Thank you for responding.
I am on the side of the marriage if it can be healthy for the two people in it. I believe reconciliation can be beautiful and everyone is redeemable if they so choose that path.
I will offer this book suggestion- "rising strong" by Brene Brown. It helps me see that vulnerability does take courage, but it is so worthwhile. She have some some good examples to help me work on it.
The only way you will get to where you are going is to be vulnerable and open. But telling you that is a little like when you tell people "I am worried" and they say "don’t worry" because it is a complex issue you are working to overcome.
A lot of it is shame. I believe it’s not just shame from the affair but likely an accumulation of shame from the time you were young until now.
Guilt can be healthy as it can precipitate’s "I feel badly for doing this bad thing"
Remorse can be healthy because being curious about another persons pain that we caused can help us strengthen our resolve and be there for them. It helps us to know what we have damaged and to make amends. Its "I feel badly for hurting you- I will fight to make this right"
Shame is "I am bad". Like it’s a core issue that demeans us and keeps our self worth very low. You are not all bad or good, nor are any of us.
Shame is not productive. It makes us avoidant, defensive, secretive. When we heal some of the past (which I am sure they will work on in your therapy) we can become present rather than avoidant, we can see we are simply people who Have acted on our worst instincts.
I have certainly done a lot of things I regret. Especially cheating. You have posted in the wayward forum with a stop sign so only fellow "waywards" can answer you. So don’t imagine us with pitchforks and criticism. Imagine us as people who have been where you have been, done some of the same things you have done, and many of us are healthy, happy, and in great marriages today. Some of us are healthy, happy and divorced.some of us are rill in stages of figuring ourselves out.
Your feelings of being criticized are coming up because you are that way with yourself.
If you have fully come clean, work on that- work on your self compassion and you will loose your defensiveness.
If you have not come clean, I would do that. It may make things worse temporarily but it’s like cutting open an area that is infected and letting it roll out so that it can be stitched and bandaged and the healing can begin.
I can’t claim to know which of those things are or aren’t. I am a stranger on the internet so I have to include all directions.
And I will include this- in some cases we have had people on here that have come clean and their spouse could never accept they knew everything because deep down they could not accept the affair. I do not know if that’s your situation either. If it is, it’s not something you can control, and you would likely need to leave the marriage because in that case the environment could never be healthy for either of you.
Right now, in my best ability to understand, Your husband seems to want to accept the affair and stay married. You both claim to feel gaslit. We are not judge and jury in here and now that we have both of you present we have to help each of you the best we can.
Also I am sorry I misunderstood the condom thing. For him to go through the telling of that made me see the strain he is currently under.
I will say I have been here a long time and defensiveness doesn’t always equal guilt. But when you write the way you do it comes across as manipulating. It sounds like I am victimizing you by asking you to explain it. And the manipulation is really to let us know you are going to hold us at an arms length and if we do not abide you will just leave and it will be our fault.
I will say that I don’t read your husbands posts this way. This to me doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have the truth, but it does mean you are in a heightened state. I hope you will continue to try and post and if you would rather me step away and leave it to the others to help I totally respect that. If not, I will do my best to be impartial, just know even when the ws comes here with no bs on the site I am still going to push them on things. Not because I think they are bad but because I can’t help you if I am just an echo chamber. People pushed me early on and I remember the tenderness. But I stayed and I got mad and conceded over and over again.
[This message edited by hikingout at 8:46 PM, Monday, March 17th]