Topic is Sleeping.
BOAZ367 (original poster member #82836) posted at 9:31 PM on Monday, July 31st, 2023
SacredSoul33 ( member #83038) posted at 10:18 PM on Monday, July 31st, 2023
A threadjack is when someone comments on a subject that's unrelated to the original topic.
For instance, the original post could be something like "How to groom a poodle"
Someone else responds and gives tips on grooming poodles and includes information on how to brush a dog's teeth.
The threadjacker then comes along and comments something like "That reminds me, I went to the dentist today and I have five cavities." That comment has nothing to do with grooming a poodle. That's a threadjack.
[This message edited by SacredSoul33 at 10:19 PM, Monday, July 31st]
Gasping for air while volunteering to give others CPR is not heroic.
Your nervous system will always choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven.
Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 1:36 AM on Tuesday, August 1st, 2023
Disney or Universal? Which theme-park should I go to?
This is a threadjack to the original question.
"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus
Tred ( member #34086) posted at 8:23 PM on Friday, August 18th, 2023
Unless the person responding totally off topic is named Tred, then it's a tredjack. I'd say Disney Bigger.
Married: 27 years (14 @JFO) D-Day: 11/09/11"Ohhhhh...shut up Tred!" - NOT the official SI motto (DS)
Tanner ( Guide #72235) posted at 4:55 AM on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023
Disney and Universal are too damn expensive for a family of 4. I say neither
End T/J
Dday Sept 7 2019 doing well in R BH M 32 years
BraveSirRobin ( member #69242) posted at 9:31 PM on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023
Wi not trei a holiday in Sweeden this yer ?
See the loveli lakes
The wonderful telephone system
And mani interesting furry animals
Including the majestic moose
A moose once bit my sister...
leafields ( Guide #63517) posted at 6:16 AM on Friday, August 25th, 2023
t/j BSR, that is epic!
End t/j
BW M 34years, Dday 1: March 2018, Dday 2: August 2019, D final 2/25/21
BraveSirRobin ( member #69242) posted at 3:19 AM on Saturday, August 26th, 2023
I was relying on finding at least one other Python fan here to avoid appearing totally insane. (For those who aren't aware, that quote was a series of random observations injected into the credits of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," the film that inspired my username. A threadjack far ahead of its time!)
Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 11:23 PM on Monday, August 28th, 2023
T/J BSR - when I realized the Python connection my mind went like the machine that goes "bing!"
"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus
DragnHeart ( member #32122) posted at 5:37 PM on Tuesday, August 29th, 2023
I was relying on finding at least one other Python fan here to avoid appearing totally insane.
Well.....I'm a python fan but...a totally different type of python. One that makes me WAY more insane than 90% of the other members here lmao 🤣
Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.
Tred ( member #34086) posted at 4:52 AM on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023
My notification sound on my phone is "Message for you Sir" with the thunk sound. Ralph the Wonder Llama was awesome.
Married: 27 years (14 @JFO) D-Day: 11/09/11"Ohhhhh...shut up Tred!" - NOT the official SI motto (DS)
Topic is Sleeping.