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Just Found Out :
Well this sucks

Topic is Sleeping.

 newbeginnings1985 (original poster new member #84681) posted at 11:10 AM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Our 10th wedding anniversary with my wife (36, I’m 38) is coming up at the end of May. We have been together for a total of 15 years and for the majority of our relationship, we have had an amazing marriage. We met in the city of Chicago and it was a fairy tale story. We had great families (for the most part) and I couldn’t picture falling in love with someone the way that we did, it was perfect. I am going to skip the character development of us before we had serious problems but the TLDR is that we had a great marriage. We had/have similar interests, we both had ups and downs that we were there for one another for and everyone was great.

Fast forward to 2018 and we wanted to have children. We tried for a long while before finally seeking help via infertility treatments. After 8 IUI’s, and 4 IVF’s we had our beautiful, brilliant daughter. For those of you who aren’t familiar with infertility treatments, it’s a lot. Its a lot financially, its a lot emotionally, but mostly its extremely hard on the mothers. We spent countless nights me poking and prodding her with hormone injections and it made the whole process of what is supposed to be the world’s miracle, such a stressful and uncertain thing. Despite it being hard, we made it out and we have our amazing daughter because of it. Our daughter was born in late 2019 and at just a few months old, the world changed for all of us. What started as an already stressful situation to conceive, now had the added layer of both of us working full time in excellent careers from home while trying to juggle a new born baby. We are both great parents, but this was the beginnings of us starting to become more angry and argumentative towards one another. We had the harsh realization that we didn’t have the support system we didn’t really know how much we’d need. Our parents help, but neither live in the same town and neither really understand the try hardships of not having their help when we need it. I know we aren’t the first couple of person to be alone raising a child, but this started to make less time for us as husband and wife, and more time as parents to our daughter. We both would argue about this, my wife saying she needed more and me trying the best I knew how to make sure that she still knew she was loved. I look back at this and wish I could do more, but I also know in my heart that I was a stable, caring, loving partner to her and I knew that there’s a reason couples statistically have the hardest time together when their kids are a young age. During this time my wife’s father was also battling cancer of the blood. He has been in remission for a few years but now it was back. My wife loved me even more for the son-in-law I was to him. He always wanted the son to talk football with, go golfing with and just do typical guy things with. In the winter of 2021, he passed away suddenly in his home with my mother in law. It was devastating for the family and especially for my wife. She had a closer relationship to him that her mother and had a really hard time dealing with his death. It also put in the position to now be there for not only my wife, but my mother in law as he has always done everything in regards to their life from a stand point of how to pay the bills, how to change a tire, how to get the mail, he did a lot for his wife and I had to take over that role and did so eagerly and with pride. I can’t imagine losing a parent, but both my wife and mother in law seem to be healing. We’ve been helping my mother in law look for a new, smaller place to live so that she can be closer to us which would be great for the help. Take all of this, add on covid, a lack of help and a multitude of other factors out of our control, we had a lot thrown at us. At the time we knew we were only given what we could handle and that we would come out on top.

During these years the company I worked for was acquired, and it was great for us financially. It at least alleviated that stress from our lives. It wasn’t life changing money forever, but it was a great cushion for us at the time. With the support of my wife, I/we decided to pursue my own business with the vision of being even more successful for ourselves and our family. I believe in enough is enough, but we were having fun growing in our careers at young ages. We always pushed each other to grow in that aspect and had fun doing it. A part of those changes also urged my wife to change departments within her work so that we could have more opportunity. She was moving to sales with the opportunity to make 5x+ what she was making at her current role at the time. We were seeming to find our groove as parents and as husband and wife again in an absolutely crazy world. We were considering moving to Montana (among other places) since remote work was possible and we felt care free about any decision we were making. In hindsight we were both also becoming more focused on our own individual journeys than each other. We chalked it up to not having the support we needed to go have date nights or vacations with just the two of us. All of our events were as a total family, which was great but there was less and less time for just the two of us. For the few times we did vacation or spend time together just the two of us, its like we were our young selves again and realized that we loved each other and the other stresses seemed to melt away for that brief period of time.

In the summer of 2022 we decided to move to a suburb of Chicago. We had a network of friends in Chicago and we didn’t want to move to any town and be even more on our own so we landed on a suburb and we absolutely love it. My wife was also starting to thrive in her work. She was landing those big deals and for the first time in our marriage, she was making substantially more than me who was still trying to make the new business work. This also came at the price of the stress she had due to this. She would tell me how stressed she was that we took on this new house and all that comes with it and that our entire financial livelihood was on her. I did everything in my power to reassure her that I was working to change that, and that I’d get a full time job again and give up the business because it wasn’t worth it for us. The business was growing, but not to the point where it was as much or more than I was providing before. The last 18 months have had me working now 2 "full time jobs" and a multitude of other side projects to bring in money. I have never had issues in my life with the jobs Ive had and have always excelled, but these jobs were a worse case scenario. Let go for no reason, lied to and just flat out treated unfairly.

This is when things started to get their worse. My wife was getting more and more stressed about her job and providing, we were spending less and less time on each other and my approach was to try to work harder and harder on the things that I thought were the biggest stresses (me not filling the gap with our financial situation). That meant me staying up late and working in my office, with the door shut while my wife watched shows and went to bed. Our routine for the past ~6 months was me in my office from 8pm till midnight, or even up to 3am trying all I could to work what jobs I could find (I work in tech so these jobs are often contract positions to create things for clients which allows me to work various hours). We would still talk throughout the day and we would spend time together with our daughter. I was still present for all of the normal daily things, but at night I would spend it working. I also developed a very bad habit of being dependent on marijuana late at night during this time. Something I had a problem with in my college years and quit cold turkey and my life improved drastically. My wife and I did it together in 2021 as a way to let lose that it was now legal, but as my wife sort of stopped doing it, me being the extremist that I am started doing it more and more. I spent a few months doing it basically every night when I was done working, and sometimes even earlier in the day but it was making me into a shell of a person that I once was and my wife saw that. I was lost, depressed about what life was throwing at me and justified it as just a controllable addiction that I had since I was only doing it at night and not in excessive amounts. I was still functioning, I wasn’t letting it effect my mission to find another stable job, but it was absolutely sacrificing the time I could have been spending with my wife and that makes me so sad. We both needed each other at this time, I was lonely and she was lonely but we just didn’t connect. As our marriage started dissolving more, I scared myself into once again quitting cold turkey and have since then (this has been about two months) and really truthfully know that there’s no such thing as moderation for me. I have the will power quit things that I know are bad for me, but I can’t do things in moderation. I’m worried that any of that is just too little too late. It wasn’t a life long addiction, but man was it the wrong time to choose to do something like that.

We started fighting more, and my wife would tell me how I was a crappy husband for not being able to give her everything she needed. I could see her losing her faith in me and losing the pride she used to have of being my wife. She started making time for herself to go out with her girlfriends from work while Id stay home and watch our daughter. We share finances for the most part and one of our savings accounts that I had put money into from my previous job, we took out a substantial amount to pay off debts and relieve some pressure. She also started training to do fitness competitions, which she would say was her main priority and that she just wanted to focus on herself. She was getting so angry at me that she felt like I wasn’t there for her that she finally just told me she had basically given up on us, but wanted to be together for our daughter. We were so angry at each other at the time that in hindsight this is when I should have seeked counseling. I would ask her if it was completely over and she would leave an opening but she was very shut off emotionally. After months of these arguments, things started to finally show a bit of light. I found a better place for myself and started doing small gestures towards her that showed her that she was my priority. She always had been, but there was a dark, lonely time where everything just distracted me from that.

After a few weeks of this we went to a neighborhood party and came home and I heard her whispering in the bathroom. Her tone was soft and my heart just sunk because I just knew she was talking to another man. I overheard her in the room saying "I know, I know, I know and say she loves him": in a tone I haven’t heard her use with me in months. I opened the door and confronted her and she tried to act like it was one of her girlfriends but knew she had been caught in the act. She said she was too drunk to explain but I had to know. She said that this person who was a coworker (who she won’t name when I asked) reached out to her back in the end of January as they had a situation where he was married, had two kids and was living a separate life than his wife. She said it started as talks about that and grew into more. I asked her when she even had time to develop this relationship with someone given our crazy lives and she said shed been texting him while I was in my office at night working. I was and am so absolutely gutted to hear my wife tell another man that she loved him. Drunk or not, those are serious words and of course my mind spirals into thinking, this can’t just be a six week thing. She assures me it was just talking on the phone, but that he wanted to meet in person and she said sadly that she was becoming open to the idea. I felt so many emotions. My gut tells me it’s more but she won’t admit that. I knew that she just wanted someone to love her and show her attention, and for those months that it wasn’t me, she found it with someone else. I feel angry she can let that happen and risk our marriage and the life of our child for this. I feel angry at this man who has his own broken marriage trying to wreck another one. I just wish I could go back just a short amount of time and tell her every second how much she means to me. I only worked hard to try to solve one problem at a time. I still was more than great to her when she was cold to me, and her attitude 100% shifted towards me when she went to a work conference back in January. She said that’s when this relationship started with the other person, but she ensured me that there was nothing physical that happened on the trip cause he wasn’t there. (He reached out after the trip apparently 😒) I feel in my gut that something happened on that trip. That’s when she came home and gave up, told me I wasn’t enough for her, told me that I was holding her back, told me that she had nothing else to give, told me that our relationship wasn’t there anymore and that we are just doing this for our daughter. But man, that amount of time to fall in love with someone and give up on the lives we’ve built over the past 15 years?

That night I didn’t sleep at all and haven’t had thoughts and feelings like this ever in my life, it’s horrible. She came to me early that next morning and said she wanted to give us another shot and that she wanted to do counseling. I said I wanted to and we hugged. I asked her if she loved this guy and she scoffed and said no, she was drunk. This is the morning after I caught her in the bathroom on the phone.

That day goes by and I’m still just so torn, we bring it back up again and I tell her that if this is going to work then this other thing needs to be over. She tells me that she cares about this person, and that she has to consider his feelings with the way to tell him. Quite the change in direction from our first conversation. This makes my head spin even more. Later that night (last night) we start talking about it again. She doesn’t really seem sorry for how she’s made me feel, she just says that I have the right to be sad/angry you name it. She said she’s a bad person for doing this, but says that almost like it’s an excuse. I make a remark about how this guy doesn’t care about me or our daughter why do I need to care about you saying you need to break it off on your own terms? She basically defends him, says she was a lot of respect for him and she tells me that she doesn’t want to say more until we go to therapy cause she doesn’t want to hurt me more. I tell her that’s non-sense and not the way to do this. I insisted on her saying. She said she’s developed feelings for this guy but she is also angry that it took this event to wake me up into wanting to do counseling. She doesn’t really show any feelings of remorse for how awful I am feeling. She’s more getting angry that I am asking her about it and she is stating how she just needs time to process things. She also mentions how this person brings her joy which isn’t something she’s felt with us in months, and she’s scared to give us another try because of that. She’s leaving a door open for us, but is it really open? Trusting my gut has become insanely complicated during this. Fast forward another couple of days and this comes up again. I tell her that I set my boundaries on what needed to be done with her affair, and in her heated state she said, "and I didn’t agree to those" and went on to tell me that they talked the prior day and he told her that he felt bad for what she’s going through and blah blah. Basically what you’d say if you wanted to be the crying shoulder while we’re here in a broken marriage.

I mentioned a lot of examples of what I did wrong here and that’s me trying to understand what I could have done diffferent. I know that she made the decision to have this emotional affair. I know that I am a great father and husband, we’re just going through a rough patch. Instead of supporting each other it took her barely anytime at all in the grand scheme to find something else. I’m sad and angry that when she was at her highest personally and professionally, and I’m at my lowest for the first time ever in my life is when she chooses to do it. We spent so many years with the situation being the opposite of that and I did nothing but uplift and support her. I wanted her to be with me through struggles and for us to figure it out together. Instead it was just blame and the opposite of calm communication. I don’t want our marriage to be over. But man the struggle of self respect, the feeling like there’s more than what’s on the surface which is driving my absolutely insane, and the 24 hours it took her to tip-toe around the feelings she has for this person is horrifying. I let her emotionally beat me down when she came home in January unplugged from our marriage. It’s like she was acting in a way where she wanted to drive me away and have me make the decision for her. It would be days of that, to days of being ok and a constant back and forth. She seemed more remorseful when my initial reaction was just detached like someone who is in shock, and someone who might be filing for divorce the next day.

I set my boundaries on ending what she has and it’s been a few days since I found out. I don’t want to watch over her shoulder, but she’s not really making me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside that she’s sorry and that she is ending it asap. We’ve talked that I need that to know that when we do counseling we are giving it our all, and she just sounds annoyed, saying how she needs time to think but then will also say see needs counseling to navigate this and figure out what she wants to do. She’ll also see-saw saying that what we do has nothing to do with this other person and that there’s no pick-me dance at play here. She seems to be closest to me when I’m the most stoic and potentially secretive about my actions. I spend my time scheduling counseling and showing her that I do still love her, thinking with my heart. I’ve been staying busy and doing projects around the house, eating healthy and finding time to work out, partly to show her that this won’t break me cause bet your ass it won’t and partly because I deserve to grow in a positive direction and know need to develop habits that are good for me. Habits I was adamant about in every second of my life outside of this dark time for me professionally and personally. I have also reached out to divorce attorneys thinking with my head so I’m not left with my pants down if this is the worse case. Two completely conflicting view points but I feel like I can’t be naive.

I’ll give her time if it’s what she needs, but part of me thinks that’s delaying the inevitable. It’s showing me we weren’t strong enough to make it through these hardships, and now I have to drive myself crazy of thinking of my wife with another man. Thinking about our daughter spending half of her childhood not with me. It breaks my heart that I did the things I did to contribute to this, it breaks my heart to see her disconnected. But why is she still around? The worse side of me thinks well, you think I’m so worthless and can’t provide, go on by yourself and start fresh. Does she really want to try or is the worse case scenario she’s plotting something bigger with this guy who she’s been in a relationship for much longer and the added physicality of what she’s saying?

I finally slept last night, and when I woke up, the first thing is my head of the sound of her telling this man she loves him, and it stays there 24/7 just like it has since the second I heard it. Im just so conflicted. I deserve better but I want this marriage to work. I love my wife and I’m trying to think with my heart and my head at the same time. She has her moments of leaving a door open but she admits she’s just so angry at me for 1) being the way I had been even though I know she’s seen the change in that and 2) angry that the change in me had to be spurred by what she did. To me I find truth in that but I also find it as a way of diverging her actions onto me.

This is the worse thing that’s ever happened to me in my life and the conflicting emotions in my head are unbearable. I go from stoic, to sad, to angry, to paranoid, all while having this overwhelming feeling of love for my wife which makes me feel pitiful in a way that I still love her after what she’s done.

Thanks for reading this long thing

posts: 21   ·   registered: Apr. 3rd, 2024
id 8831908

4ap1dumbguy ( new member #80973) posted at 12:36 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

So very sorry that this is happening to you. There are many wiser members that will be giving you a solid template to navigate this. It seems to me that your initial reaction caused her to panic and resolve to save the relationship. Continue forward with that energy, I believe it’s outlined in the 180 post. Another thing, I gather you are financially sound, is there money for a P.I.? You need to get as much info on the AP and his current marriage. I’m my opinion, you need to move very quickly on this and nip it in the bud if it’s still at the emotional stage. I wish you all the best, and please remember to take care of yourself.Again, sorry for your situation

posts: 1   ·   registered: Sep. 18th, 2022   ·   location: Usa
id 8831914

seaandsun ( member #79952) posted at 1:03 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

You seem to choose to let your wife do as she wishes, thinking that life would be difficult without her financial contribution.

Go to a lawyer and get legal information about your situation.

Can't you review the devices and find out the facts yourself?

Do you believe that someone who has been in a relationship for months has enough respect to be honest with you?

you need to take action, take control, and the longer the conversations go on, the more your wife will continue to deepen her relationship.

You must prove with action, not words, that being outside the marriage would be unacceptable to you.

This will make your wife think about decisions and their consequences.

If she wants to go, she can, but make sure you knows "that she cannot stay with you under these conditions".

posts: 74   ·   registered: Feb. 16th, 2022
id 8831915

 newbeginnings1985 (original poster new member #84681) posted at 1:25 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

I’d be fine without her financial contribution I know that. I was just trying to give context to the situation and what led to turmoil.

I hear you on control. I’ve set boundaries on what I expect with this, and my instinct is to reconcile. Balancing that with feeling like I’m getting walked on is without a doubt a huge challenge for me.

I’ve spoken with a divorce attorney, but when folks say "action" is that saying serve them and proclaim your dominance? I don’t really want to go there so early, if I don’t try to reconcile this, that would undoubtedly be a regret. If she shows more that she’s not into this and I feel as if she’s still in this other relationship, that is what is it and I’ll have to deal with it.

posts: 21   ·   registered: Apr. 3rd, 2024
id 8831917

HellFire ( member #59305) posted at 1:42 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Double post

[This message edited by HellFire at 1:46 PM, Wednesday, April 3rd]

But you are what you did
And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive
The smallest man who ever lived..

posts: 6810   ·   registered: Jun. 20th, 2017   ·   location: The Midwest
id 8831920

HellFire ( member #59305) posted at 1:42 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

The men who desire true reconciliation, are typically the ones who refuse to tolerate one more minute of abuse. Infidelity is abuse.

They command respect. As long as you allow her to continue with this affair, she can't respect you. You are sharing your wife.

You seem to think this is your fault. While you may have contributed to a less than wonderful environment, her cheating is not your fault. She,and only, she, is responsible. She had many other options. She chose Infidelity.

She's under the allusion that this OM is some prize. He's cheating on his wife and family. He is no prize.

You need to find out who he can't think of reconciliation unless you know his name. How could you possibly be sure there's no contact, if you don't have his name?

You need to find his wife,and call her,and tell her about the affair. She deserves to know the truth,just as you do. Do not tell your wife. She will warn him. By the time you speak to his wife, she will have been told you are abusive,crazy,and accusing all of your wife's coworkers of having an affair with her.

Tell his wife. It is the single best thing a bs can do,in the beginning. He doesn't want your wife. He will almost certainly turn his back on her,and do what is needed to preserve his own family. Your wife will realize she wasn't special to him, and the shine of this new toy will be gone.

Married men don't typically have an affair to send sweet messages, and talk on the phone. They're in it for the sex. Your gut is telling you this was physical. It doesn't matter what she says. Cheaters lie. You need to be tested for stds. Her to.

And, finally, she may have been a good mom before she cheated,and she could be again. But cheaters are not good moms. A good mom doesn't risk her child's happiness, family, and security, for a side piece. They don't devastate their child's father. Trust that she is not only betraying you..she is absolutely betraying your child.

Set your boundaries. Stand by them.

Set requirements for attempting reconciliation. At minimum..

Complete NC.

Complete transparency. You get full access to all accounts, and the phone. Passwords included.

She answers all of your questions without anger or defensiveness. And zero blame.

She gets ic to figure out why she cheated.

She is proactive in healing the damage she has caused you, herself, and the marriage.

Do not show her this site. Many new members have made the mistake of doing this, and it rarely turns out well. The ws uses the site against them. This is your safe place. New bs hope they're the exception. They're not.

[This message edited by HellFire at 1:44 PM, Wednesday, April 3rd]

But you are what you did
And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive
The smallest man who ever lived..

posts: 6810   ·   registered: Jun. 20th, 2017   ·   location: The Midwest
id 8831921

fareast ( Moderator #61555) posted at 2:09 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Sorry you find yourself here but you will receive good support. Of course you are on an emotional rollercoaster after learning of your WW’s infidelity. You have suffered a real trauma. Take care of you. Eat healthy, exercise, and stay away from alcohol and drugs. Do get tested for STD’s.

Understand that nothing you did or didn’t do in your M caused her to stray. She cheated because she is broken and cheated because of personal issues. You are not a perfect partner, and neither is she, but you did not cheat. The whole purpose of your wedding vows is a sacred promise that no matter the status of the M, you will not cheat on your partner. It is very typical for cheaters not to own responsibility for their own destructive choices, and to blame their BS. Do not beg, plead or try to control the situation. Heal you. You can’t control your WW. If she is continuing to talk to her AP implement the 180 and expose the A to the AP’s OBS. She deserves to know the truth of her life.

Most importantly, always value yourself. Good luck.

Never bother with things in your rearview mirror. Your best days are on the road in front of you.

posts: 3937   ·   registered: Nov. 24th, 2017
id 8831923

asc1226 ( member #75363) posted at 2:16 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

When you mention counseling I assume you’re talking about marriage counseling. MC’s usually aren’t recommended here so soon after discovery for a couple of reasons.

First your wayward wife is not remorseful. At most she regrets getting caught and any negative changes this will mean for her. Second many MC’s are woefully inadequate when it comes to infidelity. They treat it like any other relationship problem and often advocate for blame shifting and rugsweeping. They subscribe to the unmet needs model, and can end up validating your WW’s terrible actions.

Your WW should be seeking individual counseling with someone who has experience with infidelity and will hold her accountable for her decisions. You should consider IC with someone who treats betrayal trauma. All counselors should be vetted very carefully for their views on infidelity.

I make edits, words is hard

posts: 625   ·   registered: Sep. 7th, 2020
id 8831924

HellFire ( member #59305) posted at 2:21 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

To add to the above, if you get an mc that is a typical mc..they don't believe in transparency, truth,nc,and expect the bs to share the blame for the affair..your wife will latch onto that, and you will never heal,and the marriage will be miserable. Freshly caught LOVE mc's like that. It let's them off the hook,and they don't have to do the work on themselves. After all, a "professional " is telling them they don't have to be a safe partner.

Cancel mc. She needs months of ic first.

A bad mc will do so much more harm, than good.

[This message edited by HellFire at 2:22 PM, Wednesday, April 3rd]

But you are what you did
And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive
The smallest man who ever lived..

posts: 6810   ·   registered: Jun. 20th, 2017   ·   location: The Midwest
id 8831926

Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 2:49 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024


Maybe the best thing you can do right now is accept that your situation is nothing special.

It’s something we have seen in some form or variety on a near-daily basis for years on this site. Your post – although long – is pretty standard: Love of your life, hard times in the relationship, drifting apart, changes in work/community or what not, distance... and discovering an affair.

I get it that it might not be nice to be bundled with all the others and I will freely admit that your case has one unique distinction: This is the very first one with a Mr and Mrs newbeginings 1985.

However... the VERY STRENGTH of acknowledging the experience of this site is that we can offer you guidance to how to get out of infidelity.

Here are a couple of points:

First of all: Stop the weed. Don’t replace it with alcohol. Just stop. If you can’t – acknowledge you have a problem. If this goes to divorce then substance abuse – even legal – won’t swing in your favor.

Second: There are IMHO only two good ways this can end. You can divorce, or you can reconcile. To divorce all that is needed is that one of you wants to divorce. To reconcile two things are needed; the affair needs to be OVER and BOTH of you need to want to reconcile.

There is a third option way too many times taken. That’s where the affair might end, but the issues, causes etc aren’t handled. You hide behind an excuse like you will stay with her until your kid leaves for college or you can’t be without her money or whatever. With time you two again resume some form of marriage, but this will always be there like a big elephant in the room.

Keep in mind that R and D are IMHO both great options. The absolute worst is not necessarily to divorce, but rather to think you are reconciling, only to catch her talking to OM a week, month or year from now. REMAINING in infidelity sucks big-time.

Until she verbally and clearly tells you the affair is over and that she wants this marriage... Shes telling you she doesn’t. Get that? No action and unclear messages = I want my Loverboy more than I want my marriage.

Since BOTH need to want to reconcile to reconcile, and no answer = no will to reconcile...

What good option is left?

The Big D...

Only we tend to think of divorce as this instantaneous irreversible and unstoppable process. It’s not. It’s a PROCESS that takes time and it can be divided into the legal aspect and the emotional aspect. Granted the further along you go on either aspect the less inclined you might be to stop it. But for now I suggest you start the process.

What you do is tell your wife something along these lines:

She is totally free to be with OM, but not as your wife.

Until she willingly and clearly states she wants the marriage you are simply assuming she has chosen OM.

You don’t share your wife.

You absolve her of all obligations as wife, and are starting the legal process to get that part over with.

There is a short period of oppetunity for her to get you back into the marriage. To do that you need ongoing assurance the affair is over, and ongoing openness and commitment to requirements to reconcile.

There isn’t any big rush, there is a process that should ensure you both get a fair deal in divorce, but you suggest she look up her rights and consider what form of divorce she wants, and that you are starting that process yourself.

Then you just go and make a sandwich. No need to argue or quibble. If she tells you she cheated because you got fat/weren’t attentive/worked too much/have BO... whatever your stock reply is "I am sorry you feel that way. If we were working at saving our marriage that would be relevant, but since you have chosen your infidelity over our marriage there isn’t any need to go there. Maybe Loverboy can talk to you about that."

Then there is one more key factor you should do. A factor you will be reluctant to do but NOTHING will help your marriage more than this:

Tell the OM wife.

You don’t need proof or anything. Just call her and tell her "I am so sorry to have to tell you this, but I am divorcing my wife because I discovered she’s been having an affair with your husband. No – I am not going to offer you proof. It’s your call if you believe me or not, but I am divorcing because my wife isn’t willing to let him go."

I can tell you that in about 9 out of 10 instances the OM ends the affair to save his marriage. In 10 out of 10 the WW goes ballistic can tells you that she WAS going to end it but your shaming has made her want to divorce. Weather the 2-3 day storm and she will calm down and have a more realistic stance towards the marriage.

[This message edited by SI Staff at 2:49 PM, Wednesday, April 3rd]

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus

posts: 12619   ·   registered: Sep. 29th, 2005
id 8831931

asc1226 ( member #75363) posted at 2:51 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Also can’t recommend Hellfire’s post enough. Read it and reread it. If you have Other Man’s name or phone number hire a PI and let his wife know. If you don’t have it get it. It’s in her phone. He’s likely in this for no strings attached sex, not to lose half his shit and go 50/50 with the kids. Expose him and most likely he’ll throw your WW under the bus. That should be educational for her.

Check out the healing library here. A couple of books that are recommended are How to Help Your Spouse Heal from Your Affair by Linda McDonald. It will show you what a remorseful wayward looks like and what they would be doing. I don’t think you’ll see much resemblance to your wife at this point. Also Not Just Friends by Shirley Glass.

These two books are the most recommended for reconciliation. If your WW had done even basic research on recovering from an affair they would already be on her nightstand.

I make edits, words is hard

posts: 625   ·   registered: Sep. 7th, 2020
id 8831932

NukeZombie ( member #83543) posted at 4:14 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

If you don’t have it get it. It’s in her phone.

It's there somewhere in her phone. When you get access to her phone... review ALL of her texts messages. She may have her AP under a female name so check all her messages. You may also discover if she has confided her affair to any of her friends. If those friends were supportive of her affair-- they need to no longer be friends of your WW. Harsh, but they are not friends to your marriage.

Start investigating how to restore deleted text messages. What type of phone does she use-- Iphone or Android? Start looking into text recovery software and other apps that can assist you in this. Some apps are better than others.

Do not limit your search to just the texts... check out Facebook messages, and WhatsApp and other similar apps that provide communication... heck, there are chat functions in games like Crossword for Friends that waywards have used to communicate with their APs.

Do you have access to your cell provider account if you cannot get access to her phone? Look into the cell account history info and start looking at the phone numbers she has called/texted these past few months. Any unknown number needs to be investigated on the internet through a reverse number search.

Your priority needs to be discovering the identity of the AP and from there the identity of the OBS (Other Betrayed Spouses.) Facebook is the most common way to discover the OBS. The OBS needs to be informed ASAP. She may become a good ally to you in ending the affair. She may also bury her head in the sand and automatically rugsweep this and ignore you. Be prepared for anything.

If you can afford a good PI they can do all of the above and a whole lot more. Some balk at the expense of the PI... but how much is your marriage worth to you? A good divorce attorney can provide you names of good PIs. You've already consulted with an attorney so call them and ask them their recommendations for a good PI.

Hit the gym, eat clean, and avoid alcohol. BTW drop the weed --she can use your marijuana use against you in any future divorce proceedings, it may be legal in your state but it can affect child custody, just like alcohol use can affect child custody. I know you said you've quit cold turkey, keep it up. Marijuana usually stays detectable in common urinalysis tests up to 30 days past last day of use. Drop it, and wait 30 days... then go to a lab and get a lab test. You may want to start documenting a history of clean lab tests,,, Don't tell your wife you're doing this... if she still partakes occasionally you can flip it around and use it on her if you divorce. Protect yourself. You don't want some judge in the future ordering that you only get supervised visitation with your daughter because you failed a drug test that he ordered you to take in court. I've seen that more times than I can count.

Good luck, this does indeed suck but keep taking action, don't do the pick me dance and don't be a doormat. Find your anger and direct it towards getting out of infidelity. Keep us updated... you have an invaluable resource here. Like Hellfire wrote not let your WW know you are visiting this site, much less posting on this site.

posts: 76   ·   registered: Jun. 29th, 2023
id 8831949

OhItsYou ( member #84125) posted at 4:52 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Do exactly what Hellfire has told you.

Exposure is the single greatest weapon you have right now.

posts: 181   ·   registered: Nov. 10th, 2023   ·   location: Texas
id 8831951

 newbeginnings1985 (original poster new member #84681) posted at 5:43 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

I appreciate everyone’s advice and comments here. I’ve spoken with the best lawyer I could find and feel better that I am prepared.

I’ve laid down very clearly what our options are in a very calm matter and made sure that everything was crystal clear. I’m sure some will agree and some will disagree but while I do agree that my situation isn’t unique, there was a comment that was correct that it’s that I/this account situation is.

I told her that our options are

1) You can continue with your affair or take time figuring out if you want your affair, but I’m not here for it and have prepared myself to act immediately. A zero tolerance front on that part and was crystal clear. I told her that this option ends in divorce and that there is no waiting period what so ever on this.

I have prepared myself emotionally for this outcome as best I can, but know that there is absolutely no value in wasting my life with someone that isn’t on the same page at this ask.

2) We try to amend our marriage. We work to grow and we work towards earning back trust and respect. This ends in lots of work and effort on everyone’s front to grow as people and grow together. I said it involved transparency, assurances through actions by her, individual counseling for her, me and marriage counseling for us. I told her this step involved us working through differences and that’s when we point out how we can improve. But those differences have absolutely nothing to do with #1. I told her I am not to blame for #1 what so ever and that my shortcomings and hers are for counseling and our next chapter, nothing at all to do with her infidelity.

3) She decides she doesn’t know if we can try again, if she doesn’t want to try, or our marriage isn’t what it was and we’re done. I told her this results in divorce and that’s ok.

After telling her these paths I iterated how clear it was that #1 has absolutely no overlap with the other two. If she wants to do that, do it but we’re done, immediately. I also told her #1 and #3 have zero waiting period. #2 will be long I’m sure, but the other two aren’t for me to respect her time to think. I said this because I didn’t want #3 to be an excuse for #1 cause fool me once. #3 comes out in the wash after I know she’s cared enough to reconcile and it’ll be mutual or more understanding at least.

Me telling the guys wife will be a decision I make in two days, two weeks who knows, but now my focus is on these options, not on the wife’s feelings, his marriage or a way to scare my wife into ending the affair. I hear you all on what she needs to hear, but that’s one of the next battles. She’ll end it if that’s what she wants and I’ll find out if she’s not. I work as a software engineer/developer, built our home network, control the account for our phones, I mean I literally spend my work writing layers on top of phone’s OS so let’s just say I’ll be ok on the front of finding out if she’s still in communications. I’ve also found out who he is without her telling me.

Divorce would hurt me I’m sure but despite anything I’ve always had respect for myself to end something that I know isn't truly going to work. I may be a mender, be patient and care to fix things, but I’m not an option especially for this. If my OP made it seem I’m ok with this lingering pick-me dance or that I’m ok being disrespected, I’m not. I hope that I can express himself to a supportive group of strangers that may have similar experiences days after basically the most traumatic event of their lives and not have that summarize my propensity to be weak, a doormat, or naive. She knows I am the most efficient person there is for taking action for things I mean and she without a doubt knew that I mean what I told her.

This is my update I have so far. I appreciate you all.

posts: 21   ·   registered: Apr. 3rd, 2024
id 8831959

crazycatlady ( member #12849) posted at 6:06 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

The reason you need to tell his wife is to give her the same opportunity as you to fix or end her marriage. This is the fairest thing you can do. She deserves to know and act upon that discovery. An extra benefit is the end of the fantasy for your wife. The ugliness of the affair will be laid bare. Please tell the other betrayed spouse asap but don’t let your wife know. From my personal experience it was the best thing I ever did in this god awful situation.
Good luck.

Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.William Shakespeare "All's Well That Ends Well"D-Day: Nov 30, 2006"For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black as hell, as dark as night." William Shakespeare

posts: 1866   ·   registered: Dec. 4th, 2006   ·   location: Etherville
id 8831961

1994 ( member #82615) posted at 6:11 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

You seem to be in the right head space for this. One thing I would suggest you add to your options is that option 2 requires that she submit to a polygraph. If she has been in this relationship since January, you can pretty much bet it's gone physical. She has already proven being comfortable with lying and has no remorse about it. Adults don't jump to "I love you" without some kind of physical element. It just seems off.

posts: 205   ·   registered: Dec. 25th, 2022   ·   location: USA
id 8831962

Tanner ( Guide #72235) posted at 6:44 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Welcome to SI, I’m sorry you have had to find us. She is blame shifting and fence sitting. She wants you to wait while she decides what to do. Read the topics pinned above in this forum and the healing library on the main page. You need to study and implement the 180, knock her off the fence and remove your support for her. Also you must tell his Wife, A’s flourish in darkness, you must expose it. Best wishes to you

Dday Sept 7 2019 doing well in R BH M 32 years

posts: 3568   ·   registered: Dec. 5th, 2019   ·   location: Texas DFW
id 8831966

HellFire ( member #59305) posted at 6:46 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

I work as a software engineer/developer, built our home network, control the account for our phones, I mean I literally spend my work writing layers on top of phone’s OS so let’s just say I’ll be ok on the front of finding out if she’s still in

Unless she gets a burner phone.

You telling his wife isn't put of revenge, or to force your wife to have no options. It's the right,moral thing to do. It is the quickest way to get your wife to see the affair for what it really is.

But you are what you did
And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive
The smallest man who ever lived..

posts: 6810   ·   registered: Jun. 20th, 2017   ·   location: The Midwest
id 8831967

OhItsYou ( member #84125) posted at 10:18 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

The single greatest mistake seen here over the course of decades has been to either not tell the other spouse or delay it for the future. Just about every success story, ( and by that I mean success in you getting yourself out of this pain and uncertainty and having a clear path before you) has been immediate exposure.

posts: 181   ·   registered: Nov. 10th, 2023   ·   location: Texas
id 8832000

Greto ( member #80904) posted at 10:41 PM on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Sorry you find yourself here. I agree, tell your wife she needs to do a polygraph, I don't think you have the full story.

I may be a pessimist mostly due to this site but when you say this:

I hope that I can express himself to a supportive group of strangers that may have similar experiences days after basically the most traumatic event of their lives and not have that summarize my propensity to be weak, a doormat, or naive.

I will tell you to please take only what you need from the replies. Many people replying are sitting so much in their own pain and only see things from their POV. Every person IS different and every situation IS different, no two stories are the same. Similar experiences, similar pains, similar situations, and so on but not exactly the same. So take what you need and forget the rest.

I wish you the best and I hope for your sake and your marriage, your wife is able to meet your option 2.

Also, if you do not tell the other wife of her husbands infidelity, everyone here will keep telling you too and they will come really hard at you for not disclosing it.

[This message edited by Greto at 10:42 PM, Wednesday, April 3rd]

posts: 115   ·   registered: Sep. 9th, 2022   ·   location: Sandusky, Ohio
id 8832003
Topic is Sleeping.
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