Oh, girl! I feel for you here.
I have just undergone everything you are going through right now. Except that my marriage was about 10 years longer than yours.
I promise you, there is light at the end of the tunnel—I can finally see it for myself now!!! (Pssst: I am going to tell you a secret that you are probably not ready for, however…
…I will tell you that women our age, yes… that "yucky age of mid 40s" who are able to commit and be faithful are ALL THE RAGE right now. You don’t have to believe me,
and I promise to help you to see this through until you are strong enough to see it for yourself…but it is true.
Right now, I am not anywhere near ready for an actual relationship, but I am sure AF enjoying the attention I am receiving.
All in good time. Better things are on the horizon for you. Believe that. Just 5 short months ago, I felt exactly the same way that you do now, but if you get hit by a bus in the near future, you may miss out on the best days of your life!
Right now, YOU NEED to focus on your physical self and mental health. Take Imodium for the diarrhea—which you inevitably have. Avoid melatonin as it will actually disturb your natural sleep patterns and cause MORE diarrhea. DO NOT HESITATE TO SEE YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR for anxiety/ sleep aids. They can give you something mild to help you sleep for a minute in these early days and they HAVE seen this before…You can also take a Benadryl OR NyQuil (not both!!) before bed. Those were my perma-buddies for a while there. Eat small snacks, even though your aren’t hungry at all. Buy yourself a noise machine…or get some sleep apps that help you relax and ignore your thoughts for a while. If you are having horrible mind movies…which you likely are, keep yourself in the moment: What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? (Name things in your mind.)
Truthfully, I think in the long run you’ll be in much better shape that me…You’ve got a head start on healing since your ex isn’t pressuring you to R. Having no contact already is a WIN! Sorry…I am late to the game as I was referred here by a friend over at TAM…I didn’t notice your D-day, but judging by your current state, I would bet it was pretty recent. (2 months?). At any rate, I have been in your shoes and I can tell you, the view is actually pretty amazing from this side.
I told my mother that I was "having an argument with God", so I didn’t want to attend church with the rest of the family at Christmas (in the church where I was MARRIED!
). She made an excellent point however: "Maybe God knew this was the only way to make your life better." I now think this is true. My STBCXH (soon to be cheating ex husband) was controlling throughout our entire marriage, and even though I THOUGHT I was mostly "happy", it turns out I was merely content in our marriage—which is nowhere near the same thing. I compromised and allowed him to squash my whole personality into a box for so long that I had truly forgotten who I was. My life had become one of servitude as wife, mother, and professional. When our 2 grown children had both flown the coop, we had empty nest syndrome. Then my ex cheated on me a year afterward the last one left and I—like you—found this unforgivable. So, all I had left was my profession. Thank goodness for my job! I didn’t feel like I was giving 100%, but I did throw all of myself into my work—which helped keep me sane for a while there. (Find yourself a project or if you work, try to do the same.)
My next piece of advice (since others have already recommended IC) is DEFINITELY talk to some people to whom you are close. Folks who have your back no matter what. The sooner you do this, the better off you’ll be. Hindsight being 20/20, this is one of the things I would change for myself. I kept my pain a secret for too long…bottling it up only hurt me more in the long run, because I felt like I was dealing with this alone and it began to disintegrate my soul, but I promise you, you have good people in your corner. You have probably neglected some friendships, as I did, but you would be surprised how easily those can be rekindled and the support that you really need can be quickly reconstructed. If you have any friends who have EVER gone through divorce or infidelity recovery, THOSE are the folks who will know what you are going through and what stage(s) of grief you are in (These stages will cycle and repeat, unfortunately!) They are also the same people who will drop everything to rescue you from a bad moment or too much time alone in these early days. You do NEED to get out. Do things you have enjoyed in the past….It will feel like "forced fun" in the beginning (because it is!), but things will get easier…just not as soon as you would like. I sure AF wish there was a fast forward button, but the only way I have found forward is through. (I made myself a "healing" playlist…full of cheating songs, love songs, angry songs, sad songs…anything to help me cry it out…which you are probably already doing quite a bit of and may actually be a suggestion for later on down the road…but it works for me because I am a very musically connected person, and I still add to it when I hear something that fits. Just yesterday I added Randy Travis’s "On the Other Hand". I listen to these to help me desensitize a little and NOT turn into a blubbering mess in public, at the drop of a hat….which did still happen a few times.
I am CERTAIN that I have a helluva lot more healing to do, however, I am well on my way.
I have 2 (3?) suggestions for you. 1. Order the following books that helped me tremendously, and read them in this order: Cheating in a Nutshell by Wayne and Tamara Mitchell, and The Journey from Abandonment to Heaing by Susan Anderson, and The Divorce Recovery Workbook by Mark S. Rye and Crystal Dea Moore (real book copy for this one, so you csn write in it).
While you wait on them, make a list of people who you can talk to and actually reach out to them, make a list of things you used to enjoy but haven’t done in a long time, and make a list of things of pros and cons concerning your ex. You may be surprised at how little you actually wanted him in your life, but just didn’t realize it until you see it in black and white. (I knew what my pros and cons were…so I delayed this one because I knew what the outcome would be. I only attempted reconciliation for about a month and a half…for HIS SAKE/-like I live my entire marriage
. For him.
Well, no more, sister!! The future is for you and me. We WILL grow stronger from this and we WILL be happy. Some very sturdy and also VERY beautiful things can grow, bloom, and thrive from a pile of shit.
Also while you wait, since all of us who have been there know that you have a little extra time to read…head on over to Talk About Marriage. Look up my infidelity thread. (Husband Confessed, Unbelievable ONS) You’ll likely find some parallels that will also help you feel less alone. We have all walked this road, and though our paths APPEAR different, the broad strokes of our journeys are generally the same for all of us, I have found.
I wish you restful sleep, my sister.