This is probably going to be a ramble and maybe not very coherant, but I just don't know what to think about it all.
WH is not a drinker (a couple reasons for that), but he had some drinks last Monday. He gets a bit silly when he drinks. We were having family night (playing Talisman, great fun if anyone wants to try it, love it and hate it at the same time) and he started giving me small compliments, like "You're beautiful", "Your so pretty", and I thought he should drink more often, haha
He got really touchy feely too and at one point, when the kids and I were disagreeing about something (nothing major, just in good fun), WH said he agreed with me because "she lets me touch her boobies". That was pretty inappropriate in front of our kids, but they just laughed it off and rolled their eyes.
When I was ready to go to bed I first went to the bathroom. While I was in there, WH tried to get in, jiggling the door. I said I was going pee and he kept trying to get in, pretty aggressively. When I finally came out, he hugged me and started talking. He was very drunk and said that he knew his inhibitians were down and he wanted to tell me things.
We stood there for maybe 2 hours (not kidding!) and he repeatedly told me he was sorry about what he had done. That his only thought was of me and how to make me happy. that he didn't care about anyone else, including the kids
And that he felt that no matter what he did I wasn't happy. That he had stopped trying to have intimacy with me because he knew that I didn't want that and that I kept seeing AP in my mind, that he didn't know what to do to make that stop. Told me that he loved me but that he didn't believe I loved him anymore. Asked if I believed him when he said it.
I didn't say much because I knew he wouldn't remember this conversation the next day anyway. Like I said, he's not much of a drinker and the handful of times he has gotten this drunk, this has always been the case. He doesn't remember what he did or said. I did however tell him that what I needed was more empathy from him, that he was failing there. He said that he just wasn't built that way and maybe I could accept that. I said NO because it's what I need and I have been "accepting" his lack of EQ for our entire M and I wasn't going to back down on this. He just frowned like a sad boy.
He also said that it was difficult for him to keep trying when nothing seemed to matter. That it was hard when there was no hope. When I asked for clarification, he said that there was no hope for forgiveness for his A from me. We have talked about this several times and I have been extremely addament that I believe that what he did is unforgiveable and if he can't live with never being forgiven by me then we can part ways. He has said he understands. I said that I worked to accept what had happened and try to create a new better M. He kept pushing about "hope", I again reiterated that maybe we should part ways then because I couldn't give him that. He said why not, because I don't know how I will feel in 5, 10, 20 years. I agreed that he was correct, but if he was holding out for forgiveness, he did it at his own peril.
He talked about how sad he was knowing that he caused all of this and that he was trying to be a better man. That he was sorry he couldn't talk to me about these things like this when he was sober, but that he meant them. That I have said I want apologies but that when he says he's sorry, it's never enough. Again, we have talked about this, I have told him if he is not willing to apologize for the rest of his life, then we can part ways. I have also told him that an "I'm sorry" is great (better than nothing), but that it doesn't erase the pain. He has argued with me about this in the past. I gave him the analogy of me running over his leg and breaking it. Obviously I feel bad and apologize, but that doesn't magically knit the bone back together. The break is still there and it still needs to heal. But his response was that the "I'm sorry" heals his heart
I've told my WH about my father and how he would come into my and my brother's rooms in the middle of the night to wake us up and tell us how much he loved us and was proud of us, when he was falling down drunk, barely able to stand, and slurring his words. While I knew he meant the words, they didn't really mean very much while he was drunk! WH's words and the whole conversation felt this way to me too. Like, OK, I get that you probably mean the things you're saying, but they don't MEAN anything if you have to be drunk to say them.
He also said that maybe it would be better to seperate if I'm miserable. That he would "take care of me". But I don't believe that one bit. I'm sure he would at first, but as soon as he found a replacement, that would go out the window. Honestly, he just doesn't like to feel like the bad guy.
I'm sure I forgot some things that were said, but the whole ordeal left me feeling blech. Oh, also, while he's talking about not having sex anymore and not wanting to push that on me, he's unbuttoning my dress and ogling my breasts
Anyway, not sure what I want here, maybe some perspectives other than my own? Some advice from other waywards about this kind of thinking? It makes be think he DOES think about the A and the consequences it has had on me, but never brings them up. Like, knowing that I visualize the things he's done with AP when he tries to get close. If only he would say something in those moments, if only to let me know that I'm not alone in this, but of course, god forbide he actually do something selfless