Forged1 ( member #43418) posted at 8:02 PM on Monday, March 2nd, 2015
"The 180, I put that shit on everything."
HoldingTogether's sublime take on the 180 as an all-purpose condiment.
Me: Former BH
Divorced Q2 2015
At this stage, I'm pretty much bulletproof.
Do no harm. But take no shit.
Lucky2HaveMe ( member #13333) posted at 10:18 PM on Friday, March 20th, 2015
leccden down in F&G on the TX G2G thread
I still am not sucking any fucking head
Love isn't what you say, it's what you do.
HenryIIX ( member #46173) posted at 3:13 PM on Monday, March 23rd, 2015
You don't need to step in it to know the dog shit in the house, do you ?
From Stronger08 in a post where BS is trying to figure out if WS is having an A. Struck a chord with me!
BS - Me (50)
Divorced 6/1/22
DS1 - 20, DS2 - 17
DDay #1- 12/26/14
DDay #2 - 2/6/21
~ Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.
Jrazz ( member #31349) posted at 5:32 PM on Tuesday, March 31st, 2015
Is this woman five years old? No, wait, my five-year-old understands the concept of business hours.
JanaGreen throwing down some perspective in OT.
"Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest." - Deeply Scared's mom
HenryIIX ( member #46173) posted at 9:22 PM on Wednesday, April 15th, 2015
If this woman ever uses her powers for good instead of evil, she could probably do great things like cure cancer or find bigfoot.
wk55hn giving credit to a masterful cheater!
BS - Me (50)
Divorced 6/1/22
DS1 - 20, DS2 - 17
DDay #1- 12/26/14
DDay #2 - 2/6/21
~ Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.
nowiknow23 ( member #33226) posted at 3:38 AM on Wednesday, April 29th, 2015
Damn, I love karma. I ever, ever get married again, it will be to karma.
lilies21 professing her love after karma paid visits to both her STBX and the OW.
You can call me NIK
And never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be.
― Sarah McMane
funnelcakes ( member #45249) posted at 7:18 PM on Thursday, April 30th, 2015
CanoeVA (in R) is apparently not a PBS enthusiast:
If I rate sensation from 1-to-10, and 10 is the actual O, and 1 is watching McNeil-Lehrer News Hour
d-day in August of 2014, when I was SAHM 34 weeks pregnant with kid #3
A year of incontinent alcoholic cheater word salad and shitweasely blameshifting during R/S
I got a job and busted a move with three kids to a 1BR apt
D final 4/27/17.
sisoon ( Moderator #31240) posted at 11:45 PM on Thursday, April 30th, 2015
I wish them all the joy they bring to others.
ThoughtfulLady, in her 3rd post here ever, referring to ow and her H in
fBH (me) - on d-day: 66, Married 43, together 45, same sex apDDay - 12/22/2010Recover'd and R'edYou don't have to like your boundaries. You just have to set and enforce them.
FaithFool ( member #20150) posted at 2:35 AM on Friday, May 1st, 2015
I swear, this man feel out of the Stupid Tree and hit every branch on the way down.
lilies hits it again in a thread about her hoovering STBX in D+S.
DDay: June 15, 2008
Mistakenly married Mr. Superfreak
20 years of OWs, WTF?
Divorced Dec 26, 2011
"Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget
to sing in the lifeboats". -- Voltaire
momoftana ( member #17383) posted at 6:34 PM on Tuesday, May 12th, 2015
The entire thread "Mothers Day - Hard cider massacre" is full of lines that made me laugh, giggle and then snort.
ADryHeat talking about her WH obvious lack of thought for Mother's Day:
Because, you know, all the ads, all the billboards, and the FUCKING CALENDAR in the kitchen with the date circled weren't enough....
I got a half assed foot rub which I would have loved had it not been so abundantly clear this wasn't pre-planned pampering but more pampering of the 'ah, fuck, I didn't get her anything or plan anything' crap favored by your garden variety fuckwit.
But I DID manage to convey my grave disappointment in his attempt at MD which was truly no attempt at all. Also, I think I called him some colorful names, told him he sucks at holidays and informed him that I'm giving him a dog shit coated in pubic hair for Father's Day.
And? 5 hard ciders and epic tears when you have to be at work early the next day might be a questionable life choice.
DragnHeart ( member #32122) posted at 11:56 PM on Wednesday, May 13th, 2015
"The A is the wound, the lies are the salt."
Stronger08 talking about lying during R.
Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.
Notthevictem ( member #44389) posted at 5:07 PM on Friday, May 15th, 2015
An apology from any of the guys my ex cheated with would mean about as much to me as if a day after Chipotle dump learned to talk and apologized for burning a little on the way out.
h0peless in General when asked if they would want an apology from AP(s).
[This message edited by Notthevictem at 11:08 AM, May 15th (Friday)]
DDAY Mar 2014
Widowed 2022 - breast cancer
better4me ( member #30341) posted at 5:53 PM on Friday, May 15th, 2015
You will more than likely meet many more "not-hims" before meeting "him" though, so might as well get prepared for that
. InNOoutNOinNOout discussing dating on line and otherwise
DDay 11/17/2010 BW:58
Happily remarried!
PorterR ( member #47933) posted at 12:46 AM on Tuesday, May 19th, 2015
I now trust her like I trust a fart while I've got diarrhea.
BBF-me: b1962
AP-COW, EA/PA, duration 2 mo.
Together 10 years
DDay2-Jan 30, 2015
DDay1 - June, 2010 (Just discovered June, 2015)
Notthevictem ( member #44389) posted at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015
People blame the victim because it allows them a sense of control that they would never be the victim because they would never be in that situation. With a cheating spouse, blame the betrayed for not giving enough sex/emotional support- that way, so long as I am sexually and emotionally available to my spouse, I don't have to worry about it happening to me. it's easier for them to think about it that way. Otherwise, it's too scary to consider.
TheIrishGirl's in General. Mind = blown
DDAY Mar 2014
Widowed 2022 - breast cancer
better4me ( member #30341) posted at 3:45 PM on Thursday, June 4th, 2015
"I haven't stopped looking for the good in people. I've just accepted the fact that I'm not always going to find it."-Patti LaBelle
tagline of luvbut0915
[This message edited by better4me at 9:46 AM, June 4th (Thursday)]
DDay 11/17/2010 BW:58
Happily remarried!
Sal1995 ( member #39099) posted at 9:15 PM on Friday, June 5th, 2015
People blame the victim because it allows them a sense of control that they would never be the victim because they would never be in that situation. With a cheating spouse, blame the betrayed for not giving enough sex/emotional support- that way, so long as I am sexually and emotionally available to my spouse, I don't have to worry about it happening to me. it's easier for them to think about it that way. Otherwise, it's too scary to consider.
Holy crap, that's good. Best explanation I've heard.
better4me ( member #30341) posted at 9:06 PM on Friday, June 19th, 2015
"Safe" does not equal "love". Safe is just "safe"...Someone can "trick" you if you've known them 3 weeks, 3 months or 30 years. Time does not equal security.
cmego in NewBeginnings
DDay 11/17/2010 BW:58
Happily remarried!
Allornothing ( member #42354) posted at 6:47 AM on Sunday, June 28th, 2015
Your mind immediately jumps to deflecting any appearance of guilt. Where we both know it SHOULD be going is reassurance of the BS. Their pain. Their struggle. Our A's have landed our BS's as well as ourselves in a giant mud pit, and whrn this happens, we are standing there doing everything we possibly can to clean ourselves and wipe it off, while our BS stands there, still covered in shit, perpetually waiting for us to pass them the towel. And every time we think we are done, we see a spot we missed and make BS wait some more.
Awesome insight from theseseatsRtaken in D-e-f-e-n-s-e topic in Wayward.
Edited for typo
[This message edited by Allornothing at 12:52 AM, June 28th (Sunday)]
Me- BS 44
Him- FWH 44
Married 20 years, Together 27
Kids- 24,23,16,15
D Day- 7 Sept 2013
OW- Irrelevant
jjct ( member #17484) posted at 3:33 PM on Sunday, July 5th, 2015
2frayedsouls, rolling out a fantasy that helps morph her anger through humor:
I have visions of showing up at the offenders doorstep, giving him my opinion on his brokenness and then kick him in the fellas so hard that even his ancestors gasp.