it through my first 5 rounds of radiation and 1st round of chemo...I'm wiped out.

MH bought me a new MacBook so I can still moderate here during my 6 hours of chemo every out!

Overall, I'm doing pretty good...well, as good as can be expected for having cancer

I worry about MH as he is carrying such a huge load all by himself and he's so worried about me and making sure I have everything I need. I keep reminding him that he has a great group of friends he can lean on especially if he has feelings he needs to get out but is afraid of sharing certain things with me.

I know we'll get through this together...just like we do everything else. We're unstoppable!!

Thank you again...the love I feel in here boosts me up and carries me. Thank you very much!!


"Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest." My Mom:)

My tolerance for stupid shit is getting less and less.

posts: 210060   ·   registered: May. 31st, 2002
id 7544482

Catwoman ( member #1330) posted at 1:05 AM on Monday, May 2nd, 2016

There are also resources at the hospital for MH--that is what they are there for.

You look great--keep your chin up. Attitude is everything with this.


FBS: Married 20 years, 2 daughters 27 and 24. Divorced by the grace of GOD.
D-Days: 2/23/93; 10/11/97; 3/5/03
Ex & OW Broke up 12-10
"An erection does not count as personal growth."

posts: 33182   ·   registered: Apr. 5th, 2003   ·   location: Ohio
id 7544511

authenticnow ( member #16024) posted at 1:18 AM on Monday, May 2nd, 2016


DS, you are forever in my heart. Thank you for sharing your beautiful spirit with me. I will always try to live by the example you have set. I love you and miss you every day and am sorry you had to go so soon, it just doesn't seem fair.

posts: 55165   ·   registered: Sep. 2nd, 2007
id 7544516

atalosss ( member #47882) posted at 2:13 AM on Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Glad to read your update. Cancer is a real bitch but you sound so upbeat and positive. Also glad to here you will still be able to keep us in line 😂😂😂.

Thank you for all that you do 💕💕💕.

"You can't ride two horses with one ass" Channel66

posts: 1098   ·   registered: May. 14th, 2015   ·   location: canada
id 7544549

LosferWords ( member #30369) posted at 2:34 AM on Monday, May 2nd, 2016

(((DS and MH)))

Sending continued support and healing thoughts your way! You've got this.

posts: 31109   ·   registered: Dec. 11th, 2010
id 7544557

deeplysad ( member #16590) posted at 7:21 AM on Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Sending lots of love to you and MH.

((((DS)))) ((((MH))))

Me: BW - I'm much too young to feel this damn old
Him: FWH - Midlife crisis with a pathetic porn wannabe
D-Day: August 2004; Lots of false R until February 2005.

posts: 3413   ·   registered: Oct. 12th, 2007   ·   location: So Calif
id 7544660

ZenMumWalking ( member #25341) posted at 11:03 AM on Monday, May 2nd, 2016

((((DS & MH))))

You keep AK47-ing that shit and FUCK. CANCER.

((((DS & MH))))

Me (BS), Him (WH): late-50's
3 DS: 26, 25, 22
M: 30+ (19 1/2 at Dday)
Dday: Dec 2008
Wanted R, not gonna happen (in permanent S)
Used to be DeadMumWalking, doing better now

posts: 8533   ·   registered: Aug. 28th, 2009   ·   location: EU
id 7544704
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