This will be no consolation, but you did everything that you possibly could in the circumstances. For some people, infidelity is a deal-breaker, and something that they just cannot handle.
Only time will tell if that is the case with your husband, but right now the only thing you should be doing is going to bed, keeping yourself hydrated, and making sure that you eat something on a regular basis, even if it is only a little.
Right now, I am sure it feels like the end of the world. Please be assured that it is not.
Many, many people have walked down the same road, and their stories prove that whatever the future brings, you, your husband, and your daughter are going to be alright.
If a permanent change is coming into your lives, all three of you will handle it better than you believe is possible right now. Pain and anger subside; new ways of living get established.
Families do break up, but that does not mean that individuals cannot just survive, but thrive.
What if the affair had never happened, but your husband passed away unexpectedly? Car crash, or whatever. Would you and your daughter have no lives left? Of course not. You would make it work. That is what people do. That is what you will do now.
And the way you will do it is one day at a time.
You are intelligent, you love your daughter, you know about life, and because of that, you will prevail. And so will she.
I know it will not feel like that right now, but I know that you will get through this and do everything you can to make the future as good as it can be. If you think about it, that is all that any of us do.
If this does turn out to be the end of your marriage, it is a change of life, not the end of it. I hope you can absorb that.
Life goes on, LD. The future holds many good things for you, your daughter, and your husband.
One day you may be standing at a graduation ceremony, watching your daughter toss her mortar-board in the air, feeling as proud as proud can be. And your daughter is going to love you in the way that we all love our mothers.
Will she accept that you were not perfect? I am sure she will, because she will be aware of her own imperfections and decisions that did not work out the way she planned.
Will she love you? Of course she will. Will you have good and unforgettable times with her? Of course you will.
Life may change, but you, your daughter, and your husband are going to be alright, LD.
[This message edited by M1965 at 10:41 AM, August 3rd (Saturday)]