Newest Member: MysticSun1425


Don't do as I did. Do as I say.
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No trust/No love

I haven't posted here for a very long time, although I read here every day. My BS and I had a conversation about an affair I had many years ago. During the conversation, my BS said, "When there's no trust, there's no love." I believe him. He doesn't trust me because I lied to him for decades about the affair and interactions I've had with men over the years. We live together and are still married, but my cover-up of the terrible choices I made has made him feel as though I think of him as a eunuch.

I know that my choices make life very sad for him. He's never talked to anyone about it except our daughter and me. I went to three different councilors with very poor results.

I'm hoping that writing here and interacting with others on this site will help me.

97 comments posted: Tuesday, August 15th, 2023

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