Thank you for helping me not feel so crazy and alone and for helping me to feel hope. Your post brought tears to my eyes.
One of the things I realized today as I was reading this is that I think I get empathy confused with feeling responsible for his emotions. Everyone says I need to give him room to feel and express himself without freaking out. I always panic because I assume I’m the one who upset him. So I feel responsible and afraid and ashamed. And like I’m not in control, which I hate. I need to work on that. But I seem to delude myself into thinking that’s empathy somehow and then I don’t understand why he’s not perceiving it that way but now I kind of get it. I’m always making it about me.
I am so out of touch with myself, I don’t even know where or how to begin to get in touch with myself. I am totally foreign to me. It may be partly why he felt so closed off from me (in addition to me leaving him in the dark about many things for so long). Maybe I was closed off from myself, not just him. Maybe that’s why he could sense it and I couldn’t.
What you say rings true about me wanting to be the fun girl with feminine allure but I’m hesitant to go there because of what Pippin said about him not liking being the safe one. I’ve always loved how secure I felt with him but it’s like he thinks that’s the worst thing in the world and it makes me really sad. Thank you again for sharing your hard-earned experience and wisdom with me.
I definitely can relate to the problem of coming across as wishy washy and trying to wiggle my way out of this.
Unfortunately, I think I’m being more self-aware at work lately than at home. Not that it’s a bad thing, I just wish it felt at least equal.
It blows my mind how much I was lacking self-awareness, like I was just going around on autopilot. I guess it was because I was intentionally living in the dark.
I’m glad that you can see that I care and I want my husband and my marriage.
I also appreciate you reminding me that being hard on myself isn’t helping. You’re right, it’s me trying to make it better but I guess it’s making it worse because it’s an unnecessary distraction.
I do want to give him what will help him. I’m still having trouble figuring that out which is why I am so thankful for you guys taking the time to read my thoughts and talk through things with me.
I am so afraid. I’ve been able to exercise my faith in my anxieties about work or changing my bad habits but for some reason I’ve been struggling when it comes to this. Possibly because of a desire to control. I need to work on the surrendering part, like you said.
Thank you so much for being a guiding light to me.
You describe perfectly how the last year has been. Moments of reprieve met with confusion on my end when things get tumultuous and exasperation on his end that I don’t understand why.
You hit the nail on the head! That is exactly what happened. I thought I had this great revelation and then he felt exactly how you described. Then I felt guilty for opening my mouth and wished I hadn’t said anything. And so the cycle has gone for the last 14 months.
I definitely thought there were shameful parts of me that I couldn’t see how he could possibly love. The idea of him not wanting to deal with me is really scary but so far he’s shown that he’s willing to be incredibly patient with me. I want this to be over as soon as possible for him while at the same time not rushing through everything and doing a bad job or making him feel like I just want it to be over with for myself. I would love to help him without worrying what it means for me. I guess that would look like relinquishing perceived control of the outcome and that is terrifying to me even though I know it is imaginary and not helping out.
Hikingout, I am curious how he came to see it was your lack and not his? Time and therapy?
Another thing I just realized I’m doing. If someone says something that upsets or scares me and I go into that knee-jerk panic reaction mode, it’s like I’m trying to preemptively influence his reaction to what someone else says. I’m not sure if I’m explaining that very well but I guess a lot of this seems to be coming down to control for me somehow. It’s like I want everything he reads to go through a filter (me) first and then I try to manipulate his perception of it. I don’t know if I’m making sense. I just realized it’s like I don’t even trust him to come to conclusions on his own without me intervening somehow.
[This message edited by Pleasehelpmebebetter at 9:57 PM, Friday, March 21st]